Gorebal Warming Lunatic Tries To Strangle Fiancee

First of all, he is no "scientist".
Then why are you blubbering about him?

Oh, that's right. You all suck balls at the science. You get every single thing wrong, every time. Grade-schoolers are literally better at the science than you cult losers. All you've ever been capable of doing is regurgitating the propaganda that you slurped out of TheParty's heiny.

Since you know you suck so badly at the science, you know you have to deflect the topic away from the science somehow. Desperation threads like this are how you do it.

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious? Those who can talk about the science, do. You can't.

This is another reason why it's so good to be part of the reality-based community, the liberals. The facts back us up, so we never need to cry and deflect. To win, we just need point at the evidence, and then watch the cultists get hysterical.
Your "evidence" has been disproven so many times it's hilarious....NOAA puts their sensors on tin roofs, next to dryer exhausts and on asphalt...

I know you actually believe the nonsense you peddle. That's how cultists operate. The cult tells you to BELIEVE their sacred dogma, and the cult also forbids you from looking at any information that contradicts cult dogma. However, that doesn't change the fact that you're babbling nonsense.

you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a climate phony. It's all about deindustrializing the US and making us patsies for the commie hoards.

Being that one of my ongoing point is that you fanatical denier cult acolytes base your pseudoscience entirely on political conspiracy cult gibberish, I thank you for proving that point so conclusively. You're not capable of discussing the science. You're only capable of spewing bizarre political conspiracy theories. In that respect, you're the same as flat earthers or scientologists.
It would be insulting to this board if you claimed you had any scientific background or were capable of judging those who do,

That's difference between people like me, with functioning frontal lobes, and servile nanny state dependent bed wetting drones like you

l am capable of making judgments because I consider the data, analyze the validity, use logic to form a conclusion and can accept other people's conclusions provided they've based it on the same factors.

Pieces of shit like you believe everything your told and repeat it as if it's something you studied yourself and know to be true.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.
For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Bell Curve deniers are unproductive narrow-minded fad-followers obsessed with their jealous hatred of those capable of creating practical things. That's why they vindictively preach that man's inventions are destroying the Earth, so they want us to go back to the stagnant pre-industrial Middle Ages to be right with Mother Nature. (That icon also indicates that the Greenies are Mamas' Boys who are afraid to grow up and have to compete with Alpha males.)

The Whiteys Hating Whitey deniers also glorify pre-intelligent feral minorities as "being in touch with Nature and being too smart to interfere with Her by inventing things, which they could easily do in spite of the race-biased IQ tests, you know what I'm saying?"
I know you actually believe the nonsense you peddle. That's how cultists operate. The cult tells you to BELIEVE their sacred dogma, and the cult also forbids you from looking at any information that contradicts cult dogma. However, that doesn't change the fact that you're babbling nonsense.

you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a climate phony. It's all about deindustrializing the US and making us patsies for the commie hoards.

Being that one of my ongoing point is that you fanatical denier cult acolytes base your pseudoscience entirely on political conspiracy cult gibberish, I thank you for proving that point so conclusively. You're not capable of discussing the science. You're only capable of spewing bizarre political conspiracy theories. In that respect, you're the same as flat earthers or scientologists.

Quite a rant...you should copyright it and sell it as a sleep aid. :gtssmiley2:
And following that logic, if you were robbed, can you then feel free to go out and rob people? How about rape? Murder is probably out , I mean once you're murdered..............

I was raped and murdered by Nanzi Pillousy in 1975.

Victims deserve to be believed.
I know you actually believe the nonsense you peddle. That's how cultists operate. The cult tells you to BELIEVE their sacred dogma, and the cult also forbids you from looking at any information that contradicts cult dogma. However, that doesn't change the fact that you're babbling nonsense.
you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a climate phony. It's all about deindustrializing the US and making us patsies for the commie hoards.
Being that one of my ongoing point is that you fanatical denier cult acolytes base your pseudoscience entirely on political conspiracy cult gibberish, I thank you for proving that point so conclusively. You're not capable of discussing the science. You're only capable of spewing bizarre political conspiracy theories. In that respect, you're the same as flat earthers or scientologists.
Quite a rant...you should copyright it and sell it as a sleep aid. :gtssmiley2:


Now hear me out here...

Neutralize your carbon footprint by sealing a plastic bag over your head just before going to sleep, you will trap all the exhaled CO2 and in the morning I promise the earth will be a cooler place to be.
Neutralize your carbon footprint by sealing a plastic bag over your head just before going to sleep, you will trap all the exhaled CO2 and in the morning I promise the earth will be a cooler place to be.

One of my other ongoing points is that most deniers put forth the persona of a violent psychopath, but in reality, they're too scared to leave mom's basement. Thanks for backing me up there.

Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

Oh well, in that case by all means who cares if he beats or even kills a woman.
I care. No one should get away with abusing others, unless they themselves were abused.

So it's okay to abuse people if it happened to you?
My older brother used to beat me up when we were kids.....whats your address?
Good catch. Funny.
To elaborate, it would be ok by me if the abused returned the abuse toward their abuser, unless maybe it was their parent.

Oh I did...
In fact I put him in the hospital when I decided to fight back.(didnt want to hit my brother)
He called my Mother and cried about it.......of course he was ineligible after I kicked him in the face and broke his jaw. The Momma's boy was in his late thirties.......
It would be insulting to this board if you claimed you had any scientific background or were capable of judging those who do,

That's difference between people like me, with functioning frontal lobes, and servile nanny state dependent bed wetting drones like you

l am capable of making judgments because I consider the data, analyze the validity, use logic to form a conclusion and can accept other people's conclusions provided they've based it on the same factors.

Pieces of shit like you believe everything your told and repeat it as if it's something you studied yourself and know to be true.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.
For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Bell Curve deniers are unproductive narrow-minded fad-followers obsessed with their jealous hatred of those capable of creating practical things. That's why they vindictively preach that man's inventions are destroying the Earth, so they want us to go back to the stagnant pre-industrial Middle Ages to be right with Mother Nature. (That icon also indicates that the Greenies are Mamas' Boys who are afraid to grow up and have to compete with Alpha males.)

The Whiteys Hating Whitey deniers also glorify pre-intelligent feral minorities as "being in touch with Nature and being too smart to interfere with Her by inventing things, which they could easily do in spite of the race-biased IQ tests, you know what I'm saying?"
Thank you for providing a good example of a psycho exhibiting psycho babble. :)
It would be insulting to this board if you claimed you had any scientific background or were capable of judging those who do,

That's difference between people like me, with functioning frontal lobes, and servile nanny state dependent bed wetting drones like you

l am capable of making judgments because I consider the data, analyze the validity, use logic to form a conclusion and can accept other people's conclusions provided they've based it on the same factors.

Pieces of shit like you believe everything your told and repeat it as if it's something you studied yourself and know to be true.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.
For Whom the Bell Tolls

The Bell Curve deniers are unproductive narrow-minded fad-followers obsessed with their jealous hatred of those capable of creating practical things. That's why they vindictively preach that man's inventions are destroying the Earth, so they want us to go back to the stagnant pre-industrial Middle Ages to be right with Mother Nature. (That icon also indicates that the Greenies are Mamas' Boys who are afraid to grow up and have to compete with Alpha males.)

The Whiteys Hating Whitey deniers also glorify pre-intelligent feral minorities as "being in touch with Nature and being too smart to interfere with Her by inventing things, which they could easily do in spite of the race-biased IQ tests, you know what I'm saying?"
Thank you for providing a good example of a psycho exhibiting psycho babble. :)
Blowharding Is Cheap, But Bark Is Precious

Have you hugged your tree today? I'm sure it misses you while you neglect it for the Internet, posting hot air and contributing to global warming. It is a shameful shaman who does not perform his daily ritual to his totem pole.

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