'GOP Repels Russian Hoard' - Republiecans Thwarted Russian Hack Attempt

If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was decided by the fundamentals and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama).
The fact remains that it was one of those "change" years. And the Clintons are the most repugnant of people in most Americans eyes, sure some still voted for her while holding their nose.
Urban states/areas will always vote for the handout king/queen... and rural areas will always vote for the federal government staying the fuck out of their lives.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama

Lets not get all confused on this, Trump is the handout king.

Promising more tax cuts, more spending, higher minimum wage etc. He ran on any vote grabbing promise that caught his eye...that's why his policies would add so much to deficit.

One exception to that is his positioning on Russia. Electorally he had NOTHING to gain by going pro-Putin, which is what makes it soooo very conspicuous and bizzare.
Buddy, but his "image'' is not the handout king...
Over the last eight years America has become stagnant… So Americans voted for change, not "hope and change" but real change in their eyes.
More people in more states voted for trump... it was a wave that the status quo could not stand up against.

It has not become stagnant. You have to look no further than your work place to see rampantly advancing tech growth and efficiency gains.

On the business cycle end we had to pay for our real estate and finance partying days and that doesn't just get cleared out of the system overnight. There is also the structural slow down as demographics are changing - population is older and baby boomers are retiring in droves since 2008 and people spending more time in school for more advanced jobs.

Meanwhile what we have today is a pretty good situation considering these drags and headwinds. Employment is near full and consistently with that incomes have started to increase. You take a look at major economies around the world and right about none have done as well as us after the global slowdown.

A lot of people have unrealistic expectations cultivated by non-stop hyper-partisan rhetoric(that would make it seem as if employment is getting worse for example), so they believe unrealistic promises feckless blow hard like Trump makes.
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