GOPers party as Isaac threatens Gulf Coast with destruction

The dems are just p*ssed that Isaac left the RNC convention alone. This is going to be the biggest Cat 1 hurricane to ever make landfall. :lol:

Obama will do anything to steal the thunder from Romney. It's a shame all he has is politicizing a storm.

They need to be a little careful, you know hurricanes have been know to make landfall in North Carolina, too.

Should be huge, they are predicting winds of excess of 80 mph.

The is the worst Cat One in the history of mankind.

I predict there will be a lot of hot air and wind next week in N. Carolina.
On Obama's orders, FEMA has been on the ground for a week already.

Of course they have. Obama needs everyone to know he's in charge despite not knowing where to actually send fema a week ago

Yep. I think someone is making crap up.

Obama made the statement this morning. It's just so dumb. A week ago we didn't know if it was going to be a hurricane let alone where it would hit.
Yes, tropical storm Isaac will propel Obama to a win.


You fuckers are insane.

As Isaac grows to hurricane strength and pounds the Gulf coast....Republicans will expound the virtues of cutting funds for hurricane preparedness and disaster relief so that they can preserve tax cuts on the wealthy

Perfect timing
Nah, Jindal has already asked for and received FEMA help.

So now the Taxpayer's are being forced to hand out financial aid prior to an event which may, or may not require financial aid... Or are you just making stuff up again?
How bad a storm can it be? After all, obama is campaigning, he's not even paying attention to the storm. He's out telling people how wonderful he is. It takes a republican, like Bobby Jindal (who also happens to be ethnically Indian) to stay on the job.
As Isaac grows to hurricane strength and pounds the Gulf coast....Republicans will expound the virtues of cutting funds for hurricane preparedness and disaster relief so that they can preserve tax cuts on the wealthy

Perfect timing
Nah, Jindal has already asked for and received FEMA help.

So now the Taxpayer's are being forced to hand out financial aid prior to an event which may, or may not require financial aid... Or are you just making stuff up again?
When the governor declares a state of emergency he is asking for Federal help. Bobby did this already. So did Rick Scott.

So the answer to your question is yes.
As Isaac grows to hurricane strength and pounds the Gulf coast....Republicans will expound the virtues of cutting funds for hurricane preparedness and disaster relief so that they can preserve tax cuts on the wealthy

Perfect timing

If Isaac grows to hurricane strength, it wont have an effect on the convention whatsoever.

And you still really have no clue what Republican positions are. There can be no huricane relief funds if we are bankrupt and our government collapses. Preventing that is slightly more important. Especially since hurricane relief should be provided by the people giving charity. We need more people to tell the government to go home when we have natural disasters. We can take care of ourselves.
I think Isaac will end up bringing rain to areas that very much need it and cause little to no damage.
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I think Isaac will end up bringing rain to areas that very much need it and cause little to know[sic] damage.
Tropical Storm Isaac Nears With Rainfall the Biggest Concern - ABC News

Aug. 28, 2012
Tropical Storm Isaac is on the verge of becoming a Category 1 hurricane before it makes landfall, but forecasters say the biggest threat will be the rainfall and storm surge, not the wind.

Forecasters have projected landfall as early as tonight, a day short of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu Monday said Isaac's path is similar to Katrina's and the anniversary has left much of the Gulf Coast on "a high level of anxiety."

Winds will be an issue initially when Isaac makes landfall with gusts up to 80 mph. Forecasters say the big threat will be the storm surge around New Orleans and Biloxi, Miss., where water might rise six to nine feet. The slow-moving storm is forecasted to hover over the Gulf Coast and could punish coastal areas with up to 20 inches of rain, which was one of the big concerns.
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It's just minutes from making landfall and it's still not a hurricane. Doesn't that make the OP a liar?


Not necessarily. She was expecting it to be a huricane, as most were. Misinformed at worse.

Now if she had known it wouldnt be a hurricane... that's a different story. And she could be a liar for other reasons.
It's just minutes from making landfall and it's still not a hurricane. Doesn't that make the OP a liar?


Not necessarily. She was expecting it to be a huricane, as most were. Misinformed at worse.

Now if she had known it wouldnt be a hurricane... that's a different story. And she could be a liar for other reasons.

She negs me regularly for so called lies. I was only mocking her. At this point it is not a hurricane and by the standards she uses to neg me she is herself a liar. The party was last night and last night there were no hurricanes in the gulf.

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