GOP refuses to take responsibility for anything from 2001 to 2008 yet want to run the country? Why?

Republicans refuse to take responsibility for anything from 2001 to 2008. Yet, they want to run the country? They said they were stopped from doing anything from 2001 to 2008 and yet, they used reconciliation three times! The passed the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts. They invaded Iraq. Cut taxes for corporations

So why do they want that responsibility all over again after such failure?.

Oh please. You want to talk about not taking responsibility, find me one liberal that will blame DumBama for anything.

When problems arise, it's Democrats that go back to Bush, back to Reagan, even back to Nixon for todays' problems. It's never Obama's fault, noooooo.

When there are signs of hope, of course Obama is to get credit: credit for lower fuel prices even though he's fought to keep them higher. Credit for a better economy due to lower fuel prices that put money in the pockets of most Americans. Credit for killing Bin Laden even though the process was in the making since Bush's first term. Credit for a lower deficit even though spending is the job of the Republican Congress and not the President. Credit for job creation even though Obama was responsible for higher corporate taxes and higher taxes on the so-called wealthy, this is not to mention the crippling effects of Obama Care on our job creators.
We've had almost eight years of Barry "Choom Gang" Obama's leading from behind, R-Derp and you're STILL trying to blame Bush? How pathetic are you?
Your thread title brings tears to my eyes I'm laughing so hard....

Bush simply followed Republican ideology. He did his job. The fault is the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP for being a failed party. They are like Midas, only everything they touch turns to shit. Even USMB Republicans can't name a single thing their party did that was good for the majority of Americans. And I've asked many times.
Everything was fine until the democrats took over in 2007. Then the shit hit the fan.
You mean when the president had veto power? Dumfuck.
Yeah that was a problem with Bush, he tried to get along with democrats.
Your thread title brings tears to my eyes I'm laughing so hard....

Bush simply followed Republican ideology. He did his job. The fault is the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP for being a failed party. They are like Midas, only everything they touch turns to shit. Even USMB Republicans can't name a single thing their party did that was good for the majority of Americans. And I've asked many times.
Everything was fine until the democrats took over in 2007. Then the shit hit the fan.
The decline started with all the lies from Barney Frank (Fife)
Barney Frank, one old gay congressman stronger than the entire Gop all by himself. Guess you're saying the Gop are a bunch of weak pussies.
In 2006 Frank said there was no problem with the housing market. He was wrong.
Your thread title brings tears to my eyes I'm laughing so hard....

Bush simply followed Republican ideology. He did his job. The fault is the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP for being a failed party. They are like Midas, only everything they touch turns to shit. Even USMB Republicans can't name a single thing their party did that was good for the majority of Americans. And I've asked many times.
Everything was fine until the democrats took over in 2007. Then the shit hit the fan.
The decline started with all the lies from Barney Frank (Fife)
Barney Frank, one old gay congressman stronger than the entire Gop all by himself. Guess you're saying the Gop are a bunch of weak pussies.
We aren't talking about Obama, you know the only president ever to be called a pussy on national TV.

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