GOP the "lead" story on Telemundo



Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!
What's funny is Hispanic are generally fiscal conservatives and socially liberal. And the that "socially liberal" side trends to the right.

This would be an easy group for them to pick up.


Hispanics will probably vote over 90% Democrats.

Where's that famous sense of Democrat forgiveness and compassion?

“I will never submit to fight beneath that banner with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." -- Robert Byrd (D-WV) Senate Majority Leader
I don't know why people are attacking him for it.

Everything he said is 100% accurate.

Do you hate accuracy? :eusa_eh:
I don't know why people are attacking him for it.

Everything he said is 100% accurate.

Do you hate accuracy? :eusa_eh:


I guess if you squint and turn your head funny, they do look like cantaloupes.


There they go. Course, the kid probably has only about thirty pounds of pot. He has a ways to go before his cantaloupes "ripen".

I don't know why people are attacking him for it.

Everything he said is 100% accurate.

Do you hate accuracy? :eusa_eh:

I guess if you squint and turn your head funny, they do look like cantaloupes

That's some hardcore spin.

He was sensationalizing obviously, but his underlying point about illegals is accurate. It sounds to me like you're whining about a redundant and sensationalizing comment who's purpose was to drive the point home.

Regardless how you try to spin it, he's right.

I don't know what Telemundo you watch - or Univision or Galavision or others - but, while most of the moderators/personalities seem to slightly favor left-wing causes, the reporters tend to look negatively upon Obama and the Democrat agenda.

A recent election in California ended up with a Gringo winning the vast majority of Hispanic votes in a seat previously Dem.
The primary focus for Hispanics is what they can get. What kind of benefits they can get. They will never vote for republicans and will only vote for democrats who promise more and more from the public treasury. Immigration reform is important only in the respect that they can vote themselves increased public benefits.

Hispanics Favor Bigger Role for Government | Pew Research Center

Three-quarters of U.S. Hispanics prefer a big government which provides more services to a small one providing fewer services

Support for a larger government is highest among immigrant Latinos, with 81% holding this view. This share falls to 72% among second-generation Hispanics and 58% among third-generation Hispanics. Read
Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!

Democrats; "Blacks are too poor to be able to afford a voter I.D.!!!!!"

"That's racist to expect them to produce proof of citizenship before voting!!!"
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Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!

Maybe there is some sort of mental quirk in the radical liberal mind where they make up quotes they want to hear and substitute it for the truth. Lately you see it a lot. Maybe it's a sign of desperation. King never said what is quoted in the post. He was making a valid point about drug smuggling when he said "there are another 100 out there with calves the size of cantaloupes". Does the left think all criminals who cross the border illegally are choir boys? It's an absurd and dangerous assumption based on the left's hatred for the United State.
Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!

Maybe there is some sort of mental quirk in the radical liberal mind where they make up quotes they want to hear and substitute it for the truth. Lately you see it a lot. Maybe it's a sign of desperation. King never said what is quoted in the post. He was making a valid point about drug smuggling when he said "there are another 100 out there with calves the size of cantaloupes". Does the left think all criminals who cross the border illegally are choir boys? It's an absurd and dangerous assumption based on the left's hatred for the United State.

Details, details.

The left needs a scapegoat. And thy name is Republican.
The primary focus for Hispanics is what they can get. What kind of benefits they can get. They will never vote for republicans and will only vote for democrats who promise more and more from the public treasury. Immigration reform is important only in the respect that they can vote themselves increased public benefits.

Hispanics Favor Bigger Role for Government | Pew Research Center

Three-quarters of U.S. Hispanics prefer a big government which provides more services to a small one providing fewer services

Support for a larger government is highest among immigrant Latinos, with 81% holding this view. This share falls to 72% among second-generation Hispanics and 58% among third-generation Hispanics. Read

Will you please provide links to this pipe dream bunk!

It's certainly NOT the Hispanics I know and deal with.
Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!

Democrats; "Blacks are too poor to be able to afford a voter I.D.!!!!!"

"That's racist to expect them to produce proof of citizenship before voting!!!"

Actually, in the deep south, many older people, including whites, were born at home by a midwife. They never had a birth certificate. In some cases, no one, not even the midwife could read or write. I thought everyone knew that.

I guess when you perpetrate a "scam", you ignore the facts.
Mexicans have calves the size of cantaloupes because they haul 70 pounds of pot in backpacks across the desert.

Steve King: Most young immigrants have 'calves like cantaloupes' from drug smuggling

Oh these Republicans. Bless their very little hearts. They can't stop for trying. I think Hispanics haven't had this much "fun" since Romney's "brown-face" interview.


And even now, Republicans are following their fine tradition of insulting minorities. Yea, we hate you so vote for us.

You gotta give it to them, at least they're consistent!

Democrats; "Blacks are too poor to be able to afford a voter I.D.!!!!!"

"That's racist to expect them to produce proof of citizenship before voting!!!"

Actually, in the deep south, many older people, including whites, were born at home by a midwife. They never had a birth certificate. In some cases, no one, not even the midwife could read or write. I thought everyone knew that.

I guess when you perpetrate a "scam", you ignore the facts.

What century was that, Dean?

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