Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail

I think this is going to backfire on the Dems. The video of the drunk DA will make great campaign commercial fodder.
No way should the taxpayers be expected to foot the bill for his legal defense. He needs to use his OWN money to fund his lawyers. He screwed up, he should suffer the consequences, and if that means losing financially, so be it.

well taxpayers will be footing the bill. That's one reason Sarah Palin resigned, after 19 Frivolous lawsuits brought against her, one I believe a coat her husband was wearing...She said it was costing the taxpayers money and taking away to much of her time...

so, this is what we are paying for to defend some drunk lady

something from the lawsuits against Palin

FNC Highlights Baseless Lawsuits Hitting Palin
By Brad Wilmouth | July 6, 2009 | 14:12
19 2 Reddit0 0
As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday reported on Sarah Palin's decision to resign as Alaska's Governor, they gave little attention to the toll taken on the Governor by the onslaught of frivolous lawsuits from her political enemies. But, by contrast, FNC gave much of the credit for Palin's decision to these lawsuits that have tied up the Governor's time and forced her family to spend a fortune in legal expenses.
On Friday's Fox Report, FNC correspondent Carl Cameron informed viewers: "Those ethics complaints have all been dropped or dismissed, and yet they've taken a toll and she acknowledged as much earlier." Then came a soundbite of Palin from her news conference, which was partially played on the CBS Evening News but not on ABC or NBC. Palin:
Todd and I, we’re looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills just in order to set the record straight. And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations? It doesn't cost them a dime. ... My staff and I spend most of our days, we're dealing with this stuff instead of progressing our state now.

all of it here
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There is a freshman Congressman on charges of buy cocaine in a sting operation. he is not resigning his seat, and the elected govt.officials do not have to take a drug test...Most unfair, since the common citizen they make laws for, have to get drug tested for many reasons...
No way should the taxpayers be expected to foot the bill for his legal defense. He needs to use his OWN money to fund his lawyers. He screwed up, he should suffer the consequences, and if that means losing financially, so be it.

Why don't you worry about your own little island?
people should be up in arms about this new DIRTY political weapon used by the left/Democrats/progressives/commies

lawsuits to tie them up and cost THEM and US TAXPAYERS millions of dollars while in office

Good article on that:
The Lynching of Rick Perry
Democratic criminalization of political disagreement.
By William Murchison – 8.18.14

All across America, it seems, we have been hearing about the militarization of law enforcement. To the growing list of 21st century social and cultural disorders it seems timely to add the criminalization of political disagreement.
What else could the Rick Perry case be about? A governor, and sometime presidential candidate, indicted by a grand jury for a particular use of his constitutional veto power? Such are the dismaying dimensions of the matter.
No such thing, replies the special prosecutor who procured the indictment of Texas’ longest-serving governor. Michael McCrum finds “absolutely no basis” for the accusation that politics motivated the indictment, on account of his case’s grounding in “the facts and the law, and nothing else.”
The prosecutor, if I may be permitted, is full of a commodity long recommended for agricultural enrichment. We may imagine if we like that a grand jury in one of America’s most liberal counties concluded, without bias or rancor, that one of America’s best-known conservative politicians illegally vetoed funding for that same county’s “public integrity” unit, presided over by a DA convicted of drunk driving. It was illegal for the governor to use his legal power? That seems essentially the narrative the jury bought from McCrum.
Austin, where conservatives feel like Southern Baptist missionaries in western Iraq, doesn’t cotton to a Republican governor who doesn’t cotton to the hand-tooled, leather-bound liberal agenda. Nor can the capital city be described as grateful to Perry for his part over the last decade in keeping Texas safe from liberal policies. Democrats hold not one single statewide office in Texas. You can see from any political perspective how the very mention of Perry’s name in Austin might bring on dyspepsia, if not angina.
The governor is right to call the indictment “nothing more than an abuse of power.” Legal experts appear largely to agree with his claim that “we will ultimately prevail” — in terms, that is to say, of winning either acquittal or prompt dismissal of a case that holds no air. “One of the laws [cited by the grand jury] is hopelessly vague, the other really doesn’t appear to fit,” says Prof. Jonathan Turley of George Washington University. A Rice University professor, Mark Jones, says, “I can’t imagine a jury convicting him on this.”

all of it:
The Lynching of Rick Perry | The American Spectator
people should be up in arms about this new DIRTY political weapon used by the left/Democrats/progressives/commies

lawsuits to tie them up and cost them millions of dollars while in office

:lame2: Yeah, it's not like the GOP has ever done this....
Sorry bout that,

1. This is bullshit, Rick Perry is being smeared.
2. The Dems fear Rick Perry.
3. And Rick Perry will wipe the fucking floor with these Dems.
4. The liberal media is slobbering all over themselves right about now.
5. When does the do nothing congress start Impeachment proceeding on Obama?
6. That is the only political position I see needing reamed out!

The party of the judge is irrelevant at this point, it will only make a difference after the charges are dismissed for violating state law.

What part of 'that's for the justice system to decide' do you not understand? Why the fuck do you think you are qualified to speak to [sic] other people's criminal charges? Is it possible I was right about you being so smart that you think you know better than anyone else what is good for them?

When are you going to learn that, despite your lofty intellectual capabilities, I can argue circles around you?



Poor Windy.
notice no whine from Democrats/libs about all that MONEY wasted on useless investigations

and remember when the gop was going to sue Obambam? the wailing and screeching?
This isn't a useless investigation.The difference here is that the people of Texas are going to have to pay through the nose for Perry's defense but they're all mostly rich Republicans in their red state that has oil wells, gas, etc. for the most part, who want to defend Perry so it shouldn't be any strain on their budget whatsoever and I haven't heard any hollering or complaining about that either. $450.00 an hour lawyer, just for one of them? They think that's great! What a bargain!! Yet they don't believe in spending on much else. That's the actual problem with much that undoubtedly needs to be done in Texas to help their infrastructure, etc.
I'm no fan of Gardasil Rick, but this indictment is a farce and may very well backfire on the Democrats.

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