Gov Larry Hogan on Trump - "I Say Three Strikes and You're Out"

Bullshit. If Hogan wins the Republican nomination, you people will be mapping him to racism and anti-women across the board. Look how you treated McCain and Romney when they stood between your guy and the Presidency?
I'd vote for a sensible Republican over a Democrat in most instances. Since the neoconservatives invaded Iraq, to Sarah Palin being a V.P. candidate, to Donald Trump, there just have not been too many to vote for.
Larry Hogan was speaking at the Republican Jewish coalition:

“Trump was saying that we'd be winning so much we'd get tired of winning. Well, I’m sick and tired of our party losing. After this election last week, I'm even more sick and tired. [...] If you repeatedly lose to a really bad team, it's time for new leadership."

Hogan would make a great presidential candidate. He's the kind who could carry the swing states and even flip some of the Dem leaning states, like Virginia, back to red. Of course, if he ran, the far right base of the party would call him a "RINO" and would put their support behind a less pragmatic candidate who would have a harder time winning.

He's not just a RINO, he's a legacy RINO.

He'd be destroyed worse than DeSantis on the national stage.
That’s because he concentrated on doing his job, instead of going for headlines. He won twice in a blue state and I even voted for him the second time around. He was approached to run against Trump in the 2020 primaries, but he realized that was a lost cause. As you validated, he didn’t have near the name recognition to make a win against an incumbent feasible.
Why are our borders open? Who is concentrating on that? Tell the criminals you support to ensure our safety like the government is obligated to do. You blowholes are amazingly stupid and virulently anti-American pieces of shit.
His cold hearted handling of Covid. At first I carried water for Trump, but after Covid I saw the man for who he is I turned on him.
Ah - brainwashed by the lunatic liberal media.

But yeah, Hogan's a RINO and a loser.
Someone should tell Larry, and the OP, he doesn’t get to make that call.
He can make any call he wants. Are you trying to censor the man? That’s a 1st Amendment violation.
Larry Hogan was speaking at the Republican Jewish coalition:

“Trump was saying that we'd be winning so much we'd get tired of winning. Well, I’m sick and tired of our party losing. After this election last week, I'm even more sick and tired. [...] If you repeatedly lose to a really bad team, it's time for new leadership."

Hogan would make a great presidential candidate. He's the kind who could carry the swing states and even flip some of the Dem leaning states, like Virginia, back to red. Of course, if he ran, the far right base of the party would call him a "RINO" and would put their support behind a less pragmatic candidate who would have a harder time winning.

Is Larry Hogan the one that didn't call out the National Guard in time when Baltimore was burning everywhere?

Why yes, yes he is. America does not need leadership like that. :nono:

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That’s double-talk, but par for the course, I guess.
Double talk? Nope. It’s a fact. Otherwise Trump would be forced to quit the race simple because Hogan doesn’t want him to run, Simp.
Once again in English, please. :whatsign:
Man you are slow.

It it was Hogan's call he could tell Trump he can't run. Since it isn't his call all he can do is whine about it.

I can't dumb it down any further for you, Simp.
Man you are slow.

It it was Hogan's call he could tell Trump he can't run. Since it isn't his call all he can do is whine about it.

I can't dumb it down any further for you, Simp.
He can say anything he wants. He hardly needs your permission! :auiqs.jpg:

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