GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The filth-bag IRS is a despicable piece of authoritarian shit that has been used as a political hammer in the past by both parties, and continues to be used as such. It is ultimate power with nearly zero checks on abuse and overreach.

Shut down the IRS, go to a national sales tax, and quit funding the motherfucking world or playing world police, and all will be right in the world.

Well, now we've heard from the slob at the end of the bar. Yay.
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
You've shown no court documents.
Dude, louis herself even ADMITTED it in a few years ago. Carney said obama and his admin wanted a full investigation.
Its all documented. But go ahead and keep looking like a dumb hack sticking with your OPINION piece over documented history
Then you should have linked to it by now. Fake News!
What’s sad is that everyone knew the IRS ‘scandal’ wasn’t a scandal, including Republicans.

But they attempted to perpetuate that lie in the hope it would be perceived as ‘true’ for some perceived partisan gain.
They know that FoxNews watchers are easily lied to.
Lois Lerner is going to be arrested any time now…just wait…
Lois Lerner has requested the transcript be sealed forever! Seems she's worried American citizens would want her dead! Or maybe former first negro needs some cover!
I have been told you are a mulatto, so I don't get why you bash on your brethren.
Nope half white half beaner. NO colored!
That ain't the rumor.
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

That's from LAST MONTH!

That's the Trumpies apologizing on behalf of the Obama administration!

You're so full of shit Harley.
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting
Ok, but where are the Court documents and not the biased story, that you said you believe and relied on to make your decision?
In addition to the IRS non-scandal Republicans have also abandoned the ‘Benghazi’ fake scandal.

And all it took was Republicans winning the WH for these ‘scandals’ to go away.

Truly amazing.
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

That's from LAST MONTH!

That's the Trumpies apologizing on behalf of the Obama administration!

You're so full of shit Harley.
yea, its been out for a month and you are still acting like a dumbfuck... way to point that out :lol:
For gawd sakes man, Louis admitted it YEARS AGO.
How have you not accidently killed yourself yet? Holy shit
Fake scandal was always a fake scandal.

GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last

The fiction served the GOP for years, yet died quietly this month, forsaken and alone.

Oh? Explain this -

Lois Lerner wants IRS testimony sealed forever, fearing death threats

You're upset because she "wants"?

Everybody always wants to keep their testimony secret, in every case. Doesn't mean she's entitled to it. It would be up to a judge, not what she "wants".
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting
Ok, but where are the Court documents and not the biased story, that you said you believe and relied on to make your decision?
biased? so they should have been able to target people? LOL
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

That's from LAST MONTH!

That's the Trumpies apologizing on behalf of the Obama administration!

You're so full of shit Harley.
yea, its been out for a month and you are still acting like a dumbfuck... way to point that out :lol:
For gawd sakes man, Louis admitted it YEARS AGO.
How have you not accidently killed yourself yet? Holy shit
I caught you red-handed trying to pass off your bullshit. Too funny!
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
got a link to these court documents you believe?
Feds Apologize, Will Pay ‘Generous’ Settlement to Tea Party Groups for Illegal Targeting

That's from LAST MONTH!

That's the Trumpies apologizing on behalf of the Obama administration!

You're so full of shit Harley.
yea, its been out for a month and you are still acting like a dumbfuck... way to point that out :lol:
For gawd sakes man, Louis admitted it YEARS AGO.
How have you not accidently killed yourself yet? Holy shit
I caught you red-handed trying to pass off your bullshit. Too funny!
Trump DOJ settles lawsuits over Tea Party targeting by Obama IRS
he Trump administration, after years of litigation, has settled lawsuits with Tea Party and other conservative groups who say they were unfairly targeted by the IRS under the Obama administration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced early Thursday that the Justice Department had entered into settlements with Tea Party groups whose tax-exempt status was significantly delayed by the IRS dating back to 2013, “based solely on their viewpoint or ideology.”

The settlements involve payments to the plaintiffs and an apology from the IRS.

The targeting scandal drew heavy attention in 2013 when the IRS admitted it applied extra scrutiny to conservative groups applying for nonprofit status. Lois Lerner, then head of the Exempt Organizations unit responsible, became the public face of the scandal, though other IRS officials were involved as well.

Sessions said that groups with names involving “Tea Party” or “Patriots,” or those with specific policy positions concerning government spending, were subject to “inappropriate criteria” to “screen” applications
“The IRS’s use of these criteria as a basis for heightened scrutiny was wrong and should never have occurred,” Sessions said in a statement Thursday. “It is improper for the IRS to single out groups for different treatment based on their names or ideological positions.”

The IRS had to prove they werent focusing on it for political reasons. They couldnt disprove it. Thats why the govt had to settle.
You are a moron.
The Feds paid a settlement to conservative groups FFS
One of the settlement agreements includes a piece that says they targeted them for political beliefs.

Trumps DOJ you mean. Partisan hacks.

Here's the Cell's theme song they were promising to put Lois in.

The Feds paid a settlement to conservative groups FFS
One of the settlement agreements includes a piece that says they targeted them for political beliefs.

Trumps DOJ you mean. Partisan hacks.

Here's the Cell's theme song they were promising to put Lois in.

When are they not hacks?
Do you think the court system was part of the conspiracy as well? Even the perps themselves? :lol:
Sorry bedwetter. I will believe court documents over an opinion piece on bloomberg..
You've shown no court documents.
Dude, louis herself even ADMITTED it in a few years ago. Carney said obama and his admin wanted a full investigation.
Its all documented. But go ahead and keep looking like a dumb hack sticking with your OPINION piece over documented history
Admitted what? That she used certain political words in selecting which application to verify?

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