Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail

How soon we forget...
Let's take it step by step:

"You're in Australia, you don't pay the taxes that would pay for Rick Perry's defense team".

Well --- you don't either; Rick Perry is in Texas.
Hoist with your own petard. :eusa_naughty:

Hiya. :bye1:
Are you saying federal funds are never provided to states in the manner of block grants???? REALLLYYYYYYY?????? Look in the mirror , petard indeed.
Are you saying federal funds are never provided to states in the manner of block grants???? REALLLYYYYYYY?????? Look in the mirror , petard indeed.

"Block grants"?? :confused-84: Nobody brought up "block grants". You tried to shut a poster up because she doesn't live there ---- you don't either. Not rocket science but we're not going to sit here and repeat it until the sun comes up. If she doesn't have a say, you don't either.

It's a bullshit point anyway; nobody needs to pay the taxes in order to have an opinion on it. If that were the case, voters could never vote on a tax referendum they weren't already paying. I'm simply pointing out your double standard.

Twice in one month too.:razz:
Nice spinning. Gates was not a registered member of the Republican Party. Secondly, with the nature of the Democratic Party there are few actual big shots in the Democratic Big leagues who are qualified to be Secretary of Defense - so many Democrats come from the community organizer side of the party that they'd have a heart attack if asked to assume the role of SecDef. Besides, look who he had to appoint in this term - An actual Republican, though one repudiated by many in his party - Chuck Hagel. Again, the ranks are so thin in Democrat-land that Obama's hand is forced.

As for Ray LaHood as Transportation Secretary, the guy had a 0% rating from the conservative Club for Growth and he was always criticizing McCain and Palin. Obama knows how to reward turncoat politicians from his own state. After all, it's hard slogging for a "Republican" in Illinois' Democratic political culture - a 0% rating for god's sake. This guy is thick-as-thieves with the Liberal establishment in Illinois - Rahm Emmanuel gave him a job after he resigned as Transportation Secretary.

Your rebuttal is immaterial because it focuses on distractions. I asked if Obama was in the habit of nominating conservatives as US Attorney, putting conservatives in power where they could affect the law and legal precedent? Well, is he? Do liberal Congressman frequently lobby Democratic Presidents to nominate Republicans to be US Attorney? Well, do they?
Should they?
"Block grants"?? :confused-84: Nobody brought up "block grants". You tried to shut a poster up because she doesn't live there ---- you don't either. Not rocket science but we're not going to sit here and repeat it until the sun comes up. If she doesn't have a say, you don't either.

It's a bullshit point anyway; nobody needs to pay the taxes in order to have an opinion on it. If that were the case, voters could never vote on a tax referendum they weren't already paying. I'm simply pointing out your double standard.

Twice in one month too.:razz:
It's a BS point to a moonbat kook liberal like yourself which doesn't mean SHYT.. You got your ass handed to you for looking like the dumbazz you parade yourself to be on any given day.. You put it out there that just because I live in NC, my tax dollars stay here only and don't make their way any place else.. ROFLMAO You butted your fat nose in to something because your leftist friend who doesn't even live in this fucking country, demanded Perry's defense not be provided by people like myself who do live here.. Guess what stupiddick?? It backfired, just like this circus stunt indictment.
You so cute when you melt down.

Do again.
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

Carter and Obama are Democrats, not Republicans, so your claim is false.
Are there actually ObamaNuts in this thread criticizing a sitting Governor of a state that has created more jobs than any state in the US??? LMAO Your boy King can't even give a speech without a teleprompter and you think your silly spitballs damage Rick Perry???:badgrin:
Looks like he was right about that whole Lehmberg integrity thing.

We should have a nostalgic moment.
Sorry bout that,

1. We do have some really stupid judges if he/she is a Republicans, or so called, in order to give the story legs, also the Rep. Special Prosecutor, sure he is a Rep, fucking give me a break, they are bullshitting, and I know bullshit when I read it, these bastards are *RINO'S* !!!!
2. This story stinks like a fresh pile of shit!
3. And Rick Perry will run these bastards over like a freight train.


Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes to me ... is that the cannonball express???
I want payback when GOP takes power after national elections. In 2017' I want Obama perp walked to Leavenworth prison.

and click your heels together and say there's no place like home... and maybe the powerful Oz will let your dream come true:eusa_dance:
I can't speak for Chess, but I know they are false because I actually understand the law.

Would you like me to shove that law down your throat to demonstrate?
sir point out what the law says... like everything republican, you'll probably screw that up too
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The Special Prosecutor McCrum's party affiliation isn't known but he seems to be a Democrat. There are some reports that make the case look shaky, and the burden of proof for the prosecution seems difficult to make because the prosecution's case hinges on the Gov.'s intent. Could be a political move to knock Perry out of the Presidential race (though not timed well if that is the case). I guess we'll see when the case goes to trial...
yes it is known ... if you did a little research you would find out he's a republican... like everything republican you tend to do nothing when it concerns research...

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