Gov. Rick Perry surrenders to Travis County Jail

Texas Special Prosecutor Accused of Witness Tampering ^

The man behind the indictment of Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) was accused of witness tampering earlier this year by a Texas District Attorney. Mike McCrum, a special prosecutor in Texas, secured a two-count grand jury indictment of Perry last week alleging the long-time governor had abused his office. But McCrum’s past, which includes extensive work as a defense attorney, cast shadows over his current crusade against alleged abuses of power. In March of this year, Bexar County District Attorney Susan Reed asked the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to allow a complaint she filed against McCrum in a lower...
Doesn't look like that's going to happen for Republicans. The White House will remain Democratic.

Really??? It looks like Democrats are in full blown panic mode about the '16 election. They've tried smearing Republican candidates, Scott Walker, Chris Christie, now Rick Perry. Give them time to come up with some asinine crap on Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

The Democraps picked the wrong man to go after in Perry, the man has a mean streak and is a fighter. Too many people see this indictment as all political, it'll backfire big time. Even David Axlerod thinks it's a bad move.
Although he maintains that the charges were politically motivated one just has to wonder if there was true political motivation by the Republican judge that handled his case and the Republican Special Prosecutor who brought the charges against him.


The notion that the charges against Perry are motivated by 'partisanism' are completely unfounded.
The Special Prosecutor McCrum's party affiliation isn't known but he seems to be a Democrat. There are some reports that make the case look shaky, and the burden of proof for the prosecution seems difficult to make because the prosecution's case hinges on the Gov.'s intent. Could be a political move to knock Perry out of the Presidential race (though not timed well if that is the case). I guess we'll see when the case goes to trial...
Talk by some in the media and elsewhere have indicated that he's a Republican though I don't know if he has actually come out to say that himself.

Here's a clue about that.

Perry: Just the Facts | Texas Democratic Party
people should be up in arms about this new DIRTY political weapon used by the left/Democrats/progressives/commies

lawsuits to tie them up and cost THEM and US TAXPAYERS millions of dollars while in office

Good article on that:
The Lynching of Rick Perry
Democratic criminalization of political disagreement.
By William Murchison – 8.18.14

All across America, it seems, we have been hearing about the militarization of law enforcement. To the growing list of 21st century social and cultural disorders it seems timely to add the criminalization of political disagreement.
What else could the Rick Perry case be about? A governor, and sometime presidential candidate, indicted by a grand jury for a particular use of his constitutional veto power? Such are the dismaying dimensions of the matter.
No such thing, replies the special prosecutor who procured the indictment of Texas’ longest-serving governor. Michael McCrum finds “absolutely no basis” for the accusation that politics motivated the indictment, on account of his case’s grounding in “the facts and the law, and nothing else.”
The prosecutor, if I may be permitted, is full of a commodity long recommended for agricultural enrichment. We may imagine if we like that a grand jury in one of America’s most liberal counties concluded, without bias or rancor, that one of America’s best-known conservative politicians illegally vetoed funding for that same county’s “public integrity” unit, presided over by a DA convicted of drunk driving. It was illegal for the governor to use his legal power? That seems essentially the narrative the jury bought from McCrum.
Austin, where conservatives feel like Southern Baptist missionaries in western Iraq, doesn’t cotton to a Republican governor who doesn’t cotton to the hand-tooled, leather-bound liberal agenda. Nor can the capital city be described as grateful to Perry for his part over the last decade in keeping Texas safe from liberal policies. Democrats hold not one single statewide office in Texas. You can see from any political perspective how the very mention of Perry’s name in Austin might bring on dyspepsia, if not angina.
The governor is right to call the indictment “nothing more than an abuse of power.” Legal experts appear largely to agree with his claim that “we will ultimately prevail” — in terms, that is to say, of winning either acquittal or prompt dismissal of a case that holds no air. “One of the laws [cited by the grand jury] is hopelessly vague, the other really doesn’t appear to fit,” says Prof. Jonathan Turley of George Washington University. A Rice University professor, Mark Jones, says, “I can’t imagine a jury convicting him on this.”

all of it:
The Lynching of Rick Perry | The American Spectator
I love the quote in the article that says, "It was illegal for the governor to use his legal power?" :eusa_shifty:
No way should the taxpayers be expected to foot the bill for his legal defense. He needs to use his OWN money to fund his lawyers. He screwed up, he should suffer the consequences, and if that means losing financially, so be it.
Excuse me stoopid.. Since when have you paid AMERICAN taxes??? You don't even fucking live in this country so shove it..
Excuse me stoopid.. Since when have you paid AMERICAN taxes??? You don't even fucking live in this country so shove it..

I can't believe you're giving me this opening again but .....

You're in North Carolina.

As they say in baseball, "you hang 'em, we bang 'em".
I'm glad you asked that. Actually, he has appointed more Republicans to his Cabinet and that has not been matched', fyi!

Here's the story from a very prestigious source and winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

Three Cabinet appointees from opposing party is unmatched | PolitiFact

Nice spinning. Gates was not a registered member of the Republican Party. Secondly, with the nature of the Democratic Party there are few actual big shots in the Democratic Big leagues who are qualified to be Secretary of Defense - so many Democrats come from the community organizer side of the party that they'd have a heart attack if asked to assume the role of SecDef. Besides, look who he had to appoint in this term - An actual Republican, though one repudiated by many in his party - Chuck Hagel. Again, the ranks are so thin in Democrat-land that Obama's hand is forced.

As for Ray LaHood as Transportation Secretary, the guy had a 0% rating from the conservative Club for Growth and he was always criticizing McCain and Palin. Obama knows how to reward turncoat politicians from his own state. After all, it's hard slogging for a "Republican" in Illinois' Democratic political culture - a 0% rating for god's sake. This guy is thick-as-thieves with the Liberal establishment in Illinois - Rahm Emmanuel gave him a job after he resigned as Transportation Secretary.

Your rebuttal is immaterial because it focuses on distractions. I asked if Obama was in the habit of nominating conservatives as US Attorney, putting conservatives in power where they could affect the law and legal precedent? Well, is he? Do liberal Congressman frequently lobby Democratic Presidents to nominate Republicans to be US Attorney? Well, do they?
I can't believe you're giving me this opening again but .....

You're in North Carolina.

As they say in baseball, "you hang 'em, we bang 'em".

I don't get it Pogo so spell it out for me. What does my being in NC have to do with Moonie living in Australia???
I don't get it Pogo so spell it out for me. What does my being in NC have to do with Moonie living in Australia???

How soon we forget...
Let's take it step by step:
Excuse me stoopid.. Since when have you paid AMERICAN taxes??? You don't even fucking live in this country so shove it..

"You're in Australia, you don't pay the taxes that would pay for Rick Perry's defense team".

Well --- you don't either; Rick Perry is in Texas.
Hoist with your own petard. :eusa_naughty:

Hiya. :bye1:

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