GOPers party as Isaac threatens Gulf Coast with destruction

Yes Obama is good at acting Presidential

Somebody needs to explain to Barry that "Presidential" doesn't ALWAYS involve giving away the taxpayer's money but then again that's pretty much all he's got at this point. My guess is "Team Obama" is trying to figure out some way that they can send hurricane "relief" money to Ohio and Wisconsin...anything to buy a few votes. :)
Obama will steal the thunder of the GOP convention

As Republicans attack him from the floor, Obama will be acting presidential providing aid to hurricane victims

I thought so too, then I remembered we have the great republican governor Bobby Jindal in Louisiana now, unlike that idiot democrat governor they had last time. Obama could never upstage a real leader like Jindal:cool:
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Thousands of Tampa area residents, employed in businesses that will be patronized throughout the convention... Some of them working multiple jobs to make ends meet in this horrible 0bamaconomy...

And democratics want them to throw that away because a storm is threatening another part of the country?

Compassionate liberalism???

I thought Florida had a Republican governor.
Yes we do. A Republican governor who has made it virtually impossible to collect unemployment simply so he could claim that unemployment has dropped under his leadership.
Going to be an interesting convention if the hurricane hits.

I don't suppose there's any chance FMA won't be able to find the convention hall for four days like happened when BUSH II was in office, though.

Now that we have a POTUS who doesn't hate government, FEMA will probably do its job and actually SAVE people.
There were seafaring pirates and circa 1950s Cuban-style show girls mixing it up with the masses as strobe lights and disco music pumped up any dampened spirits. Despite Tropical Storm Isaac and Political Hurricane Charlie, thousands of Republicans ventured out on their convention buses to party at Tropicana Field Sunday night.

Read more here: At RNC: pirates, showgirls, and possibly a defector - Myriam Marquez -

Ah a positive post from a place I wasn't expecting one.
Good for these guys...:clap2:
There were seafaring pirates and circa 1950s Cuban-style show girls mixing it up with the masses as strobe lights and disco music pumped up any dampened spirits. Despite Tropical Storm Isaac and Political Hurricane Charlie, thousands of Republicans ventured out on their convention buses to party at Tropicana Field Sunday night.

Read more here: At RNC: pirates, showgirls, and possibly a defector - Myriam Marquez -

ROFLMAO you have no class at all honey.

I agree. ROFLMAO

Isaac hit us here in Brevard County.

Nothing but a big load of rain and wind. Not a hurricane at all. Didn't disrupt anything that I'm aware of.

Isaac was a big nothing just like this thread. Jeeze.
There were seafaring pirates and circa 1950s Cuban-style show girls mixing it up with the masses as strobe lights and disco music pumped up any dampened spirits. Despite Tropical Storm Isaac and Political Hurricane Charlie, thousands of Republicans ventured out on their convention buses to party at Tropicana Field Sunday night.

Read more here: At RNC: pirates, showgirls, and possibly a defector - Myriam Marquez -

ROFLMAO you have no class at all honey.

I agree. ROFLMAO

Isaac hit us here in Brevard County.

Nothing but a big load of rain and wind. Not a hurricane at all. Didn't disrupt anything that I'm aware of.

Isaac was a big nothing just like this thread. Jeeze.
:rolleyes: Isaac didn't hit Brevard County.
Last story I saw showed it as a tropical storm still. Did it increase velocity?

It's projected to be a Cat One, it still hasn't gotten there yet.

Im skeptical it ever will.

In the end, I am thinking this is just going to bring rain to some areas of the country that desperately need it.

Even of it hits Cat One, it is not a big deal, it is a weak hurricane, not anywhere near Katrina.

It is a lot of hype, a lot of noise and mostly noise the left is throwing up.

When you got nothing, you need to make up shit.

That is where the Dems are today.
ROFLMAO you have no class at all honey.

I agree. ROFLMAO

Isaac hit us here in Brevard County.

Nothing but a big load of rain and wind. Not a hurricane at all. Didn't disrupt anything that I'm aware of.

Isaac was a big nothing just like this thread. Jeeze.
:rolleyes: Isaac didn't hit Brevard County.

Nice to know you were here in Brevard. We got the outer rings. So your right. We didn't take a direct hit. Outer rings are enough. Thanks.

Wind, rain and not much else. We are still getting same.

Isaac is now a tripical storm and looks like its headed for LA and the panhandle of Fl.

It can gain speed and intensity over the Gulf but right now its a tropical storm. Folks are taking precautions and rightly so.

Hopefully Isaac

I guess I was assuming that no one on the Left would try to leverage the storm for political gain, and once again I find myself overestimating partisan ideologues. One of these days I'll learn, I swear.


Funny how this works.

I see both parties exploiting anything for political gain.
What's you point? Why are democratics posting in this thread begrudging the residents of Tampa from making money and enjoying themselves?

Maybe it's payback for all the 'nut threads attacking Obama and/or his wife for doing this or that when the country is in such dire straits, you know,

going on a vacation, playing some golf.

Were you in there attacking your 'nut buddies for those threads?

Nope those were payback for all the crap on Bush playing golf and going to his ranch.....funny how you liberals forget all that stuff, we're elephants we have actual memories

.....Except when you're responsible for Wars Of Choice.....right?

[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]
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There were seafaring pirates and circa 1950s Cuban-style show girls mixing it up with the masses as strobe lights and disco music pumped up any dampened spirits. Despite Tropical Storm Isaac and Political Hurricane Charlie, thousands of Republicans ventured out on their convention buses to party at Tropicana Field Sunday night.

Read more here: At RNC: pirates, showgirls, and possibly a defector - Myriam Marquez -

Look the retard at it again.

well I guess we should STOP THE WORLD from happening
I agree. ROFLMAO

Isaac hit us here in Brevard County.

Nothing but a big load of rain and wind. Not a hurricane at all. Didn't disrupt anything that I'm aware of.

Isaac was a big nothing just like this thread. Jeeze.
:rolleyes: Isaac didn't hit Brevard County.

Nice to know you were here in Brevard. We got the outer rings. So your right. We didn't take a direct hit. Outer rings are enough. Thanks.

Wind, rain and not much else. We are still getting same.

Isaac is now a tripical storm and looks like its headed for LA and the panhandle of Fl.

It can gain speed and intensity over the Gulf but right now its a tropical storm. Folks are taking precautions and rightly so.

Hopefully Isaac
thanks for admitting you'd lied. We got approximately 10 inches of rain in 36 hours, from a storm that was never closer than 200 miles to us....not horrific for South Florida but not particularly good for some of the Gulf cities.

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