

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I finally got to see the movie, and I have to say, it was fabulous!

They stayed true to the facts of the case and made it entertaining at the same time.

They painted Dr. Gosnell, who was a mass murdering abortion doctor, as someone who was half insane. The abortion clinic, as well as his house, were both akin to a garbage heap. Both were filthy. In the abortion clinic lay bags of dead fetus' and in the fridge, etc, with cats running all around, and in his house cats were also everywhere with some found dead and rotting in the basement.

Then when the police came to search his house, he started playing the piano as if he had not a care in the world. He openly despised being questioned regarding heeding the laws in terms of when it was legal to abort babies, and had an attitude that if you questioned him about it you were a either a religious nut trying to do away with Roe vs. Wade or your were a racist because he was a black abortion doctor.

It reminded me of trolls on this site and in the media and in politics who react the same way to anyone who opposes them on anything.

Speaking of being a racist, Dr. Gosnell made sure that the white women were treated much better than the colored folk because he knew that giving them subpar care to cut costs was far more risky than poor and uneducated black women.

Then they showed how the Progressively bias media and government helped enable this monster to continue to practice for 30 years despite complaint after complaint and failing routine safety checks by the state. Because they did not want to impede abortion in any way, they simply turned their head and pretended not to see. Once in court, the liberal press was absent. Not a soul to be seen covering the case. What was not covered was that in Hollywood, no one wanted to make the movie.

The head police officer was even warned that if she agreed to take on the case and lose the case, because it involved going after an abortion doctor she could very well kiss her career goodbye. Luckily, she persisted anyway.

It then surprised me that they found actors who would act in the movie and find people to fund the movie to be made. Hell, I'm even shocked that the movie theatre will even show it.

Two thumbs up!

A must see!
Dahmer was most likely insane but the movies portrayed him as a racist killer. Gosnel had a M.D. degree and was probably sane and motivated by the money but the media portrays (excuses) him as insane. It's interesting to note that the City of Philadelphia inspects hot dog stands and tattoo parlors for health issues but apparently not abortion clinics. Gosnel apparently specialized in the horrific late term aka partial birth abortion. The procedure calls for the technician to cause a breach birth and hold a couple of inches of the head inside the birth canal before it is stabbed in the back of the head and killed. The slimy and bloody wriggling mass must be hard to hold but if it slips and falls on to the table it becomes legally subject to Constitutional rights. Apparently Gosnel and his gang didn't give a damn and slaughtered babies regardless of their status. It makes you wonder if it happens in other clinics specializing in late term.

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