Gov. Ned Lamont is targeting both the illegal and legal guns in Connecticut, proposes $64 million bill to toughen gun law enforcement & hire more cops

From the link in the OP

The Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence hailed Lamont for offering a bill that would block a gun permit for anyone convicted of a domestic violence crime.

The Lautenberg amendment did that on the federal level more than 20 years ago. You'd think a governor would know that.


malloy got the ball started re: temporary restraining orders in domestic violence cases. not sure what yer point is about lamont ... but you would also think that the (R) legislature woulda known that too.
I find him humorous and often agree with him.

case closed. biden is not coming for yer guns. if you are possibly speaking about assault weapons, then whatever argument you got - i ain't listening.
You can’t be tough on crime if you are weak on guns!

Last year roughly 5 million new gun owners.

On top of the almost 400 million owned guns from 2018 and all the other guns bought since then.

With all those guns how many shootings do we have in this country that aren't comitted by felons, dope head, thugs and criminals? Not that many.

With about 450 million guns I'd say being tough on guns isn't the problem at all and 99% of the time they will only be tough on responsible gun owners.

When you have more guns than people in the country if just "not being tough" on guns was the answer there be 10s of thousands of shootings everyday statistically speaking and that's being modest.

Criminals are the problem, plain and simple and when places like Chicago and California where they promote crime by lowering charges, letting blacks go free, letting people steal and shit then gun related crime will go up. It isn't tough to realize any of this.

Switzerland has gun ownership that rivals America but they have the lowest violent crime in Europe. Why? Because Switzerland out of all of Europe has amazingly high employment rates, great health care, great education, and also importantly a non diverse society where no one feels threatened or different so they are more comfortable and peaceful.

No, America has a diversity and criminal problem. Not a gun problem.
case closed. biden is not coming for yer guns. if you are possibly speaking about assault weapons, then whatever argument you got - i ain't listening.
In Biden’s mental condition he might just decide to give every American an AR-15 just like he was going to hand out crack pipes.

Today once time gun hating liberals are buying their first firearms as they realize the police are no longer proactive but just reactive. They will show up in time to put up the crime scene tape. Defunding and not supporting the police was once of the most stupid ideas the Democrats have come up with in the last few decades. Guns are expensive. Liberals will not want to give their new guns up and will vote for conservatives to avoid any confiscation.

Last year roughly 5 million new gun owners.

On top of the almost 400 million owned guns from 2018 and all the other guns bought since then.

With all those guns how many shootings do we have in this country that aren't comitted by felons, dope head, thugs and criminals? Not that many.

With about 450 million guns I'd say being tough on guns isn't the problem at all and 99% of the time they will only be tough on responsible gun owners.

When you have more guns than people in the country if just "not being tough" on guns was the answer there be 10s of thousands of shootings everyday statistically speaking and that's being modest.

Criminals are the problem, plain and simple and when places like Chicago and California where they promote crime by lowering charges, letting blacks go free, letting people steal and shit then gun related crime will go up. It isn't tough to realize any of this.

Switzerland has gun ownership that rivals America but they have the lowest violent crime in Europe. Why? Because Switzerland out of all of Europe has amazingly high employment rates, great health care, great education, and also importantly a non diverse society where no one feels threatened or different so they are more comfortable and peaceful.

No, America has a diversity and criminal problem. Not a gun problem.

Switzerland is also slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey. It is much easier to keep crime rate down in a small nation as compared to the U.S. (Assuming police, politicians and bureaucrats are not corrupt.)
case closed. biden is not coming for yer guns. if you are possibly speaking about assault weapons, then whatever argument you got - i ain't listening.
Out of curiosity can you explain why an AR-15 is considered an assault weapon while the Ruger Mini 14 is not?



Ruger Mini-14

malloy got the ball started re: temporary restraining orders in domestic violence cases. not sure what yer point is about lamont ... but you would also think that the (R) legislature woulda known that too.

The legislature didn't propose the bill, did they? You'd think the governor would have people to research a topic, before they put their ignorance on full display.

You can’t be tough on crime if you are weak on guns!

Every time there is a mass shooting, the Dems start screaming for gun control and the banning of "assault weapons".

Every time there is a mass shooting, the Repubs say we just need to start enforcing the existing laws, hire more cops, and punish illegal gun traffickers.

But when a Democrat introduces a bill to pay for more enforcement of existing laws, hiring more cops, and tracking and punishing illegal gun traffickers, the Republicans come out against it.

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