Got a cough? Try this!


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX

How to prep Peppermint to kill a cough:​

100 times stronger than lemon and garlic ❗️ Killer of all bacteria and fungi! Stops cough​

Afterthought: YouTube prefers that you visit YouTube to see the guide to ending your coughs.
❤️ More people cough in February than send Valentines...❤️
I know what to plant this spring...
I've planted it twice after moving back to Texas in 2009, but I don't know why the perennial peppermint doesn't prosper on my property. When I lived in Wyoming, I planted it once, and it prospered for 35 years, through winters that had a few -40 degree days, and colder some years than that. I may try growing some again, by starting it in cool days of right now, lol.
I can't figure it out unless racoons, squirrels, ring tails, field mice or water mocassins have a penchant for the stuff. You never know out here in the country who likes what. This year, my doggie had 9 puppies, and under the oak tree out front, I never saw so many acorns all over the front yard in the last 12 years. The puppies seem to be deterrents to wild varmits, and especially the squirrels who no longer come out even at night. They do not care for my obsessive little cuties. :lmao:
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I've planted it twice after moving back to Texas in 2009, but I don't know why the perennial peppermint doesn't prosper on my property. When I lived in Wyoming, I planted it once, and it prospered for 35 years, through winters that had a few -40 degree days, and colder some years than that. I may try growing some again, by starting it in cool days of right now, lol.
I can't figure it out unless racoons, squirrels, ring tails, field mice or water mocassins have a penchant for the stuff. You never know out here in the country who likes what. This year, my doggie had 9 puppies, and under the oak tree out front, I never saw so many acorns all over the front yard in the last 12 years. The puppies seem to be deterrents to wild varmits, and especially the squirrels who no longer come out even at night. They do not care for my obsessive little cuties. :lmao:
Interesting... I know there are certain plants and herbs that only do well under the best environment... I have about 6 blueberry bushes and they do great... big blueberries pop up in the spring and summer and they are delicious... but they do struggle to survive the winter...
My biggest problem are deer and other creatures eating everything I stick in the ground... lol... but I can grow peppermint on my deck where the varmints don't dare tread.... except the Bluebirds.... I'm at WW111 with them.... DEFCON 10 baby....

How to prep Peppermint to kill a cough:​

100 times stronger than lemon and garlic ❗️ Killer of all bacteria and fungi! Stops cough​

Afterthought: YouTube prefers that you visit YouTube to see the guide to ending your coughs.
❤️ More people cough in February than send Valentines...❤️

Here's one I learned recently, and am not discounting it.
It goes: Rub Vick's into your navel area. Take it for what you will.

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