GOP operatives discussed need to message "voter fraud"


Gold Member
Sep 23, 2013

"Do we need to start messaging 'widespread reports of election fraud' so we are positively set up for the recount regardless of the final number? I obviously think we should," wrote Steve Baas, a senior vice president with the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, to a group of conservative operatives on April 6, 2011, a day after the Prosser-Kloppenburg contest.

"Yes. Anything fishy should be highlighted," wrote former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen, a Republican. "Stories should be solicited by talk show hosts."

Before the election even happens...the GOP starts sending messages and fake news stories out to conservative radio host about supposed "voter fraud" that doesn't exist all to gain political points about doing a recount or ginning up their base.
Voter fraud exists, to deny it is quite descriptive of those who want to do nothing against the blatant abuse of democratic elections.
Voter fraud should be a Federal Crime as felony and carry a 10 years minimum sentence. I am quite sure Democrat Congressmen would oppose it vehemently.
Show me where they stated fake news stories. They didn't.

They literally have radio host interview people who "saw something fishy" and "had a hunch" and other nonsense crap that has no real factual bearing. It's not about being correct, it's just about giving the impression that something's there.
Democrats use fraud or try to in every election. It's part of who they are.
Democrats use fraud or try to in every election. It's part of who they are.

The above post is typical of losers who make excuses-- they exclaim, "the fix is in" as means to justify their own failure.

The GOP fringe base and Alt Right took control of primaries and nominated a man who is not qualified to serve as POTUS. FACT. Period. Duh.

Most of the country sees this. It's shame they do not.

But "the fix is in" won't work. D Trump will fail. And the Trump brand will be synonymous with LOSER.
Nope, no voter fraud. Actually, yes, yes there is.So much so the results of this election were overturned and a new election was held.
P-D investigation reveals multiple problems with absentee voting
Absentee voting under way in special election ordered amid allegations of fraud
Non-citizens are on the voter rolls
Guy Benson - Oh My: Audit Finds Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud in North Carolina

I can give you plenty more, but something tells me you will deny, deny, deny.
Unlike you I don't want my vote invalidated by some slime ball.

Show me where they stated fake news stories. They didn't.

They literally have radio host interview people who "saw something fishy" and "had a hunch" and other nonsense crap that has no real factual bearing. It's not about being correct, it's just about giving the impression that something's there.

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