Gov booed off stage at Flint. Those people should know better.

Yet another case of "the narrative" trumps the Truth.

The governor did nothing wrong - certainly nothing criminal - in this whole episode, and in fact if he had been a Democrat this story would be relegated to page 26 of the Metro section. But the MSM/Dem narrative is that the evil, mean Republican governor poisoned the water of these "black" people. I guess the tens of thousands of "white" people in Flint were just collateral damage.
Collateral damage? No, he poisoned their water too.

He never poisoned jack shit. If anyone should have been booed it should have been Obama for not firing the freaking EPA involved in the cover up of the lead poisoning.

I heard a clip of Obama on the radio this morning blaming the entire thing on the GOP and using the Flint water issue to mock the GOP and advocate for bigger government. The guy was intentionally trying to stir up shit, does that sound like a POTUS? What an asshole.
Proper respect for one's rulers is to be expected.

The only party as reprehensible as the Republicans is the Democrats, truly.

Down with the two party dictatorship.
Democrats are a coalition party.
Come on. The guy is a Republican. Republicans don't care about those people. Did you see him up there laughing a giggling? They should have just ignored him until he went away.
Will they ever learn? Think Katrina. Think Iraq. Think the Gulf Oil Spill.
How many times do people have to point out that changing water supplies was LOCAL GOVERNMENT DECISION? The Governor or state reps had nothing to do with it. It was the far left Democratic city government that made the call! How many years in a row has Flint had a 100% Democratic government. The last 100?

Quit being dishonest! You know damn well the Demorats in charge of the city are responsible but you choose to act like a moron instead!
No, Republicans were in charge of the city. Managers appointed by the GOP Governor. Do keep up.
Flint? That still a city? I thought they dissolved that miserable ugly blight on society. If they haven't, it's time to. Flint will never change. It's a failed entity.
Flint? That still a city? I thought they dissolved that miserable ugly blight on society. If they haven't, it's time to. Flint will never change. It's a failed entity.
That must be why Republicans poisoned it.
Wow, you are so stupid. Not just stupid, but fucking ignorant stupid.

Gov. Snyder concedes Flint water was failure of emergency manager system

All this time, we've been talking about the Emergency Managers the Gov appointed removing the entire city council from power. And you post something to stupid, so fucking idiotic. So retarded. And you don't even know it.


Don't you even bother to look anything up? I pity you. A true dunce in every sense of the word.
Wow, you are so stupid. Not just stupid, but fucking ignorant stupid.

Gov. Snyder concedes Flint water was failure of emergency manager system

All this time, we've been talking about the Emergency Managers the Gov appointed removing the entire city council from power. And you post something to stupid, so fucking idiotic. So retarded. And you don't even know it.


Don't you even bother to look anything up? I pity you. A true dunce in every sense of the word.

Sure the Manager failed, he couldn't overcome the the 100% Democrat Flit City Council

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