GOP Thrilled President Romney will appoint anti abortion Supreme Court Judges



Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?
I thought for sure Republicans would have come up with a few more I didn't mention.
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

You will stop posting?
The Democrats are thrilled Obama will appoint pro choice Supreme Court Judges what's your point?
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

You will stop posting?

Aren't you tired of being "spanked"? You don't know anything except really bad talking points. You've lost the ability to learn. And your favorite color is "butter".
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

You will stop posting?

Aren't you tired of being "spanked"? You don't know anything except really bad talking points. You've lost the ability to learn. And your favorite color is "butter".

I haven't really put the effort into refuting your idiocy lately, you want me to take the time again?
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

If Mitt Romney were to somehow win the 2012 election, then it would be Ann Romney running things for her husband. And in no time thereafter, GOP would have to replace Mitt Romney with Paul Ryan.

The former governor of Massachusetts appears to have problem remembering short-term events: Notice how when Mitt Romney flips and flops he does so very casually, as if unaware he is actually flipping and flopping?

I think the several Mitt Romneys maybe result of memory problem: The ex-governor of Massachusetts maybe sufferer of dementia, a health where sufferer is void of short-term memory.

Pray for Mitt Romney or hope he loses or gets out of race before election 2012; else GOP is in for the most embarrassing phase of its existence. I think Mitt Romney has memory problem that is causing him to have multiple personalities unawares. Something Ann Romney did on stage on night of last 2012 presidential debate leads me to believe she is aware of the memory condition of her husband.
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

You will stop posting?

yeah cuz, as we all know, not only to rw's want to take rights away from Americans, they want to censor their ideas and opinions.
I understand abortion in extreme circumstances like rape and abuse but I don't get how it can be considered acceptable as a form of birth control.
Abortion will never become illegal. The Supreme Court will not overturn Roe V Wade no matter who's appointed. You can take that to the bank.

It's a scare tactic perpetuated by the left.
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

If Mitt Romney were to somehow win the 2012 election, then it would be Ann Romney running things for her husband. And in no time thereafter, GOP would have to replace Mitt Romney with Paul Ryan.

The former governor of Massachusetts appears to have problem remembering short-term events: Notice how when Mitt Romney flips and flops he does so very casually, as if unaware he is actually flipping and flopping?

I think the several Mitt Romneys maybe result of memory problem: The ex-governor of Massachusetts maybe sufferer of dementia, a health where sufferer is void of short-term memory.

Pray for Mitt Romney or hope he loses or gets out of race before election 2012; else GOP is in for the most embarrassing phase of its existence. I think Mitt Romney has memory problem that is causing him to have multiple personalities unawares. Something Ann Romney did on stage on night of last 2012 presidential debate leads me to believe she is aware of the memory condition of her husband.

You're right about Mitt but I wouldn't consider it a "memory" problem. As I've posted before, Mormons are taught to lie to get what they want. They call it "lying for the lord" and its not just acceptable, its a requirement.

Google "lying for the lord" and be prepared to be shocked.

Mitt is now, has always been and will always be a pathological liar.

As for Queen Ann ... Yes, she did say she should speak for her husband and yes, she runs interference for him. But, if Mitt is elected (**shudder**), we should not expect Queen Ann to work for healthier American children or for housing and jobs for our vets as our current First Lady does. Other than state dinners I doubt we would have to put up with Queen Ann much at all.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
Look at all the new things that will happen with over turning R v W:

More girls will commit suicide.

Girls will die from back alley coat hanger abortions.

More unwanted children to abuse.

Tax payers paying for lots of unwanted children.

Lots more children in orphanages.

Wealthy women will leave the country to have their abortion.

Poor women won't be able too.

And best of all? More "cannon fodder" for future Republican wars.

See? I't a "plus plus".

Are there any I missed?

You will stop posting?

yeah cuz, as we all know, not only to rw's want to take rights away from Americans, they want to censor their ideas and opinions.

For the record, the left wing is the one that opposes Citizen's United v FEC.

I know, that's different, but still.
If Roe is overturned and people find that their state bans abortion they can and should use that state's legislature to pass their own laws permitting abortion.
The Deanmeister makes an excellent point with this thread - this is what this fucking election is all about: The United States Supreme Court. All else pales by comparison.

That is why it is so important that we do not allow the wingnuts to gain control. Not now.
The Deanmeister makes an excellent point with this thread - this is what this fucking election is all about: The United States Supreme Court. All else pales by comparison.

That is why it is so important that we do not allow the wingnuts to gain control. Not now.

Tell you what George, why don't you explain why, exactly, overturning Roe would be possible simply because Scalia retires.

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