Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail

Are there actually ObamaNuts in this thread criticizing a sitting Governor of a state that has created more jobs than any state in the US??? LMAO Your boy King can't even give a speech without a teleprompter and you think your silly spitballs damage Rick Perry???:badgrin:
It is the oil and Gas industry that is responsible for thee number of jobs in Texas,. the Governor had nothing to do with it.
It's a BS point to a moonbat kook liberal like yourself which doesn't mean SHYT.. You got your ass handed to you for looking like the dumbazz you parade yourself to be on any given day.. You put it out there that just because I live in NC, my tax dollars stay here only and don't make their way any place else.. ROFLMAO You butted your fat nose in to something because your leftist friend who doesn't even live in this fucking country, demanded Perry's defense not be provided by people like myself who do live here.. Guess what stupiddick?? It backfired, just like this circus stunt indictment.

Congratulations. You just scored a 7, the lowest and least intelligent level of debate

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1


Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point

2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken

3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.

4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.

5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument

6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.

7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass
It's a BS point to a moonbat kook liberal like yourself which doesn't mean SHYT.. You got your ass handed to you for looking like the dumbazz you parade yourself to be on any given day.. You put it out there that just because I live in NC, my tax dollars stay here only and don't make their way any place else.. ROFLMAO You butted your fat nose in to something because your leftist friend who doesn't even live in this fucking country, demanded Perry's defense not be provided by people like myself who do live here.. Guess what stupiddick?? It backfired, just like this circus stunt indictment.

Congratulations. You just scored a 7, the lowest and least intelligent level of debate. It's what people do when they don't have an intelligent response.

Top: More intelligent and productive on the top - 1


Bottom: Less intelligent and productive on the bottom - 7

1. Refuting the central point – explicitly refutes the central point

2. Refutation – finds the mistake and explains why it’s mistaken

3. Counter Argument – Contradicts and then backs up contradiction with reasoning or supportive evidence.

4. Contradiction – states the opposing case with little or no evidence.

5. Responding to Tone – criticizes to the tone of the writing without attacking the substance of the argument

6. Ad Hominem – attacks the characteristics or authority of the writer without addressing the substance of the argument.

7. Name calling – You are a Dumbass
Perry got a fair prosecutor, genuine jurors

Perry, as a presumed presidential hopeful, is trying to survive by crying political persecution.

But political persecution from whom?

The complaint was filed by Texans for Political Justice. The Director of the non partisan group took his complaint to a chief republican judge, a Perry appointee in fact, who then forwarded it to another republican judge for consideration.

Republican judge Bert Richardson appointed a republican special prosecutor, Michael McCrum.

The defense attorney and formal federal prosecutor has a stellar legal reputation, and a bipartisan one. In 2009 republican senators backed his nomination for US Attorney.

That leaves us with the grand jury. The members were randomly selected from jurors who answered a summons, the same process used to select regular juries which is drivers license files and voter registration rolls. The jurors were selected by republican judge Bert Richardson

Political persecution from who?

The grand jurors attended 8 sessions over 5 months, listening to hours of testimony.

Allegations from perry of political slant offends several grand jurors. The jurors are frustrated by Perry;s dismissal of the indictment as a farce.

One juror who asked not to be named, said public perception about the case will change once the full scope of evidence becomes public.
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

Carter and Obama are Democrats, not Republicans, so your claim is false.

You many not like Carter or Obama, but you can't call them dumb. Dumbya and Perry are two of the most incurious, dumbarse, thick leaders the US has ever seen... True story...
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

Carter and Obama are Democrats, not Republicans, so your claim is false.

You many not like Carter or Obama, but you can't call them dumb. Dumbya and Perry are two of the most incurious, dumbarse, thick leaders the US has ever seen... True story...

I agree with what you said, but you completely misread my point. I'm not calling Carter and Obama dumb because I don't like them, I'm calling them dumb because they're not smart. They're ideologues. They've offloading their thinking onto their ideology. Plenty of Obama's academic peers have noted that he's not an intellectual, he simply knows how to mimic the affectations of an intellectual.

I have reasons not to like Clinton but I'd never call him dumb and so I didn't include him in the list. I don't like Charles Shumer but I also don't call him dumb.
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

Carter and Obama are Democrats, not Republicans, so your claim is false.

You many not like Carter or Obama, but you can't call them dumb. Dumbya and Perry are two of the most incurious, dumbarse, thick leaders the US has ever seen... True story...

I agree with what you said, but you completely misread my point. I'm not calling Carter and Obama dumb because I don't like them, I'm calling them dumb because they're not smart. They're ideologues. They've offloading their thinking onto their ideology. Plenty of Obama's academic peers have noted that he's not an intellectual, he simply knows how to mimic the affectations of an intellectual.

I have reasons not to like Clinton but I'd never call him dumb and so I didn't include him in the list. I don't like Charles Shumer but I also don't call him dumb.

Bush went to Andover & got 1205 on his SATs, not stupid but far from superior intelligence.
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

Carter and Obama are Democrats, not Republicans, so your claim is false.

You many not like Carter or Obama, but you can't call them dumb. Dumbya and Perry are two of the most incurious, dumbarse, thick leaders the US has ever seen... True story...

I agree with what you said, but you completely misread my point. I'm not calling Carter and Obama dumb because I don't like them, I'm calling them dumb because they're not smart. They're ideologues. They've offloading their thinking onto their ideology. Plenty of Obama's academic peers have noted that he's not an intellectual, he simply knows how to mimic the affectations of an intellectual.

I have reasons not to like Clinton but I'd never call him dumb and so I didn't include him in the list. I don't like Charles Shumer but I also don't call him dumb.

Bush went to Andover & got 1205 on his SATs, not stupid but far from superior intelligence.

I'm around a lot of intelligent dumb people. These people use their intelligence to find crafty new ways of supporting dumb ideas. Obama and Carter don't even qualify to be intelligent dumb people for they simply rely on dogma. I've never heard either of them, speaking extemporaneously, actually say anything intelligent, even in support of dumb ideas.
I agree with what you said, but you completely misread my point. I'm not calling Carter and Obama dumb because I don't like them, I'm calling them dumb because they're not smart. They're ideologues. They've offloading their thinking onto their ideology. Plenty of Obama's academic peers have noted that he's not an intellectual, he simply knows how to mimic the affectations of an intellectual.

I have reasons not to like Clinton but I'd never call him dumb and so I didn't include him in the list. I don't like Charles Shumer but I also don't call him dumb.

I disagree. You don't become the Editor of the law review, a professor at a college etc, without having some smarts. Is he an ideologue? Sure. Aren't most politicians. That aside, I'm not putting some snide aside with regard to Bush or Perry - I have seen them with my own eyes. They are just plain dumb. They are lead around by their noses, say what they are told to, a look like rabbits caught in headlights if even the most semi-literate question is asked of them. This isn't a Repub-Dem thing either from my POV. I think both Ford and Nixon were intelligent. Reagun a little more cynical IMO, but certainly not dumb.
I agree with what you said, but you completely misread my point. I'm not calling Carter and Obama dumb because I don't like them, I'm calling them dumb because they're not smart. They're ideologues. They've offloading their thinking onto their ideology. Plenty of Obama's academic peers have noted that he's not an intellectual, he simply knows how to mimic the affectations of an intellectual.

I have reasons not to like Clinton but I'd never call him dumb and so I didn't include him in the list. I don't like Charles Shumer but I also don't call him dumb.

I disagree. You don't become the Editor of the law review, a professor at a college etc, without having some smarts.

Sure you do. Harvard Law was roiled by protests in the year that Obama became President of the Review, protests about the lack of black faculty and lack of black student leadership. Look at his performance at the helm of the Review - he didn't publish anything, unlike all past editors. He was a token.

As for being a lecturer at Chicago, there too he was a token. Chicago is a top school, there are thousands of accomplished legal scholars with significant publication records who are turned down and they hired Obama fresh out of Harvard and with no legal scholarship on his CV. That's not signaling smarts, that's signaling tokenism.

The reason that Obama has never released his school records is, in my opinion, because they would demonstrate his weak intellect. Heck, even in his present job we're seeing the disconnect between a "Constitutional Scholar" and massive fuck-ups based on his not understanding constitutional law.
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.

I'm curious about whether you believe prosecutors are criminals when they engage in pleas bargaining, the trading of a lower sentence in order to corrupt justice and lessen their workload. An accused is either guilty of a crime or not but prosecutors will threaten to overcharge and use that as a threat or undercharge and use that as a bribe.

The very tactic liberals say Perry used is used by prosecutors in Public Anti-Corruption units - they threaten to prosecute with the maximum of charges unless the target resigns and then they either close the case or pursue lesser charges. The exact same process is in play. This is their modus operandi. Should these prosecutors be charged with crimes for threatening public officials under investigation for corruption?
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.

I'm curious about whether you believe prosecutors are criminals when they engage in pleas bargaining, the trading of a lower sentence in order to corrupt justice and lessen their workload. An accused is either guilty of a crime or not but prosecutors will threaten to overcharge and use that as a threat or undercharge and use that as a bribe.

The very tactic liberals say Perry used is used by prosecutors in Public Anti-Corruption units - they threaten to prosecute with the maximum of charges unless the target resigns and then they either close the case or pursue lesser charges. The exact same process is in play. This is their modus operandi. Should these prosecutors be charged with crimes for threatening public officials under investigation for corruption?
The fact remains that the law grants prosecutors the authority to do plea deals through statutes and with the court's consent. If it did not then yes, there might be great validity to what you're saying. I'm not a lawyer so can't discuss whether they should be charged with a crime. That is what the law is for and I'm sure if there is ever any merit to a case of impropriety where that very point is in question regarding a prosecutor who is out of line it will be dealt swiftly and with the full extent of the law.
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.

I'm curious about whether you believe prosecutors are criminals when they engage in pleas bargaining, the trading of a lower sentence in order to corrupt justice and lessen their workload. An accused is either guilty of a crime or not but prosecutors will threaten to overcharge and use that as a threat or undercharge and use that as a bribe.

The very tactic liberals say Perry used is used by prosecutors in Public Anti-Corruption units - they threaten to prosecute with the maximum of charges unless the target resigns and then they either close the case or pursue lesser charges. The exact same process is in play. This is their modus operandi. Should these prosecutors be charged with crimes for threatening public officials under investigation for corruption?
The fact remains that the law grants prosecutors the authority to do plea deals through statutes and with the court's consent. If it did not then yes, there might be great validity to what you're saying. I'm not a lawyer so can't discuss whether they should be charged with a crime. That is what the law is for and I'm sure if there is ever any merit to a case of impropriety where that very point is in question regarding a prosecutor who is out of line it will be dealt swiftly and with the full extent of the law.

One: The law grants exemption to members of a governing body. The law is intended to target those who are not in government.
Two: The crux of the issue is that liberals are charging that Perry was trying to influence Lehmberg in the execution of her public duties. Resigning is not a public duty. Therefore the entire line of argument falls apart.

This is why people are laughing at you loons. Your hate for normal people makes your thinking incoherent.
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.

I'm curious about whether you believe prosecutors are criminals when they engage in pleas bargaining, the trading of a lower sentence in order to corrupt justice and lessen their workload. An accused is either guilty of a crime or not but prosecutors will threaten to overcharge and use that as a threat or undercharge and use that as a bribe.

The very tactic liberals say Perry used is used by prosecutors in Public Anti-Corruption units - they threaten to prosecute with the maximum of charges unless the target resigns and then they either close the case or pursue lesser charges. The exact same process is in play. This is their modus operandi. Should these prosecutors be charged with crimes for threatening public officials under investigation for corruption?
The fact remains that the law grants prosecutors the authority to do plea deals through statutes and with the court's consent. If it did not then yes, there might be great validity to what you're saying. I'm not a lawyer so can't discuss whether they should be charged with a crime. That is what the law is for and I'm sure if there is ever any merit to a case of impropriety where that very point is in question regarding a prosecutor who is out of line it will be dealt swiftly and with the full extent of the law.

One: The law grants exemption to members of a governing body. The law is intended to target those who are not in government.
Two: The crux of the issue is that liberals are charging that Perry was trying to influence Lehmberg in the execution of her public duties. Resigning is not a public duty. Therefore the entire line of argument falls apart.

This is why people are laughing at you loons. Your hate for normal people makes your thinking incoherent.
You're far nuttier than I thought if you believe that. You need go no farther than to Richard M. Nixon if you believe the law protects elected officials from wrongdoing.

We'll see what the jury says when Perry sits in the courtroom for his trial. The grand jury will have the last word on it, for your information. You're trying to throw in a red herring here but it won't work. This matter does not involve her resigning and as a public duty. It is what Perry said that got him in trouble and it's time for your side to own up to it and quit being in denial of things as they stand. Let the court decide his fate.

And with what you're saying about liberals hating normal people, blah...blah...blah, you obviously don't have both oars in the water my friend.
No way should the taxpayers be expected to foot the bill for his legal defense. He needs to use his OWN money to fund his lawyers. He screwed up, he should suffer the consequences, and if that means losing financially, so be it.

Miss libertard, what the fuck do you know about our laws...., NOT A FUCKING THING ! he was charged for doing official business, NOT something he done on his own time.

get a clue or SHUT THE FUCK UP !!
Why don't you worry about your own little island?


nice selfie there libertard. :up:
They should just try to impeach him or bring some administrative charges or something of that nature. Going for charges that can amount to over a hundred years in jail seems terribly excessive for what he did.
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?
Well what other option did he have except to turn himself in as the law demanded he do or get arrested for failure to do so. I just have to shake my head when I hear all of the spin and the spinmeisters who are trying to weave this indictment into something more of a vendetta against Perry designed to drive away the real reason he is in trouble. Had he not said things that he did to Lehmberg no charges would have been brought against him though as far as the poverty, hunger, and inequality that exists in Texas that would obviously continue and we need far better leadership from a governor on those very important things.

I'm curious about whether you believe prosecutors are criminals when they engage in pleas bargaining, the trading of a lower sentence in order to corrupt justice and lessen their workload. An accused is either guilty of a crime or not but prosecutors will threaten to overcharge and use that as a threat or undercharge and use that as a bribe.

The very tactic liberals say Perry used is used by prosecutors in Public Anti-Corruption units - they threaten to prosecute with the maximum of charges unless the target resigns and then they either close the case or pursue lesser charges. The exact same process is in play. This is their modus operandi. Should these prosecutors be charged with crimes for threatening public officials under investigation for corruption?

Yes they should. As a general rule, prosecuting attorneys are drunk with power moreso than any governor I've heard of except maybe Gerry Brown or Scott Walker.

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