GOP Strategist: Party Needs To Be Less Old, White And Fat

The Republicans just completed a record 800+ legislative seat shellacking of the Dims in the most recent election, and all indications are on for a repeat in '12.

The Republicans are doing just fine, and it is a big tent.

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The Republicans just completed a record 800+ legislative seat shellacking of the Dims in the most recent election, and all indications are on for a repeat in '12.

The Republicans are doing just fine, and it is a big tent.

Write-up today in TPM:

Calling all 50 states the day before the election as Nate Silver did is one thing — predicting President Obama’s winning majority 10 years in advance is hard to top.

But that’s what Ruy Teixeira did. Since 2002, when Democrats were at a low point and sinking lower, Teixeira has consistently argued that long-term demographic trends pointed to brighter days ahead for the party. He and John Judis published a book that year, “The Emerging Democratic Majority,” that envisioned a governing majority in the next decade consisting of three rapidly growing voting blocs — women, minorities, and professionals.

Along with young voters, these three groups are credited with powering Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories. Latinos were critical in contests across the country on Tuesday, especially in Western states like New Mexico (no longer even a swing state), Nevada, and Colorado. African American turnout helped put Obama over the top in states like Ohio. Huge advantages with women helped secure states like Iowa (28% gender gap). And a growing professional class in Virginia and North Carolina — solid red states when Teixeira published his book — put the former in Obama’s camp for a second straight election and kept the latter competitive until the end.

Forget Nate Silver: Meet The Guy Who Called 2012 In 2002 | TPM2012

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