Gorebal Warming Lunatic Tries To Strangle Fiancee

It would be insulting to this board if you claimed you had any scientific background or were capable of judging those who do,

That's difference between people like me, with functioning frontal lobes, and servile nanny state dependent bed wetting drones like you

l am capable of making judgments because I consider the data, analyze the validity, use logic to form a conclusion and can accept other people's conclusions provided they've based it on the same factors.

Pieces of shit like you believe everything your told and repeat it as if it's something you studied yourself and know to be true.

See how that works?

LOL.... I know you don't.

Unless he choked a bitch because of climate change it is completely irrelevant that he believes in climate change. Why do yall continue to do this kind of thing? I mean it's no different than when the left "White racist kills black man" and then when you drill down you discover that the reason the man was killed has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

Retaliation for being called "racists" and "nazis" etc. Stop and we'll stop...keep it up and so will we and we're much better at it. :eusa_whistle:
Unless he choked a bitch because of climate change it is completely irrelevant that he believes in climate change. Why do yall continue to do this kind of thing? I mean it's no different than when the left "White racist kills black man" and then when you drill down you discover that the reason the man was killed has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

Retaliation for being called "racists" and "nazis" etc. Stop and we'll stop...keep it up and so will we and we're much better at it. :eusa_whistle:

The difference is, our ridicule is based on truth, which makes it actually funny, not just mean.

I refuse to stop, even if bed wetters suddenly embrace a standard of integrity and ethics. They must be defeated. Completely. So much so that Eddie Murphy can do a special on TV in 5 years and mock gay marriage without having to go into hiding. Once we can pick on each other and laugh again, then gloves can be put back on.
It would be insulting to this board if you claimed you had any scientific background or were capable of judging those who do,

That's difference between people like me, with functioning frontal lobes, and servile nanny state dependent bed wetting drones like you

l am capable of making judgments because I consider the data, analyze the validity, use logic to form a conclusion and can accept other people's conclusions provided they've based it on the same factors.

Pieces of shit like you believe everything your told and repeat it as if it's something you studied yourself and know to be true.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.

Your "evidence" has been disproven so many times it's hilarious....NOAA puts their sensors on tin roofs, next to dryer exhausts and on asphalt...you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a climate phony. It's all about deindustrializing the US and making us patsies for the commie hoards.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.


I knew you couldn't tell the difference. You just parroted some agitprop as if you thought of it yourself and strutted away.

Strut into traffic next time parasite.
You just proved my point that you are not only NOT scientifically oriented, but you lack ability to examine evidence and prefer to let your emotions guide your beliefs and make stupid claims.

Your "evidence" has been disproven so many times it's hilarious....NOAA puts their sensors on tin roofs, next to dryer exhausts and on asphalt...you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a climate phony. It's all about deindustrializing the US and making us patsies for the commie hoards.
Which “evidence” of mine has been disproven?
You too like to make things up?
Which “evidence” of mine has been disproven?
You too like to make things up?

All of it as you're well aware....don't keep being stupid if you don't want to be laughed at.
Is that the best reply you can muster?
So therefore, i made no comments that have been disproven. Thank you.

I don't do free research for dumbasses......google "climate change is a hoax" and read all about it.
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?


Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

What the hell does dog sledding and trekking have to do with being smart?
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?


Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

Oh well, in that case by all means who cares if he beats or even kills a woman.
I care. No one should get away with abusing others, unless they themselves were abused.

So it's okay to abuse people if it happened to you?
My older brother used to beat me up when we were kids.....whats your address?
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?


Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

Oh well, in that case by all means who cares if he beats or even kills a woman.
I care. No one should get away with abusing others, unless they themselves were abused.

So it's okay to abuse people if it happened to you?
My older brother used to beat me up when we were kids.....whats your address?
Good catch. Funny.
To elaborate, it would be ok by me if the abused returned the abuse toward their abuser, unless maybe it was their parent.
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?


Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

Oh well, in that case by all means who cares if he beats or even kills a woman.
I care. No one should get away with abusing others, unless they themselves were abused.

So it's okay to abuse people if it happened to you?
My older brother used to beat me up when we were kids.....whats your address?

And following that logic, if you were robbed, can you then feel free to go out and rob people? How about rape? Murder is probably out , I mean once you're murdered..............

Assholes should be ridiculed and ignored. This clown would have died in a gutter decades ago but he picked up a scam job and was kept alive in spite of natural selection.
That professor & asshole has academic & personal credentials that you can only dream of!

“Doering’s website details some of his lectures to more than 15 million students, as well as his dog-sledding trips and more than 5,000 miles exploring the Arctic since 2004. His latest project, “The Changing Earth,” is an Emmy-nominated documentary about a 137-mile trek through the Arctic wilderness into Iceland.
He has published more than 80 journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings; and is the coauthor of two books, The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World and Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching,”

Oh well, in that case by all means who cares if he beats or even kills a woman.
I care. No one should get away with abusing others, unless they themselves were abused.

So it's okay to abuse people if it happened to you?
My older brother used to beat me up when we were kids.....whats your address?

And following that logic, if you were robbed, can you then feel free to go out and rob people? How about rape? Murder is probably out , I mean once you're murdered..............
Looks like you did not read my previous post.
I gotta go now, so feel free to misrepresent me further :)
I'm pretty sure the defense is ....we can expect more of this as warming increases........yeah that's it
Look at this whacko.....here's some "climate science" for ya in a NUTshell... :uhoh3:


A well-known climate change expert and professor at the University of Minnesota choked and brutally assaulted his fiancée, who told cops she fears he will kill her, according to a criminal complaint.

Aaron Herbert Doering, a 47-year-old tenured professor and the director of the Minneapolis university’s Learning Technologies Media Lab, was charged Thursday with two felony counts of domestic assault by strangulation in Hennepin County District Court, the Star Tribune reports.

Climate change expert Aaron Doering charged with choking his fiancée
Idealism Is the Costume Psychos Dress Up In

Warmalarmies are Unabombers at heart.
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?

This incident has nothing to do with guns. The global warming cultist was trying to strangle the broad.
Trees Speak to Greenies

Gaia is a jealous goddess and told him to kill her.
So what does this sample size of 1 prove?
That ALL Americans are assholes and guns should be outlawed because 1 NRA asshole killed someone illegally?

This incident has nothing to do with guns. The global warming cultist was trying to strangle the broad.
That asshole was only ONE scientist among thousands around the world, and you think it’s legitimate ti generalize to his whole academic group, like I did about gun enthusiasts?
PotHead Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Yeah, bro, like no animals were harmed during the incident, so, like, what's the problem, you know what I'm saying?

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