GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn Calls Women 'Earthen Vessels' in Bonkers Anti-Abortion Rant on House Floor

They couldn't inherit.. Unless they had a son they had no rights at all.. They were left to poverty and gleaning from the fields like Naiomi and Ruth.

And? That was commonplace then. Women couldn't be citizens in Greece and they weren't Christian. There are numerous verses in the bible that speak to how men should respect their women and their wives.

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself."

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Well, we have to agree that Christianity and morality align. If you don't agree with that premise, then we will have no agreement. Just a few things...

School choice - Allowing parents who pay taxes for public schools to get a tax benefit if they choose to pay to send their children to private schools, which tend to have more structure, better academics and discipline than public
Not allowing transgenders to use the opposite sex restrooms.
Supporting Religious freedom - not forcing religious-based organizations health care plans to supply birth control or pay for abortions.
Defeating ISIS - Yeah, they are immoral in my book
Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act
He appointed many evangelical Christians to influential positions...quite the opposite of Obama
Thanks for answering. Mainly social issues upon which people would disagree the Trump view is moral. ... and the dems killed a lot of terrorists too.
1. Numbers 5:11-31. LOL thinking trump is anti-abortion. His "stance" is for transactional purposes only. But you are both gullible and delusional.
2. School choice isnt in the bible
3. Interesting you want to take a piss next to a man in a dress.

Doesn't matter if he is anti-abortion or not. The point is that he supports the policy.

I didn't say it was in the bible. What I said was that Trump was more accommodating for those of us that choose to send our children to schools where morality is taught and not condemned.

Better than my wife being in the restroom while a guy whips it out. Hard to argue that that nonsense is moral, but liberals have some pretty funny ideas. I mean, is it really right and good that we support biological men to go into biological female locker rooms just because they *think* they are a woman?
Thanks for answering. Mainly social issues upon which people would disagree the Trump view is moral. ... and the dems killed a lot of terrorists too.

As I said, I view Christianity as moral. For the non-religious, morality seems to mean anything and everything goes because we can't hurt someone's feelings. I am not sure how it can be argued that that is a good approach for a functional, orderly society.
As I said, I view Christianity as moral. For the non-religious, morality seems to mean anything and everything goes because we can't hurt someone's feelings. I am not sure how it can be argued that that is a good approach for a functional, orderly society.
So you think a thousands year old book should be used as the basis of our government?

I'll assume you think the Earth was created in 6 days because you wont answer the question.
If we can't definitively determine when a fetus becomes a baby, wouldn't it make sense to err on the side of caution, or are you more of a shoot first and ask questions later type of person?

This is not Iran despite your attempt to turn it into a Christian version of Iran. If a fetus cannot survive outside of the womb, it cannot be considered a life. At 24 weeks, the chances begin to improve. While I would urge a woman to have the baby, however that is the woman's choice. Men have no moral righjt to impose their views on women. Also support for a baby must extend beyond the womb. That is why I support Biden's attempt to increase the child tax credit, childcare tax credit and education funding.
Not particularly. I didn't say all Republicans are moral nor are all Democrats immoral, however, the Democratic Party is immoral and supports immoral and amoral behaviour. Trump could be hypocritical in that regard, but at least he supported policies that promote morality. Conversely, Biden could be moral(he isn't) but he supports the immoral policies of the Democratic Party.

You appoint yourself as the arbitrar of what is moral. You are not a god nor can you speak for God.
And? That was commonplace then. Women couldn't be citizens in Greece and they weren't Christian. There are numerous verses in the bible that speak to how men should respect their women and their wives.

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself."

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Jesus spoke out AGAINST gender discrimination and leaving the dispossesed to glean. You only have to look to this board to see "conservatives" who find "welfare" immoral. Christianity was used to defend Jim Crow, and women were, and still are, excluded from being ministers and priests. And in Europe, the holocaust brought Christianity into more disfavor than ever before. So arguing a belief in Christ as the resurrection may not be a path to a moral life. It can be, I'd admit to that. But generally speaking, it's the hubris that trips up "the faithful" who are not really faithful.
Well, we have to agree that Christianity and morality align. If you don't agree with that premise, then we will have no agreement. Just a few things...

School choice - Allowing parents who pay taxes for public schools to get a tax benefit if they choose to pay to send their children to private schools, which tend to have more structure, better academics and discipline than public
Not allowing transgenders to use the opposite sex restrooms.
Supporting Religious freedom - not forcing religious-based organizations health care plans to supply birth control or pay for abortions.
Defeating ISIS - Yeah, they are immoral in my book
Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act
He appointed many evangelical Christians to influential positions...quite the opposite of Obama

We don't agree that Christianity and morality align. The inquisitions were designed to torture people into becoming Christians. The crusades were a attempt to force Christianity on others. Many Christian missionaries went to Africa and forced people to convert to Christianity. There was nothing moral about priests' sexual abuse of children and the church's cover-up.

Being anti-abortion does not make you moral. Support for a child should extend outside of the womb. Yet many supposedly moral anti-abortion people oppose Biden's attempt to increase the child tax credit, the childcare tax credit, and education.

School choice is a political issue not a moral issue.

There is nothing moral or immoral about transgender people.

You have no clue what religious freedom is. It is not a excuse to discriminate. Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God.

The taliban are trying to defeat ISIS. That does not make them moral.

Veteran's accountability act is another political issue not a moral issue. It was passed on a bipartisan vote.

This is not a theocracy.
As I said, I view Christianity as moral. For the non-religious, morality seems to mean anything and everything goes because we can't hurt someone's feelings. I am not sure how it can be argued that that is a good approach for a functional, orderly society.

In other words, you have decided that your POLITICAL positions are moral and anyone who opposes them is not. You use the bible as a political weapon.
He didn't call women "earthen vessels". He was referring to the unborn.
You are the religious bigot. When Republicans use the bible to justify slavery and segregation, that is nothing to be proud of.
You're confused. Democrats defended slavery and segregation. That was a Democrat governor blocking the entrance to the University of Alabama, denying Black kids.

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