GOP's hatred of Obama, debacle in Iraq. Who didn't see that coming?



If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
you need a new towel and new clown act

you're the most pathetic human being ever

you life's mission is to TEAR us all apart more than we already are

bravo, your type is doing a hell of job

you should all be proud. You have no values, morals and you all damn have no HONOR

March on, party over country

all the thing under Obama is NOT HIS FAULT, we get it
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If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
Evil Republicans moved the Fen River from China to Dallas and polluted it.
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:

how can one person be so fucking wrong about EVERYTHING ????

ooooh.., excuse me, you are a libertool, carry on !
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:

It's not a civil war moron. Iraq is being invaded by a Sunni terrorist army. ISIS and Levant were allowed to grow in size, power and stature terrorizing Syria.

But Obama loving anyone who could potentially remove Assad from power never did a damn thing about them because he obviously was stupid enough to not believe this terror army of thousands would not try to seize Iraq as well.

Re: troop withdrawal. Maliki begged for soldiers to stay. 20,000. Obama was only willing to give him 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

So the withdrawal happened despite Maliki's pleas. On top of that Maliki for over a year was grovelling for air strikes against ISIS.

One more time Obama refused. He has no use for Maliki. Obama clearly prefers Sunnis to Shias as he has now got a killer track record supporting Sunnis.

And then to boot, Maliki had been waiting for forever for his paid for order of fighter jets to be delivered. One more time, this Administration was dragging its feet.

And because of all of Obama's fuck ups, Iran is supporting ground troops, Syria is helping with airstrikes and Russia is supplying Maliki with the aircraft he needs.

Obama just handed Iraq to Putin. Way to go sport!
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The only thing Dean has proven over and over again is their complete lack of understanding anything other than partisan talking points.
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?

You are not even worth arguing with. Idiot.

Sent from my iPad using
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:


It's remarkable, but not surprising, how easy it is for many conservatives to lie, and the contempt they have for others to think we'd not recognize the lies.

This of course is the consequence of the bane of partisan politics, and the need of conservatives to lie given the failure of conservative political dogma.
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:


It's remarkable, but not surprising, how easy it is for many conservatives to lie, and the contempt they have for others to think we'd not recognize the lies.

This of course is the consequence of the bane of partisan politics, and the need of conservatives to lie given the failure of conservative political dogma.
Sheer projection.
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country.

Every reputable economist said the GOP deregulation of Wall Street would lead to disaster.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss?

It seems the only people in the entire world who though GOP policies would work is the GOP.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:

It's not a civil war moron. Iraq is being invaded by a Sunni terrorist army. ISIS and Levant were allowed to grow in size, power and stature terrorizing Syria.

But Obama loving anyone who could potentially remove Assad from power never did a damn thing about them because he obviously was stupid enough to not believe this terror army of thousands would not try to seize Iraq as well.

Re: troop withdrawal. Maliki begged for soldiers to stay. 20,000. Obama was only willing to give him 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

So the withdrawal happened despite Maliki's pleas. On top of that Maliki for over a year was grovelling for air strikes against ISIS.

One more time Obama refused. He has no use for Maliki. Obama clearly prefers Sunnis to Shias as he has now got a killer track record supporting Sunnis.

And then to boot, Maliki had been waiting for forever for his paid for order of fighter jets to be delivered. One more time, this Administration was dragging its feet.

And because of all of Obama's fuck ups, Iran is supporting ground troops, Syria is helping with airstrikes and Russia is supplying Maliki with the aircraft he needs.

Obama just handed Iraq to Putin. Way to go sport!
Your abject ignorance is noted, but ISIS is a group of Sunnis who are attempting to take down the Shiite in that region. ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq and now includes Sunnis from Syria's civil war. Hell, even Fox news referred to it as a civil war ...

US evacuating Baghdad embassy staff as Islamic militants ramp up attacks

Roger specifically called for Obama to work with Arab League partners, who include Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and for U.S. military support to help end the sectarian civil war.​

As far as your idiocy about Maliki ... he wouldn't sign a SOFA with Obama to maintain U.S. troops in Iraq. So despite your abject ignorance, the reality is that it's Maliki's fault that no U.S. troops were left there.
If you understand the racial politics and the history of the Deep South, we knew the hatred of Obama was coming. I didn't think it would come so fast or right wingers would be so bold.?

Don't bring the deep south into it, Obama is hated equally throughout the country. :badgrin:

Anyone who knew anything about Iraq or the Middle East completely understood what was coming in Iraq after what Republicans did to that country?

We never should have been in Iraq, we have plenty of problems to take care of at home, but the politicians know what buttons to push to keep people living in the dark, from both sides of the aisle.

Who didn't know the Bush Tax cuts would lead to enormous deficits and lead to job loss??

Please explain to me how any tax cuts can lead to job loss in the private sector. Sure it means we give up government jobs, so tell me how that is a bad thing anyway.

Anyone think Republicans have learned anything?

All I get from this post is that you are a hater! You have no ideas on how to fix anything, you just spout off at the mouth with blame and not much reasoning behind that blame. You are just another sheep that follows their shepherd around mindlessly. Don't worry, that happens on both sides of the aisle also.
It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:

It's not a civil war moron. Iraq is being invaded by a Sunni terrorist army. ISIS and Levant were allowed to grow in size, power and stature terrorizing Syria.

But Obama loving anyone who could potentially remove Assad from power never did a damn thing about them because he obviously was stupid enough to not believe this terror army of thousands would not try to seize Iraq as well.

Re: troop withdrawal. Maliki begged for soldiers to stay. 20,000. Obama was only willing to give him 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

So the withdrawal happened despite Maliki's pleas. On top of that Maliki for over a year was grovelling for air strikes against ISIS.

One more time Obama refused. He has no use for Maliki. Obama clearly prefers Sunnis to Shias as he has now got a killer track record supporting Sunnis.

And then to boot, Maliki had been waiting for forever for his paid for order of fighter jets to be delivered. One more time, this Administration was dragging its feet.

And because of all of Obama's fuck ups, Iran is supporting ground troops, Syria is helping with airstrikes and Russia is supplying Maliki with the aircraft he needs.

Obama just handed Iraq to Putin. Way to go sport!
Your abject ignorance is noted, but ISIS is a group of Sunnis who are attempting to take down the Shiite in that region. ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq and now includes Sunnis from Syria's civil war. Hell, even Fox news referred to it as a civil war ...

US evacuating Baghdad embassy staff as Islamic militants ramp up attacks

Roger specifically called for Obama to work with Arab League partners, who include Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and for U.S. military support to help end the sectarian civil war.​

As far as your idiocy about Maliki ... he wouldn't sign a SOFA with Obama to maintain U.S. troops in Iraq. So despite your abject ignorance, the reality is that it's Maliki's fault that no U.S. troops were left there.

Rant #1 Here's the real history for you jack ass.

Oh I know when they started. They were just another two bit small time insurgent/terror group for many a year till they got a new leader. The US offed the former leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi in 2006

His name is Bagdhadi. Obama released him in 2009 and he is an amazing military strategist, extremely organized and focused.

And don't hand me the bullshit that all your left wing media tried to pass off under "Punditfact" that Baghdadi was released in 2004. And your morons tried to pass off this garbage ripping a commentator from Fox .

His 2009 release was covered by Slate, NBC, Daily Beast, Daily Mail and although highly left leaning their reporting is spot on, the BBC. Many international media outlets as well have covered the "accurate" story.

When the BBC retracts its statement in Baghdadi's profile I'll believe Mother Jones and Daily Kos mmmm'kay?

As you can see as of this morning the BBC has not printed a retraction.

Some believe he was already a militant jihadist during the rule of Saddam Hussein.

Others suggest he was radicalised during the four years he was held at Camp Bucca, a US facility in southern Iraq where many al-Qaeda commanders were detained.

BBC News - Profile: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
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It's funny because when Obama was bringing home the troops, the right was quick to point out how Obama was merely observing Bush's exit agreement. Now that civil war is resuming over there, they act though Bush's exit agreement had nothing to do with our troops being redeployed out of Iraq. :lmao:

It reminds me of the housing bubble when the right was taking credit for the booming real estate market until it all collapsed -- then suddenly, they had nothing to do with it! :lmao:

It's not a civil war moron. Iraq is being invaded by a Sunni terrorist army. ISIS and Levant were allowed to grow in size, power and stature terrorizing Syria.

But Obama loving anyone who could potentially remove Assad from power never did a damn thing about them because he obviously was stupid enough to not believe this terror army of thousands would not try to seize Iraq as well.

Re: troop withdrawal. Maliki begged for soldiers to stay. 20,000. Obama was only willing to give him 3,000 to 5,000 troops.

So the withdrawal happened despite Maliki's pleas. On top of that Maliki for over a year was grovelling for air strikes against ISIS.

One more time Obama refused. He has no use for Maliki. Obama clearly prefers Sunnis to Shias as he has now got a killer track record supporting Sunnis.

And then to boot, Maliki had been waiting for forever for his paid for order of fighter jets to be delivered. One more time, this Administration was dragging its feet.

And because of all of Obama's fuck ups, Iran is supporting ground troops, Syria is helping with airstrikes and Russia is supplying Maliki with the aircraft he needs.

Obama just handed Iraq to Putin. Way to go sport!
Your abject ignorance is noted, but ISIS is a group of Sunnis who are attempting to take down the Shiite in that region. ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq and now includes Sunnis from Syria's civil war. Hell, even Fox news referred to it as a civil war ...

US evacuating Baghdad embassy staff as Islamic militants ramp up attacks

Roger specifically called for Obama to work with Arab League partners, who include Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and for U.S. military support to help end the sectarian civil war.​

As far as your idiocy about Maliki ... he wouldn't sign a SOFA with Obama to maintain U.S. troops in Iraq. So despite your abject ignorance, the reality is that it's Maliki's fault that no U.S. troops were left there.

Rant #2 Learn your timelines you bloviating idiot. You let him go in 2009 and he took over the piss poor group in 2010 and began to transform this batch of small time terrorists into a true Islamic terrorist army and has been able to cast a world wide net to inspire young jihadists to come to Syria to fight.

You know. That supposed civil war in Syria trying to topple Assad. You know. That bullshit civil war that has paid mercenaries and jihadists doing the dirty work for Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the US.

:lol: Assholes still are trying to convince everyone that Syria is just another Arab Spring.What a fucking pantload.

He emerged as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, one of the groups that later became ISIS, in 2010, and rose to prominence during the attempted merger with al-Nusra Front in Syria.

He has not sworn allegiance to the leader of the al-Qaeda network, Zawahiri, who has urged ISIS to focus on Iraq and leave Syria to al-Nusra.

Baghdadi and his fighters have openly defied the al-Qaeda chief, leading some commentators to believe he now holds higher prestige among many Islamist militants.

"The true heir to Osama bin Laden may be ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," David Ignatius wrote in The Washington Post.

Zawahiri still has a lot of power by virtue of his franchises in Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa.

But Baghdadi has a reputation as a highly organised and ruthless battlefield tactician, which analysts say makes his organisation more attractive to young jihadists than that of Zawahiri, an Islamic theologian.

BBC News - Profile: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Your abject ignorance is noted, but ISIS is a group of Sunnis who are attempting to take down the Shiite in that region. ISIS formed in 2003 when we invaded Iraq and now includes Sunnis from Syria's civil war. Hell, even Fox news referred to it as a civil war ...

US evacuating Baghdad embassy staff as Islamic militants ramp up attacks

Roger specifically called for Obama to work with Arab League partners, who include Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and for U.S. military support to help end the sectarian civil war.

As far as your idiocy about Maliki ... he wouldn't sign a SOFA with Obama to maintain U.S. troops in Iraq. So despite your abject ignorance, the reality is that it's Maliki's fault that no U.S. troops were left there.

Rant #3 It's not a civil war. I don't give a flying rats ass what FOX or NYT or any other outlet says. Just like Syria was never a civil war but your asshole President is still banging the drum that he needs cash for Syrian rebels.

AKA kissing Saudi Arabia and Qatar's ass to try to overthrow Assad and put in a Sunni puppet.

Just like they did in Egypt with the MB and a hand picked puppet Morsi. Thank heavens for Egypt they came to their senses and tossed the lot of them in jail

Just like they did in Libya when they protected the Sunni terrorist militias errr rebels to overthrow Gaddafi. How much did you spend in air support again?

What a joke. They love their Sunnis don't they now. And they want Maliki gone.

ISIS has successfully taken over a portion of Syria and invaded Iraq with lightning speed. Baghdadi is a rock star Islamic military commander.

Invasion. By a well organized terrorist army. That Obama prefered

May 2014

1 May: ISIS carried out a total of seven public executions in Raqqa, northern Syria.

Pictures that emerged from the city of Raqqa show how ISIS had been carrying out public crucifixions in areas under its control.

In most of these crucifixions, the victims were shot first and their bodies then displayed, but there were also reports of crucifixion preceding being shot or decapitated.

In one case a man was said to have been "crucified alive for eight hours", but there was no indication of whether he died.

June 2014

In early June, following its large-scale offensives in Iraq, ISIS was reported to have seized control of most of Mosul, the second most populous city in Iraq, a large part of the surrounding Nineveh province, and the city of Fallujah.

ISIS also took control of Tikrit, the administrative center of the Salah ad Din Governorate, with the ultimate goal of capturing Baghdad, the Iraqi capital

ISIS was believed to have only 2,000–3,000 fighters up until the Mosul campaign, but during that campaign it became evident that this number was a gross underestimate.

Also in June, there were reports that a number of Sunni groups in Iraq that were opposed to the predominantly Shia government had joined ISIS, thus bolstering the group's numbers.

However, the Kurds—who are mostly Sunnis—in the northeast of Iraq were unwilling to be drawn into the conflict, and there had been clashes in the area between ISIS and the Kurdish Peshmerga.

5 June: ISIS militants stormed the city of Samarra in Iraq, before being ousted from the city by airstrikes mounted by the Iraqi military.

6 June: ISIS militants carried out multiple attacks in the city of Mosul in Iraq.

7 June: ISIS militants took over the University of Anbar in Ramadi, Iraq and held 1,300 students hostage before being ousted by the Iraqi military.

9 June: Mosul fell to ISIS control. The militants seized control of government offices, the airport and police stations.

Militants also looted the Central Bank in Mosul, absconding with over $429 million USD.

More than 500,000 people fled Mosul to escape ISIS.[328] Mosul is a strategic city as it is a crossroad between Syria and Iraq, and poses the threat of ISIS seizing control of oil production.

11 June: ISIS seized the Turkish consulate in the Iraqi city of Mosul and kidnapped the head of the diplomatic mission and several staff members. ISIS seized the Iraqi city of Tikrit.

12 June: Human Rights Watch, an international human rights advocacy organization, issued a statement about the growing threat to civilians in Iraq.

13 June: Navi Pillay, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed alarm at reports that ISIS fighters "have been actively seeking out—and in some cases killing—soldiers, police and others, including civilians, whom they perceive as being associated with the government".

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Baghdad on June 23, 2014

15 June: ISIS militants captured the Iraqi city of Tal Afar in the province of Nineveh.

ISIS claimed that 1,700 Iraqi soldiers who had surrendered in the fighting had been executed, and released many images of mass executions via its Twitter feed and various websites.

22 June: ISIS militants captured two key crossings in Anbar, a day after seizing Al-Qa'im border crossing at Qaim, a town in the province that borders Syria. According to analysts, capturing these crossings could help ISIS transport weapons and equipment to different battlefields.

24 June: The Syrian Air Force bombed ISIS positions in Iraq. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki stated: "There was no coordination involved, but we welcome this action. We welcome any Syrian strike against Isis because this group targets both Iraq and Syria."

25 June: Al-Nusra Front's branch in the Syrian town of Al-Bukamal pledged loyalty to ISIS, thus bringing to a close months of fighting between the two groups.

28 June: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Obama administration had asked the US Congress for US$500 million to use in the training and arming of "moderate" Syrian rebels fighting against the Syrian government in order to counter the growing threat posed by ISIS in Syria and Iraq

Iraq has reportedly purchased used Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia and Belarus to battle ISIS militants after delays in the delivery of F-16 fighters purchased from the US.[338] In an interview with the BBC Arabic service, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said, "[If] we had air cover, we would have averted what [has] happened".

29 June: ISIS announced the establishment of a new caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed as caliph, and the group formally changed its name to "Islamic State".

July 2014

2 July: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the new Islamic State, said that Muslims should unite to capture Rome in order to "own the world".

3 July: ISIS captured Syria's largest oil field from rival Islamist fighters, Al-Nusra Front.

Facing no resistance, taking control of the al-Omar oil field gave ISIS crude reserves which could be useful to its advancing fighters

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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