Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail

the problem you have is you don't know when you're getting fucked and who is fucking you since you are always bent over when the ruight is involved
No you can't see you're getting fucked because the dems are always dropping little free stuff at your feet while you're bending over to pick up the free stuff they are ramming your ass, you've been fucked so many times you don't feel it anymore.
At this point he has my vote in 2016. Wish he would take stronger action to secure criminal flow on border with Mexico.
I can't speak for Chess, but I know they are false because I actually understand the law.

Would you like me to shove that law down your throat to demonstrate?

You do the same thing on economics forum. "How dare you go toe to toe with the master" you tell me. Master of what you never said. Now I find you being an expert on the law too.
who would want a dumbarse like Perry in the White House anyway? Talk about the repubs being stuck on stupid. If by some miracle he did make it in the WH, the repubs would be responsible for the two dumbest presidents in history - and one of the dumbest vice presidents in Quayle. The repubs need to get some quality candidates together if they stand a hope in hell in two years...

and we're stuck with you and that stupid post. If you notice your stupid guy in there now has almost 70% Disapproval rating.. so I guess all you Dem/lib SNOBS and Obama aren't as smart as you Believe you are..
don't you know when republicans haven't a leg to stand on its soros fault
and we're stuck with you and that stupid post. If you notice your stupid guy in there now has almost 70% Disapproval rating.. so I guess all you Dem/lib SNOBS and Obama aren't as smart as you Believe you are..

70% disapproval rating on a republican infested forum is par for the course for a democrat.
The Special Prosecutor McCrum's party affiliation isn't known but he seems to be a Democrat. There are some reports that make the case look shaky, and the burden of proof for the prosecution seems difficult to make because the prosecution's case hinges on the Gov.'s intent. Could be a political move to knock Perry out of the Presidential race (though not timed well if that is the case). I guess we'll see when the case goes to trial...

Other things make the case appear shaky, still glad he turned himself in, I do not see him as a flight risk, but who knows?
This isn't a useless investigation.The difference here is that the people of Texas are going to have to pay through the nose for Perry's defense but they're all mostly rich Republicans in their red state that has oil wells, gas, etc. for the most part, who want to defend Perry so it shouldn't be any strain on their budget whatsoever and I haven't heard any hollering or complaining about that either. $450.00 an hour lawyer, just for one of them? They think that's great! What a bargain!! Yet they don't believe in spending on much else. That's the actual problem with much that undoubtedly needs to be done in Texas to help their infrastructure, etc.

Yup and according to his general counsel he acted within the law for the State of Texas.

“The veto in question was made in accordance with the veto authority afforded to every governor under the Texas Constitution," she said. "We will continue to aggressively defend the governor's lawful and constitutional action, and believe we will ultimately prevail.

I'm sure he knew the law before he enacted the veto. Common sense 101 again.
It amazes me that republicans want to defend Perry when I can easily see they know little to nothing about the case. Defend a republican at any cost because he has the right ideology.

To the Source Police: This information comes from The Houston Chronicle, the daily newspaper of the 4th largest city in the US. The Chronicle endorsed Mitt Romney for Prez and allows more editorial content from Conservative syndicated columnists than liberals. Thus, if you want to label it, it’s a right wing publication.

Gov Perry was indicted on 2 counts: Official oppression a first degree felony and coercion of a public servant, a third degree felony.

This indictment has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that Lehmberg got a DUI or if Rick Perry has the authority to veto.

Lehmberg headed the Public Integrity Unit, a part of the DAs office that investigates misdeeds (corruption) of state agencies and officials. They were investigating how a Dallas based company, Peloton Therapeutics had recieved an $11 million grant (taxpayer money) from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute (CPRIT) without proper review and before CPRIT became awash in scandal. CPRIT was one of Perry’s proudest accomplishments during his 14 years in office. It was his brainchild and he appointed it’s head.

The "resign or I will veto" threat came as the Public Integrity Unit (Lehmberg) was looking into CPRIT. The creation of CPRIT was championed by Perry. The institute was hit by a scandal regarding grants going to those who made contributions and political donations. The agencies former chief officer was indicted after witholding information that an 11 million grant had NOT been reviewed as required.

Perry was trying to get Lehmbergs resignation because he could appoint her successor (a Perry loyalist). She was elected to the position but a republican could be appointed by Perry to replace her. So it was either resign or I will defund the Public Integrity Division to undermine its investigation of CPRIT.


Perry case built with staffers, lawmakers

This summer (last 4 months actually) at the courthouse reporters watched as (republican) Special prosecutor McCrum (republican) built his case. We (REPORTERS) got an idea where the case was headed by the people who came and went during a half dozen meetings before the big one last Friday.

There were current and former staffers, Travis county employees and state lawmakers.

How dominoes fell:

Perry had the clear right to veto the money, but the road to his indictment started with his use of that power to try to force out a locally elected official.

There was Perry spokesman Rich parsons. Senator Kirk Watson D-Austin was tapped to convey the veto threat to Lehmberg. Intergovernmental relations coordinator set up a meeting with Perry's legislative director, former D state Senator Armbrister, Perry Deputy Chief of Staff, and travis County Commissioner, a republican. All went into the Grand Jury Room this summer. Armbrister did so several times. Also a former perry Chief of Staff, his former and current legal counsel, an assistant general cousel, an advisor, and his former communiocations director. Perry's technology manager, and a Travis County Attorneys office employee who works closely with the commissioners court. and others.

Special Prosecutor (R) McCrum interviewed more than 40 people, reviewed hundreds of documents and read many dozens of cases.

All that led to the 2 felony charges returned by the grand jury: abuse of Official capacity, which charges that Perry misused the budget for the public corruption unit. and coercion of a public servant with regard to threatening the veto unless unless Lehmberg resigned.

The indictment is for Abuse of Official Capacity (misuse the budget) and coercion of a public servant ( a threat to veto funds unless Lehmberg resigned).

Everything above is from the newspaper. The following are my words:

I am not defending Lehmberg. She probably should have resigned after the DUI. But then Bush admitted guilt to a DUI and Cheney for 2 DUIs. No one is saying Perry does not have the right to Veto.

It’s the THREAT this is about.

Maybe you will understand better if it is explained on a more personal level. Imagine if your boss’s boss came to you and said, either you resign, or I will fire half or the whole department, your friends and family. I’ll bet if it was you, you would take that to the employment commission. I’ll bet the EEOC would get involved in that. That is not a generally accepted way to fire someone.

Only there is more and it gets worse:

The Public Integrity Unit, headed by Lehmberg, is a department of the state of texas in charge of looking for corruption in government. They were investigating CPRIT, a pet project of Perry. CPRIT was his brainchild, and Perry hand picked/appointed the head of it. The head of CPRIT has already been indicted.. In the midst of the investigation Perry told Lehmberg to resign or else he would cut funding of the department. Do you Perry supporters not see something wrong in this scenario? They were investigating Perry’s pet project which has already resulted in one indictment. And he coerced her to get her resignation. Do you need it spelled out for you?

CPRIT (Perry) ----- Investigated by Corruption Unit ----------- Perry cuts funds of CorruptionUnit

As far as I can tell, CPRIT is just another of many Perry slush funds where he takes taxpayer money and awards it to companies. There is a board, handpicked by Perry, to oversee the awards. They get paid by taxpayer money. In the case of CPRIT, there were some scientists to oversee the validity of the companies awarded, but they resigned in disgust. The head of CPRIT was indicted because taxpayer money went to a company that did not go under review (give away taxpayer money) Another award went to a company that was contracted by MD Anderson Cancer Center and the head of MD Anderson was later pushed out.

These awards from Perry’s various slush funds (Texas Enterpprise Fund etc) seem to be going to Republican donors or companies being lured to expand business operations in Texas, only many either go bankrupt or never expand in Texas. THERE IS A LOT MORE INFO ON THE OTHER THREAD
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yes it is known ... if you did a little research you would find out he's a republican... like everything republican you tend to do nothing when it concerns research...

Whoa! Sorry ! I'm a liberal and I did do some research. I googled the guy, but on my work break I don't have a lot of time to spend reading every link...

Lighten up!
My respect for Governor Perry has just increased tenfold. This guy has brass balls. I'm going to vote for him if he runs for POTUS. Put him and Christie on the ticket and it's a done deal. We need this type of unconventional and bold leadership right now.

Wow, just wow!
Yup-----Texans can thank Democrats for wasting their money when Perry walks.
Well, the GOP owns Texas now in 2014 and 2016. Way to go fascist "police state rule" democrats. Keep looking at the little picture and your little incremental gains while the rest of the public turns against you...even members of your own party like me...
Whoa! Sorry ! I'm a liberal and I did do some research. I googled the guy, but on my work break I don't have a lot of time to spend reading every link...

Lighten up!

I don't have skin in this game and I'm not in Texas, but I do know the Googles...
>> He’s got plenty of fans, both Democrats and Republicans. And his political leanings largely are muted.

.... Earlier, he enjoyed bipartisan support for what would have been the crowning accomplishment of his career — being named by President Barack Obama as the U.S. attorney in San Antonio. McCrum had the backing of Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Austin and the state’s two Republican senators, Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn.
According to campaign finance records, McCrum has made only a handful of contributions to state and federal candidates. He gave $300 in 2007 to Steve Hilbig, a Republican judge on the state appeals court based in San Antonio. Also that year, McCrum donated $500 to U.S. Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, a San Antonio Democrat.

The next year, he contributed $500 to Republican Robert “Bert” Richardson, a Bexar County district court judge. Richardson assigned McCrum as the special prosecutor after a watchdog group filed its abuse-of-office complaint against Perry. << -- Dallas News

See also this WSJ profile.
It would appear his actual political affiliation is unknown, if he has one, and he gets high marks from all sides.​
Are there actually ObamaNuts in this thread criticizing a sitting Governor of a state that has created more jobs than any state in the US??? LMAO Your boy King can't even give a speech without a teleprompter and you think your silly spitballs damage Rick Perry???:badgrin:
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you even taken a look at Poverty, Hunger, and Inequality in Texas? No, I didn't think so. How convenient of you to overlook the statistics in these important areas of Perry's Texas.

Texas Politics - Poverty in Texas - BETA
Have you ever taken a look at poverty, hunger and inequality in California? At least in Texas when the governor is even alleged to have overstepped his authority he surrenders to jail. When will Der Furhrer Gerry Brown and his reicht surrender to authorities?

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