GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.
this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...
Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.
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this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...

Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.

If Republicans sign over all their $#!t if the economy goes under due to them repeatedly doing this same stupid supply side nonsense, I say "COOL!" Go ahead and pass that bill! Cut taxes and give the benefits to the top 1%! The problem is if we have another "W" result, I'm not sure anyone can bring the country back! We have too many treacherous a-holes out there who are willing to allow the country to fail just so they can repeal all kinds of programs they vehemently HATE like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Meals On Wheels, and of course the biggie that drives them insane, "Nat'l Health Care;" better known as "Obamacare!" With all the things done to sabotage the thing, it's still thriving! Trump tried to cut funding for advertisement and shortening the window to enroll! It just got people motivated to do just that; sign up for Obamacare! Republicans always overplay their hands which is why they'll always be losers in the end with a gun pointed at their own fk'n heads! :cool: :oops: :rolleyes:
The Republican tax bill is not ‘reform.’

It’s tax cuts for corporations and the rich.

It’s a tax increase for middle and low-income Americans.

It will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit.

It will not facilitate ‘economic growth.'
this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...

Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.

If Republicans sign over all their $#!t if the economy goes under due to them repeatedly doing this same stupid supply side nonsense, I say "COOL!" Go ahead and pass that bill! Cut taxes and give the benefits to the top 1%! The problem is if we have another "W" result, I'm not sure anyone can bring the country back! We have too many treacherous a-holes out there who are willing to allow the country to fail just so they can repeal all kinds of programs they vehemently HATE like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Meals On Wheels, and of course the biggie that drives them insane, "Nat'l Health Care;" better known as "Obamacare!" With all the things done to sabotage the thing, it's still thriving! Trump tried to cut funding for advertisement and shortening the window to enroll! It just got people motivated to do just that; sign up for Obamacare! Republicans always overplay their hands which is why they'll always be losers in the end with a gun pointed at their own fk'n heads! :cool: :oops: :rolleyes:
The GOP base likes Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

But they don't vote for their own good.

They vote race. They hate gays and blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and others more then they love their own families.
this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...
Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.

If Republicans sign over all their $#!t if the economy goes under due to them repeatedly doing this same stupid supply side nonsense, I say "COOL!" Go ahead and pass that bill! Cut taxes and give the benefits to the top 1%! The problem is if we have another "W" result, I'm not sure anyone can bring the country back! We have too many treacherous a-holes out there who are willing to allow the country to fail just so they can repeal all kinds of programs they vehemently HATE like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Meals On Wheels, and of course the biggie that drives them insane, "Nat'l Health Care;" better known as "Obamacare!" With all the things done to sabotage the thing, it's still thriving! Trump tried to cut funding for advertisement and shortening the window to enroll! It just got people motivated to do just that; sign up for Obamacare! Republicans always overplay their hands which is why they'll always be losers in the end with a gun pointed at their own fk'n heads! :cool: :oops: :rolleyes:
The GOP base likes Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

But they don't vote for their own good.

They vote race. They hate gays and blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and others more then they love their own families.

That's why I call them treacherous; they hate their country enough to allow this charade to go on! Trump just alienated Britain with another stupid Tweet, but his defenders "keep on keeping on!" They just don't see how crazy they look; esp. when they're backtracking on past statements! Lyndsey Graham once thought Trump was crazy, unfit for office, and a danger to our country; now he's saying "people shouldn't be questioning the sanity of the President!" It could just be fear of missiles being launched in the middle of the night because Trump's bored at 2 am with nothing on TV but "bad news!" :cuckoo:
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GOP Tax Cuts for the Rich: What exactly is a deficit "trigger"?

In this case, a NaziCon deficit trigger is a cruel gimmick to cut into Medicare and Social Security when their tax reform lies don't become reality. It's the same ole trickle down bullshit. Ask Kansas how that worked.

Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.

Thank you for admitting you are too stupid to know what a deficit trigger is. It is good for people to acknowledge their shortcomings
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.

Thank you for admitting you are too stupid to know what a deficit trigger is. It is good for people to acknowledge their shortcomings

Obama gave us only debt without growth. It's not very nice to sacrifice the unborn on the altar like that. It's not that difficult to fathom why some democrats prey on under-aged kids.
Spending more than you have is a 'deficit trigger'.

Passing a nearly $1 Trillion failed bill that includes over 7,000 pieces of self/party-serving fraud/waste/abuse pork resulting in America paying approx. $774K for each job created/saved is a 'deficit trigger', immediately generating debt.

Giving a terrorist group or enemy nation millions as a ransom for US hostages....financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, and protecting terrorists worldwide....using tax dollars to pay off the victims of our political sexual predators' sexual misconduct....

America CAN afford a tax cut - allowing Americans to keep more of their own, hard-earned money and still balance the budget and pay down our debt.

The problem is that our 'big gub'ment' and the criminals who run it spend our tax dollars as if they were Monopoly dollars...instead of treating it like it was their own money out of their own pocket. Criminal Fiscal Irresponsibility, corruption, greed, incompetence, fraud, waste, and abuse is rampant within our government. Politicians who say we can not afford a tax cut and that we must raise taxes as the 1st 2 ideas out of their mouths need to immediately be kicked out of Congress.

Don't tell me how 'you' need to raise taxes until 'you' tell me 1st how you are going to eliminate massive pork, illegal / improper use of tax dollars, fraud/waste/abuse, etc.... Address those 1st then let's talk about the possibility of needing tax hikes.

The US just collected the largest amount of tax revenue in this country's history...again. We don't have a 'tax collecting' problem. If you give a politician ALL of the tax revenue collected he is going to find a way to spend ALL of it. Remember how we were taught the 1st thing you should do when you get money is to put some aside? Congress not only spends every dime it also spends more than we have. In the real world this is called 'bouncing a check', and you can go to jail for continuously doing it. Congress / the Govt gets to do it a lthe 'SOP'.

Why has fiscal insanity and piss-poor practices replaced common sense and fiscally responsible practices? Why has this been ALLOWED to continue?
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Corker is setting up a little "test" to counter the bullshit lie that most republicans have used under Reagan and Bush.........Reagan had to RAISE taxes back up after his trickle down did NOT work.
this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...
Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.
i would bet you that most people around here would put you at the top of the toxic waste pile....and im sure you would want me out of here,one less person here calling you on your racism and your dishonest bullshit you through up....but then you always have been a pussy....
this is a "deficit trigger" dean.....maybe you should give it a shot...

Many Trump voters will feel the way the guy in the picture does. Once they figure out what they voted into office.
But seriously, perhaps, you should follow your own advice? We both know it would make the world a better place getting rid of toxic waste. And there is no waste more toxic than you. So fire away. Far away from here.

If Republicans sign over all their $#!t if the economy goes under due to them repeatedly doing this same stupid supply side nonsense, I say "COOL!" Go ahead and pass that bill! Cut taxes and give the benefits to the top 1%! The problem is if we have another "W" result, I'm not sure anyone can bring the country back! We have too many treacherous a-holes out there who are willing to allow the country to fail just so they can repeal all kinds of programs they vehemently HATE like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Meals On Wheels, and of course the biggie that drives them insane, "Nat'l Health Care;" better known as "Obamacare!" With all the things done to sabotage the thing, it's still thriving! Trump tried to cut funding for advertisement and shortening the window to enroll! It just got people motivated to do just that; sign up for Obamacare! Republicans always overplay their hands which is why they'll always be losers in the end with a gun pointed at their own fk'n heads! :cool: :oops: :rolleyes:
The GOP base likes Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

But they don't vote for their own good.

They vote race. They hate gays and blacks and Hispanics and Muslims and others more then they love their own families.
says the dipshit who mentions skin color more than steve magarett does...
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.
Obama's not president. It's been a year. Trump is on his own.
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.

Thank you for admitting you are too stupid to know what a deficit trigger is. It is good for people to acknowledge their shortcomings

Obama gave us only debt without growth. It's not very nice to sacrifice the unborn on the altar like that. It's not that difficult to fathom why some democrats prey on under-aged kids.
The national abortion rate is 14%.

In Appalachia, which covers 13 Republican states, the infant mortality rate has risen to 16% and life expectancy has dropped 2.5 years.

The GOP doesn't give a sh!t about the born. So of course they don't give a double sh!t about the fetus.

It's just an issue they use to trick the tards in the GOP to vote Republican. How come you guys can't seem to figure that out?

Oh, it's the tard thing. My bad.
Republicans, as usual, are promising that with these tax cuts for the rich and if you raise taxes on the middle class and poor and if you cut education and healthcare, more people will be hired and wages will go up.

So Senator Bob Corker is saying that in that case, if people aren't hired and wages don't go up and the economy doesn't improve, then the tax cuts should be rescinded. That's the "Deficit Trigger".

Suddenly, Republicans are freaking out.

If Republicans are so sure of all this new wealth and new prosperity by moving taxes to the middle class and the poor, then why no "Deficit Trigger"?

Unless, it's another GOP scam like the Bush Tax Cuts or Iraq. Just mirrors, lies, and smoke.

If only mirrors, smoke and lies was all the GOP gave us then it would merely be awful. But they always have to add in racism, hate, violence and suppression.

Deficit trigger?

Ask Obama, he's the MASTER of deficits.

Sorry that someone who has a clue (TRUMP) is in charge now. If you don't like it you can always check out Venezuela. All the good things that you socialists love, even cannibalism, can be found there.

Thank you for admitting you are too stupid to know what a deficit trigger is. It is good for people to acknowledge their shortcomings

Obama gave us only debt without growth. It's not very nice to sacrifice the unborn on the altar like that. It's not that difficult to fathom why some democrats prey on under-aged kids.
What is it you think you get by lying? Do you believe your own BS?

Bush and the GOP were swept into office and started off with positive GDP handed Obama negative GDP.

Obama took that negative GDP and first went up to zero and then above 3%. That's like more than a 10% turnaround. What you nitwits want to do is start from Zero, when where you start is from where Obama was signed into office.


It's the same with jobs. Obama had to make up all the jobs lost by Bush and the GOP and then add more jobs. That's why he added so many and we still have 6.2 million unfilled jobs that Republicans simply are not qualified for and will never be qualified for.

U.S. job openings hit record high, nearly 6.2 million


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