'GOP Repels Russian Hoard' - Republiecans Thwarted Russian Hack Attempt

So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....and since the Obama CIA, who is the once claiming to have all the evidence, just illegally blew off a subpoena ordering them to come before Congress and tell them what they have so far the CIA's credibility just took a hit.

This story about the Russians trying to hack the US government, the WH, Congress, both parties - even Obama says that happens all the time. There is still no proof Russia hacked anything with the intent of helping Hillary.

Assange says he got all of his info from another source, NOT the Russians, the CIA refuses to officially say what evidence they have, and the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media is the ones leading the charge on declaring 'The Russians did it'.

We can talk about all the theories and possibilities without completely agreeing that it happened.

Now you're disavowing the information in your own OP. That's hilarious:

"Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion."

You've acknowledged that the Russians hacked the DNC, and you don't even realize it.

You talk to him as if he has any concern for consistency.
This paragraph from the article: "But the intruders failed to get past security defenses on the RNC’s computer networks, the officials said. And people close to the investigation said it indicated a less aggressive and much less persistent effort by Russian intelligence to hack the Republican group than the Democratic National Committee. Only a single email account linked to a long-departed RNC staffer was targeted."
Read it again, please. It seems to suggest that the Russians didn't try very hard to hack the Republican group since it was of less interest, not because their defenses were somehow more stringent. I didn't see in the article how many times it took to breach the DNC, but the indication is pretty clear that they were far more dedicated to infiltrating the DNC. Fox is out-foxing you.
It sounds like the Russians probed the GOP's security, found resistance, then moved on to the DNC - they met no resistance, so they set up camp and 'raped and pillaged' the DNC for everything they could.

Well you know nothing about penetration testing... They tapped on the GOP firewall but went full out assault on DNCs....

This makes it very clear that Russia picked a candidate and he is willing to sell out to the war criminal...
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....


Read the OP carefully. The poster is admitting that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.

After 4 days, nobody is caring about this s0n.........:spinner:. Its becoming just another thing to make fun of you bozo's spectacular level of fAiL.

PS.....how you holding up with your embedded bumpy s0n?:popcorn:
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....


Read the OP carefully. The poster is admitting that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.

After 4 days, nobody is caring about this s0n.........:spinner:. Its becoming just another thing to make fun of you bozo's spectacular level of fAiL.

PS.....how you holding up with your embedded bumpy s0n?:popcorn:

I didn't start the thread, Pissypants.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....and since the Obama CIA, who is the once claiming to have all the evidence, just illegally blew off a subpoena ordering them to come before Congress and tell them what they have so far the CIA's credibility just took a hit.

This story about the Russians trying to hack the US government, the WH, Congress, both parties - even Obama says that happens all the time. There is still no proof Russia hacked anything with the intent of helping Hillary.

Assange says he got all of his info from another source, NOT the Russians, the CIA refuses to officially say what evidence they have, and the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media is the ones leading the charge on declaring 'The Russians did it'.

We can talk about all the theories and possibilities without completely agreeing that it happened.

Now you're disavowing the information in your own OP. That's hilarious:

"Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion."

You've acknowledged that the Russians hacked the DNC, and you don't even realize it.

You talk to him as if he has any concern for consistency.

I just want to make sure anyone who reads USMB knows how stupid these people are.
After 4 days, nobody is caring about this s0n.........:spinner:. Its becoming just another thing to make fun of you bozo's spectacular level of fAiL.
PS.....how you holding up with your embedded bumpy s0n?:popcorn:

You keep spinning and popcorn munching.

Meanwhile in the real world all this has real impact and will push Republicans to work with Democrats on checking Trump's pro-Russian moves. Especially when ti comes to his Putin friendly SoS confirmation hearings.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....


Read the OP carefully. The poster is admitting that the DNC was hacked by the Russians.

After 4 days, nobody is caring about this s0n.........:spinner:. Its becoming just another thing to make fun of you bozo's spectacular level of fAiL.

PS.....how you holding up with your embedded bumpy s0n?:popcorn:

I didn't start the thread, Pissypants.

lol.....that bumpy's gotten a bit bigger over the last 6 weeks huh??!!!!:boobies::boobies::bye1:
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.

You give them too much credit, they just hop from one argument of convenience to another.

I'll take intelligence review results over what RNC officials think and say.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.

You give them too much credit, they just hop from one argument of convenience to another.

I'll take intelligence review results over what RNC officials think and say.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

I love how they melt down when they get busted.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was primarily decided by the fundamentals (change candidate wins again) and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama)...but considering just how close it was in battleground states, who knows what woulda-coulda.
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So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.

You give them too much credit, they just hop from one argument of convenience to another.

I'll take intelligence review results over what RNC officials think and say.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

I love how they melt down when they get busted.
:lmao:Funny, the hildabeast and the DNC got hacked by the world over... and they blame conservatives.:lmao:

The RNC did not get hacked and still progressives blame everyone but the incompetency of the hildabeast and the DNC.
Karma is a bitch. Did the Hildabeast and the DNC have a lot to hide? Seems so... They fucking lost, get over it.:itsok:
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was decided by the fundamentals and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama).
The fact remains that it was one of those "change" years. And the Clintons are the most repugnant of people in most Americans eyes, sure some still voted for her while holding their nose.
Urban states/areas will always vote for the handout king/queen... and rural areas will always vote for the federal government staying the fuck out of their lives.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was decided by the fundamentals and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama).
The fact remains that it was one of those "change" years. And the Clintons are the most repugnant of people in most Americans eyes, sure some still voted for her while holding their nose.
Urban states/areas will always vote for the handout king/queen... and rural areas will always vote for the federal government staying the fuck out of their lives.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama

Lets not get all confused on this, Trump is the handout king.

Promising more tax cuts, more spending, higher minimum wage etc. He ran on any vote grabbing promise that caught his eye...that's why his policies would add so much to deficit.

One exception to that is his positioning on Russia. Electorally he had NOTHING to gain by going pro-Putin, which is what makes it soooo very conspicuous and bizzare.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....and since the Obama CIA, who is the once claiming to have all the evidence, just illegally blew off a subpoena ordering them to come before Congress and tell them what they have so far the CIA's credibility just took a hit.

This story about the Russians trying to hack the US government, the WH, Congress, both parties - even Obama says that happens all the time. There is still no proof Russia hacked anything with the intent of helping Hillary.

Assange says he got all of his info from another source, NOT the Russians, the CIA refuses to officially say what evidence they have, and the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media is the ones leading the charge on declaring 'The Russians did it'.

We can talk about all the theories and possibilities without completely agreeing that it happened.

Now you're disavowing the information in your own OP. That's hilarious:

"Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion."

You've acknowledged that the Russians hacked the DNC, and you don't even realize it.
I am debating using the Democrats' argument, not my own. I am debating YOUR claim, not my own. If this is too hard to keep up with, feel free to 'take a knee'.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.

You give them too much credit, they just hop from one argument of convenience to another.

I'll take intelligence review results over what RNC officials think and say.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

I love how they melt down when they get busted.
:lmao:Funny, the hildabeast and the DNC got hacked by the world over... and they blame conservatives.:lmao:

The RNC did not get hacked and still progressives blame everyone but the incompetency of the hildabeast and the DNC.
Karma is a bitch. Did the Hildabeast and the DNC have a lot to hide? Seems so... They fucking lost, get over it.:itsok:

You people for days have been denying that the Russians hacked anyone.

NOW you're admitting it. The joke's on you.
So finally the RWnuts around here are acknowledging that the Russian hacking of the DNC was NOT some made up story.
No, still waiting for DEFINITIVE evidence that it happened....and since the Obama CIA, who is the once claiming to have all the evidence, just illegally blew off a subpoena ordering them to come before Congress and tell them what they have so far the CIA's credibility just took a hit.

This story about the Russians trying to hack the US government, the WH, Congress, both parties - even Obama says that happens all the time. There is still no proof Russia hacked anything with the intent of helping Hillary.

Assange says he got all of his info from another source, NOT the Russians, the CIA refuses to officially say what evidence they have, and the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media is the ones leading the charge on declaring 'The Russians did it'.

We can talk about all the theories and possibilities without completely agreeing that it happened.

Now you're disavowing the information in your own OP. That's hilarious:

"Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion."

You've acknowledged that the Russians hacked the DNC, and you don't even realize it.
I am debating using the Democrats' argument, not my own. I am debating YOUR claim, not my own. If this is too hard to keep up with, feel free to 'take a knee'.

You are saying that your very own source is not credible - do you not get it?
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was decided by the fundamentals and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama).
The fact remains that it was one of those "change" years. And the Clintons are the most repugnant of people in most Americans eyes, sure some still voted for her while holding their nose.
Urban states/areas will always vote for the handout king/queen... and rural areas will always vote for the federal government staying the fuck out of their lives.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama

Lets not get all confused on this, Trump is the handout king.

Promising more tax cuts, more spending, higher minimum wage etc. He ran on any vote grabbing promise that caught his eye...that's why his policies would add so much to deficit.

One exception to that is his positioning on Russia. Electorally he had NOTHING to gain by going pro-Putin, which is what makes it soooo very conspicuous and bizzare.
Buddy, but his "image'' is not the handout king...
Over the last eight years America has become stagnant… So Americans voted for change, not "hope and change" but real change in their eyes.
More people in more states voted for trump... it was a wave that the status quo could not stand up against.
If the incompetent Hildabeast had nothing to hide? Why did the loopy kunt lose?
Guess what?
There is not going to be a Madame president this time around, there will be a Madame president someday and she will be conservative.

Everybody has SOMETHING to hide. In fact I was surprised at how LITTLE dirt there was on Hillary in the emails. For me it confirmed her to be quite ethical by good-ole' politician standards.

We had a small taste of what Trump is like in private with even semi-strangers like Reggie Bush, release of RNC and his handler's emails would probably be much worse than Hillary's. And there-in is the asymmetrical effect of the hacking.

And by the way Pussy Gate was ten times more damaging to Trump than email leaks were to Hillary. This election was decided by the fundamentals and big time ignorance among those that voted for Trump (2/3s of whom think that unemployment went up under Obama).
The fact remains that it was one of those "change" years. And the Clintons are the most repugnant of people in most Americans eyes, sure some still voted for her while holding their nose.
Urban states/areas will always vote for the handout king/queen... and rural areas will always vote for the federal government staying the fuck out of their lives.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama

Lets not get all confused on this, Trump is the handout king.

Promising more tax cuts, more spending, higher minimum wage etc. He ran on any vote grabbing promise that caught his eye...that's why his policies would add so much to deficit.

One exception to that is his positioning on Russia. Electorally he had NOTHING to gain by going pro-Putin, which is what makes it soooo very conspicuous and bizzare.
Buddy, but his "image'' is not the handout king...
Over the last eight years America has become stagnant… So Americans voted for change, not "hope and change" but real change in their eyes.
More people in more states voted for trump... it was a wave that the status quo could not stand up against.

Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. The weird electoral college rearranged that vote to give Trump the presidency.
You are saying that your very own source is not credible - do you not get it?
I am debating the argument put forth by the reporter in the article. I do not have enough evidence to declare the source to be credible or not.

I am discussing / debating the arguments put forth by the reporter and liberals. Do YOU get it?

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