GOP Rep Paul Gosar has threatened the life of AOC & maybe also Biden with anime "joke". He needs to be arrested


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

that's unfortunate, to say the least. LOCK HIM UP!

that's unfortunate, to say the least. LOCK HIM UP!
The downside to calling everyone and their dog, a "white supremacist" is that people stop hearing you after awhile. The loss of civility in our politics has hardly been the sole responsibility of Republicans and only a brain dead goober would deny that.

that's unfortunate, to say the least. LOCK HIM UP!
Yes he should be kicked out of the house of representatives. and should be kicked off of twitter.
How/why do these people win elections?
MTG is another crack pot.
That's the question of this period in America's history.

This is a sociological/cultural/anthropological problem. We need to examine the bigger picture.

How can this be happening, and why?
If your entire family voted against you, some, even on their opponents ads, that's a huge red flag.

The GQP considers that a checkered flag.
That's the question of this period in America's history.

This is a sociological/cultural/anthropological problem. We need to examine the bigger picture.

How can this be happening, and why?
Same reason why Trump won, Cortez won twice… Most of you vote for whatever your political party offers and never truly look at third party candidates at least for the House Seats…
Paul Gosar is a lunatic. He is the embodiment of the castrated Republican Party. Just another Trumpist rogue violent loser desperate for attention.
If your entire family voted against you, some, even on their opponents ads, that's a huge red flag.

The GQP considers that a checkered flag.
Standard forensic analysis of this would ask three basic questions:

1. What were/are the conditions that caused this?
2. How were those conditions created?
3. What, if anything, can change those conditions?

I have my own theories, but I'd love to see some outside perspectives. Historians, I guess. We're still in the middle of this. We still have to make it to the other side, somewhat intact.

that's unfortunate, to say the least. LOCK HIM UP!
It was done in jest......

He was just being sarcastic...

And who doesn't like a good anime
His siblings:

"I consider him a traitor to this country. I consider him a traitor to his family," Dave Gosar said. "He doesn't see it. He's disgraced and dishonored himself."

Did you see his sister on with Lawrence last night?
Real popular guy with his family :rolleyes-41:

Another fine example of the Grand Trump Party…
Repubs need to vote the same people as Progs vote for. The same attitudes. You better pay attention to the Media and Entertainers who have threatened harm to Republicans. They even caused attacks on them. If Repubs do not start drawing a line in the sand then they will not be needed anymore. Starting in local elections, there will be hardliners running. Those who do not take shit and will be looked at as leaders who keep their own alive. For you for what you vote for are death. You promote it. This is not keyboard warrior stuff. This is a logical answer to progressive Socialist globalists.
Can you imagine if AOC, or any other Democrat did the same thing to Trump and Gosar? The party would apologize, and the perp would be censured and removed from all committee assignments.

Merrick Garland should move in and arrest the bastard. There are laws against this kind of threat. Where are you Merrick?

And yet again McCarthy says nothing. He wants to be Speaker so bad that he puts up with despicable behavior like this for fear of ruffling any loon feathers. The man is a f'n jellyfish.

Yes he should be kicked out of the house of representatives. and should be kicked off of twitter.
Yeah....and you should be kicked off of USMB and they should take your home and put your kids into foster-homes.
Standard forensic analysis of this would ask three basic questions:

1. What were/are the conditions that caused this?
2. How were those conditions created?
3. What, if anything, can change those conditions?

I have my own theories, but I'd love to see some outside perspectives. Historians, I guess. We're still in the middle of this. We still have to make it to the other side, somewhat intact.
Well, with the typical disclaimer that it's still early, history-wise, and there may be forces we don't yet have the perspective to see, my professional assessment is that it is a latticework of causes and effects—as is everything, I suppose.

- Reagan-era anti-regulation allowed corporate power to blossom, if not explode, leading to ...
- The shrinking middle class causing a greater divide between haves and have-nots;
- The abolition of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, and the rise in partisan, 24-hour media polarized the public;
- The rise of social media increased global exposure and cross-culturalism but also caused users to withdraw from personal contact and emboldened extremists.
- Karl Rove's utterly ruthless, win-at-all-costs electoral strategies;
- The recent filibuster arms race within Congress, meaning neither "side" could get anything done, resulting in the constituency (us) feeling increasingly powerless;
- 9/11, and our responses to it both domestic and international, leading to a significant distrust in the government; and
- Trump. Everything else may have supplied the kindling, but I truly believe that no one but Trump could have lit the match. He is just the right combination of utterly shameless and masterful on the mic, and powered by an astronomical ego, to turn an otherwise fringe right-wing ultra-nationalist movement into the mainstream.

I'm sure there are others that I'll think about on the way into work in the morning, or something, but those will do as a rough list.
Standard forensic analysis of this would ask three basic questions:

1. What were/are the conditions that caused this?
2. How were those conditions created?
3. What, if anything, can change those conditions?

I have my own theories, but I'd love to see some outside perspectives. Historians, I guess. We're still in the middle of this. We still have to make it to the other side, somewhat intact.
Paul's sister, Jennifer called him mentally ill.

Ms. Gosar feels that her brother Paul is declining in mental health. That's pretty obvious.

Again, where is the Secret Service? Why is Twitter repeating the mistake they made with Trump? This guy needs a mental health intervention before someone gets seriously hurt.

Dave Gosar, one of the more outspoken members of the family, said his falling out with his brother began soon after his brother ran for office in 2010 and "revealed to me that he was a birther," promoting the false idea that then-President Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.

Family members decided to speak out in 2017 after Gosar suggested that the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a counterprotester was killed, was a false flag — that the event was actually the product of sympathetic actors seeking to hurt conservative causes.

At Trump's rally before the riot, Gosar tweeted: "Biden should concede. I want his concession on my desk tomorrow morning. Don’t make me come over there."

Trump sure exposed all the crazies, invited them to 'come out'.

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