So?? Then what your saying is that your hospital has a right to show me your medical records?? Or are you going to acknowlege that the regulations that keep them private are a good thing??
The right to privacy is legally recognized in fact it was one of the arguments made in Roe v. Wade
What you don't understand is that nobody has the right to do what they want.. Try killing someone and see where it gets you..
Killing someone violates their right to life, which by the way is the very first right mentioned in the Constitution.
I have a right to not let criminals have guns.. I don't see the need to take an uzi to the mall with me for protection..
But you do not have the right to stop one from legally owning a gun. If one owns a gun and does not use it to shoot another person then he is not violating the rights of another.
As far as redistributing wealth?? It is the government job to ensure a healthy economy for all companies and citizens.. It is the governments job to insure that everyone is paid a fair and honest wage for services rendered.. It is the governments job to insure that we are paid period!
Tell me where in the Constitution does it say the government is supposed to ensure a healthy economy.
The government cannot intervene in the contracts of private citizens because it has absolutely no legal power to do so.
Your statements are blatantly false!! You can control you life!! Hell.. I certianly don't want to do it..
When the government does not allow us to keep the money we earn, the government is reducing our ability to choose and therefore our liberty.
Soon I will have to buy the type of health insurance the government tells me to buy and not the one I want to buy. tell me how in that example am I free to choose?
The government takes 15% of everything I earn for Social Security yet I have no say where that very large portion of my income is invested and the government uses that money as a slush fund not for my retirement.
In fact, by the time I retire, I will see reduced benefits because the Ponzi scheme will have failed and there won't be enough people contributing to cover my benefits.
If I ran my employees' retirement like the government runs SS, I would be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff.
But trickle up economy never works and never will work..
I think you mean trickle down. And if you bothered to listen you would se that I am in favor of reducing taxes for
ALL Americans not just some.
You can't have a healthy economy when you have this level of poverty and unemployment.. Ok??
But we see that the super duper economy saving stimulus isn't reducing unemployment is it?
Money for Roads not Reducing Unemployment - CBS News
Ten months into President Barack Obama's first economic stimulus plan, a surge in spending on roads and bridges has had no effect on local unemployment and only barely helped the beleaguered construction industry, an Associated Press analysis has found.
So the government is scrambling to redefine its terms
Changing how stimulus jobs are counted - Jan. 11, 2010
Going forward, the White House will only tally jobs one quarter at a time and not attempt to determine a total.
On top of that, the administration has directed Recovery Act recipients to report all jobs funded with stimulus money - regardless of whether they were new jobs or existing ones
What that means is the government will claim the stimulus was responsible for creating or saving a job that was never in jeopardy. In other words the government will lie to you about how effective the stimulus was.
The fat cats got rich off of Bush?? Where are all the jobs?? With the 1.35 trillion in tax cuts to the rich.. We should have the lowest unemployment rate in history.. Where are they??
Fat cats get rich off of every administration no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office.
What you morons don't understand is the economy is a lot better when everyone has money to spend..
And people have more money to spend when the government takes less from us not more.
What you don't seem to understand is that the government cannot spend a dime it does not first take from the taxpayers. then a portion of that dime gets eaten up in the bureaucracy and only a fraction of that dime gets spent on a government program.
Where as if the government left that entire dime in the hands of the people, the whole 10 cents would be infused into the economy either directly as spending or indirectly on investments.
read this
The Broken Window Fallacy
I am sure there are countless people living in apartments barely making it payday to payday, that if paid a bit better would buy a house.. What would that do to the housing market?? All these people buying a house? Or a car?? Or stereos, televisions, computers, and so forth and so forth? How many jobs would the influx of demand create??
The ecomomy needs to work like a circle.. It needs to get back to the little guy somehow..
Those people are free to earn more if they choose. It is their responsibility to earn more not mine to give it to them.