Gosh, I never Knew Burning Churches Was So Funny - Thanks Obama's Folks


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
White House spokesman jokes about 'peaceful protesters' burning churches in Egypt | Conservative Firing LineConservative Firing Line

The Daily Caller reported:

Press secretary Josh Earnest was asked by Fox News’ correspondent, Ed Henry, if President Barack Obama has a “red line” beyond which he would act against Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians.

“Well, I didn’t bring my red pen out with me today,” Earnest joked.

Personally, I’m hoping Earnest isn’t auditioning to be a stand-up comic…

It continues (emphasis added):

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

But Earnest didn’t name or criticize the attackers, even though he did charge the military with perpetrating “violence… against peaceful protestors.”

Oh, wait, now I get it....no, no I don't.

These thugs are as pathetic and heartless as I have ever dared feared that they would be.
Just because they are murdering Christians and burning churches doesn't mean they aren't peaceful.
Not saying that we shouldn't be upset or concerned, but why is it there is no concern or outrage over Morsi's supporters being slaughtered in the streets? I'm just wondering? I guess only Christian lives have value in your minds.
Not saying that we shouldn't be upset or concerned, but why is it there is no concern or outrage over Morsi's supporters being slaughtered in the streets? I'm just wondering? I guess only Christian lives have value in your minds.

To make an analogy, you'd have to show where the military is going to Muslims homes, houses of worship, places of business and shooting the people and torching the buildings.

No one, including the military is pretending that this is a democracy any longer. Those killed are those choosing to be part of the mob not only attacking the minorities, but the very economy of Egypt.
Not saying that we shouldn't be upset or concerned, but why is it there is no concern or outrage over Morsi's supporters being slaughtered in the streets? I'm just wondering? I guess only Christian lives have value in your minds.

I have seen plenty of posts on Morsis folks getting slaughtered, and news items as well.

But that isn't the topic here. The topic is the fucking White House making JOKES about Christian churches being burned in retaliation for what the MILITARY did. Not only is the MB retaliating on an innocent group based on the ludicrous assumption that the military is unduly influenced by Christians, I suppose, but the WH laughs about it?

This WH is showing its Chicago thuggishness for all the world to see.
Not saying that we shouldn't be upset or concerned, but why is it there is no concern or outrage over Morsi's supporters being slaughtered in the streets? I'm just wondering? I guess only Christian lives have value in your minds.

To make an analogy, you'd have to show where the military is going to Muslims homes, houses of worship, places of business and shooting the people and torching the buildings.

No one, including the military is pretending that this is a democracy any longer. Those killed are those choosing to be part of the mob not only attacking the minorities, but the very economy of Egypt.

Not sure that analogy works.

Group A is slaughtering group B in droves, so group B then retaliates on group C.

So a more apt analogy would, IMO, be a bully beating up a kid and then the kid retaliates by beating up his little brother.

But it is so twisted, I am not sure a logical analogy works in any permutation.
2+2 does not equal four here

Where does the Obama administration joke about burning churches? He made a joke about a red line and later made this statement about churches

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

Jimbo.....you really do struggle with the english language don't you?
2+2 does not equal four here

Where does the Obama administration joke about burning churches? He made a joke about a red line and later made this statement about churches

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

Jimbo.....you really do struggle with the english language don't you?

Either that, or he was purposefully misleading in order to rile people up....kind of like what the Muslim Brotherhood has been doing to its followers.
2+2 does not equal four here

Where does the Obama administration joke about burning churches? He made a joke about a red line and later made this statement about churches

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

Jimbo.....you really do struggle with the english language don't you?

Either that, or he was purposefully misleading in order to rile people up....kind of like what the Muslim Brotherhood has been doing to its followers.

Just because JimBo uses the same tactics as the Muslim Brotherhood does not mean he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood........or does it?
Not saying that we shouldn't be upset or concerned, but why is it there is no concern or outrage over Morsi's supporters being slaughtered in the streets? I'm just wondering? I guess only Christian lives have value in your minds.

Because Morsi's supporters are combatants. People hiding under the pews in Churches are non combatants.
2+2 does not equal four here

Where does the Obama administration joke about burning churches? He made a joke about a red line and later made this statement about churches

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

Jimbo.....you really do struggle with the english language don't you?

Either that, or he was purposefully misleading in order to rile people up....kind of like what the Muslim Brotherhood has been doing to its followers.

Just because JimBo uses the same tactics as the Muslim Brotherhood does not mean he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood........or does it?

lol, feeding libtards is such a bore, but for the sake of helping the tards overcome their brain-challenge, I will indulge this one time.

"Press secretary Josh Earnest was asked by Fox News’ correspondent, Ed Henry, if President Barack Obama has a “red line” beyond which he would act against Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians.

“Well, I didn’t bring my red pen out with me today,” Earnest joked."

Earnest made a joke instead of answering the fucking question about whether the Obaminations had a 'red line' in regards to the MB burning down Christian churches. Ooops, sorry DIDNT BRING MY FUCKING RED LINE PEN, HAHAHAHAHAHAH

Can you grasp the concept now, you stupid ****?

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