Gov. Perry to send 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to border

I see a lot of snivelling, crying, sobbing and blubbering on this thread, and it's all coming from the ODS crowd.

So, same old same old. Crybabies just gotta cry. Any excuse will do. There you go, get it all out of your system, ODSers. Here's a kleenex. Better now?
Maybe you are posting on the wrong thread?? . :cuckoo:

Everyone here is rejoicing and jumping for joy about Gov. Perry's sending the National Guard to the Texas border. . :dance:
No, everybody is pretty much ignoring the political stunt, and will continue to do so. ODS kooks excluded, since political stunts actually fool them.

And eventually, Perry will have to explain spending millions to have the NG serve as his photo props.
No, everybody is pretty much ignoring the political stunt, and will continue to do so. ODS kooks excluded, since political stunts actually fool them.

And eventually, Perry will have to explain spending millions to have the NG serve as his photo props.

Be gone sheep! Don't rain on our parade. Go be a nuisance on somebody else's thread.

Rick ("oops") Perry must be running for prez of the tee potty states of Un-merika. I mean, he can't let those new studious eyeglasses go to waste, right?

This latest little grandstanding won't accomplish anything except taking food out of American mouths but who cares, right?

You Pootarians need to wake up. Quit falling for stunts and start demanding real governing from your Pootarian politicians.
I'm gonna do a dance....Yipppeeee! Suck on that Obama! Things aren't going as you planned? 😂


Um, so then where the hell has old Dick been since 2000 ? Wonder why he is deciding to do something now after 14 years of just doing nothing. Must be the new glasses.
This latest little grandstanding won't accomplish anything except taking food out of American mouths but who cares, right?
Exactly how is sending the NG to secure the border taking food out of the mouths of Americans?? . :cool:

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That's an example of 1,000 times more leadership capability than we have seen from the White House on this particular subject... Texans need to be thankful they have a real leader in the Governor's Mansion. This is a huge step in advancing the notion of Sovereign State Rights.

I reckon the DOJ will file suit and initiate an investigation against Texas next - - nothing would surprise me. This could still become very interesting from the standpoint of Sovereign State Rights vs. an over-bearing, but useless and impotent, Central gub'mint.

In Texas the Republicans have been as weak on illegal immigration as the democrates. Just ask anyone in the construction trades down here who cant make more then $10.00 an hour.
That's an example of 1,000 times more leadership capability than we have seen from the White House on this particular subject... Texans need to be thankful they have a real leader in the Governor's Mansion. This is a huge step in advancing the notion of Sovereign State Rights.

I reckon the DOJ will file suit and initiate an investigation against Texas next - - nothing would surprise me. This could still become very interesting from the standpoint of Sovereign State Rights vs. an over-bearing, but useless and impotent, Central gub'mint.

In Texas the Republicans have been as weak on illegal immigration as the democrates. Just ask anyone in the construction trades down here who cant make more then $10.00 an hour.

Children are not cheap labor so Gov. Perry is having a hissy fit. More illegal aliens worker is Texas than any other state. Perry is only complaining because they are children.
Texas is the new Calif when it come t0o cheap illegal labor.
I'm gonna do a dance....Yipppeeee! Suck on that Obama! Things aren't going as you planned? 😂


Um, so then where the hell has old Dick been since 2000 ? Wonder why he is deciding to do something now after 14 years of just doing nothing. Must be the new glasses.

Honestly I don't care. He's doing something NOW to stop this chaos when everyone else is walking on eggshells with their tails between their legs. So I'm celebrating. Deal with it.

That's what I always liked about the State of is a true Republic!

Oh, you poor thing, you. Does all that stupidity hurt?

Texas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas WAS a Republic until December 29, 1845.

Just for your information: since then, Texas is one of the 50 states of the United States of America and is not longer an independent Republic.

But I would love to see Perry be your nominee. Then Hillary wins by +18 to +21 instead of just by +15 in 2016.

Run, Perry, run!!!

I am thoroughly enjoying all the right-wing butthurtedness and ODS on this thread.


And when President Obama calls Gov. Perry and congratulates him on this move and offers assistance, what y'all gonna do then??

I mean, this wouldn't be the first time that the President has called little Perry's bluff....
I am thoroughly enjoying all the right-wing butthurtedness and ODS on this thread.


And when President Obama calls Gov. Perry and congratulates him on this move and offers assistance, what y'all gonna do then??

I mean, this wouldn't be the first time that the President has called little Perry's bluff....

Pppsssssh! That's never gonna happen! What world do you live in? Like obama would turn away all those future democratic voters?!

I'm gonna do a dance....Yipppeeee! Suck on that Obama! Things aren't going as you planned? 😂


Um, so then where the hell has old Dick been since 2000 ? Wonder why he is deciding to do something now after 14 years of just doing nothing. Must be the new glasses.

Honestly I don't care. He's doing something NOW to stop this chaos when everyone else is walking on eggshells with their tails between their legs. So I'm celebrating. Deal with it.


No he's not.

He's actually doing just the opposite.
Um, so then where the hell has old Dick been since 2000 ? Wonder why he is deciding to do something now after 14 years of just doing nothing. Must be the new glasses.

Honestly I don't care. He's doing something NOW to stop this chaos when everyone else is walking on eggshells with their tails between their legs. So I'm celebrating. Deal with it.


No he's not.

He's actually doing just the opposite.

How so?

Honestly I don't care. He's doing something NOW to stop this chaos when everyone else is walking on eggshells with their tails between their legs. So I'm celebrating. Deal with it.


No he's not.

He's actually doing just the opposite.

How so?


Perry said something like 'our citizens being assaulted and children living in squalor'.

Citizens are not being assaulted and he has done nothing to actually help the children. The Natl Guard cannot detain anyone. All they can do is get in the way of the Border Patrol doing their job - which they actually do quite well.

The cost will be in excess of $million every week and will accomplish nothing. Texasss does not have that money and will bill the federal govt for it - just he bills us for his sky high food stamp amount. IOW, the blue states tax payers will once again pay for the poor red states.

Meanwhile, the bill that does address this and which the Rs agreed to, has been sitting on Boehner's desk for more than a year because this is all about trying to make Obama look bad. The R does not do anything FOR their own country.

From your posts, it looks like you're just another partisan hater. You're not looking for information or answers. You just want to repeat the idiotic lies about our southern border, the president, Hispanics.

Notice I did not write "Mexicans".

You might want to try getting your news from other than ultra-RW sources and message boards.
This latest little grandstanding won't accomplish anything except taking food out of American mouths but who cares, right?
Exactly how is sending the NG to secure the border taking food out of the mouths of Americans?? . :cool:


You just have to wonder what kind of thinking it is that finds putting the national guard on the border is taking food out of American mouths, but 4 billion dollars to distribute illegal alien criminals across the country isn't.

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