Government run healthcare around world collapsing…..Britain and Canada


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
What the supporters of government controlled healthcare will never understand? Government can never do anything right because there is no accountability for bureaucrats………and when there is no accountability, waste, loss and decline are the rule, not the exception….

Great Britain

Three weeks ago, the Guardian confirmed a growing exodus of senior physicians and surgeons from Great Britain relocating to other countries. The on-going British doctor shortage comes as no surprise. British doctors went out on strike in 2016, and since then, their dissatisfaction with the NHS has only gotten worse.

Wait times for NHS care have been medically dangerous for years and are getting longer. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of cancer and heart disease result in avoidable, unnecessary deaths.

In January 2018, the NHS announced cancellation of “50,000 scheduled surgeries” due to insufficient staff and/or facilities. There is no evidence these insufficiencies have been addressed.

Patients can’t get care without doctors.

Recent data reveal that Canadians with known heart disease wait a median of four months before starting treatment. Those needing neurosurgery have to wait more than a year, many immobilized by severe back pain.

Because of the excessively long waits for care in Canada, many cancer patients come to the U.S. where care for them is more timely, not what it should be but better than Canada.

Just as in Great Britain, medically dangerous wait times in Canada are nothing new. There were “crisis” reports in 2007 and in 2017. Nothing changed except wait times got longer.

Like the NHS, Canadian federal healthcare defends itself against charges of poor quality. When senior surgeon Ciaran McNamee offered data on medically unacceptable surgical wait times and resulting deaths, his charges were ignored, and he became the problem. Dr. McNamee was forced out of his job as Chief of Thoracic Surgery and eventually had to leave Canada, moving to a prestigious position in the Harvard system.

There was no public investigation of McNamee’s claims.

There is not accountability for anything. It's why we are $32 trillion in debt.
I've been telling you all this for over a.decade. This pales in comparison to our police state. The threat manufacturing covert Canadian police are the enemy of the U.S as well, believe this...
I've been telling you all this for over a.decade. This pales in comparison to our police state. The threat manufacturing covert Canadian police are the enemy of the U.S as well, believe this...

The state reigns supreme

The state has all our answers in life

Religion is gobldeygook.

Repent of your social injustice white suprematism.

It seems from comments coming from countries with socialized medicine that every system has its sweet spots and every system has its minor communities where the system fails it or virtually so. Most reasonably healthy Canadians are quite happy with their healthcare system, and Canadians who live in large cities as well. Get away from those cities (e.g., rural Alberta), and obtaining necessary care becomes problematic if you have anything that is the least bit unusual.

No government can provide excellent performance at anything. Human nature doesn't work that way. If you can never be fired or meaningfully disciplined for less-than-excellent performance, the standard drops to one of mediocrity.

Initiatives to implement socialized medicine (under a variety of names) in the U.S. will die in the womb unless there is a corresponding "payroll tax" to pay for them - otherwise they would be patently unconstitutional. But the U.S. has the added problem of a massive healthcare infrastructure that would have to be placated in any such shift, with nobody suffering any significant harms. Specifically, that means that the hundreds of thousands of people who work in the field of private health insurance would continue to have jobs, paying at least as much as they do now, under any replacement healthcare regime.

The levels of fraud, waste, and abuse would be stunning.

And don't kid yourself. Bernie Sanders knows all this, and depends on the stupidity of his constituency to remain in "power."
It seems from comments coming from countries with socialized medicine that every system has its sweet spots and every system has its minor communities where the system fails it or virtually so. Most reasonably healthy Canadians are quite happy with their healthcare system, and Canadians who live in large cities as well. Get away from those cities (e.g., rural Alberta), and obtaining necessary care becomes problematic if you have anything that is the least bit unusual.

No government can provide excellent performance at anything. Human nature doesn't work that way. If you can never be fired or meaningfully disciplined for less-than-excellent performance, the standard drops to one of mediocrity.

Initiatives to implement socialized medicine (under a variety of names) in the U.S. will die in the womb unless there is a corresponding "payroll tax" to pay for them - otherwise they would be patently unconstitutional. But the U.S. has the added problem of a massive healthcare infrastructure that would have to be placated in any such shift, with nobody suffering any significant harms. Specifically, that means that the hundreds of thousands of people who work in the field of private health insurance would continue to have jobs, paying at least as much as they do now, under any replacement healthcare regime.

The levels of fraud, waste, and abuse would be stunning.

And don't kid yourself. Bernie Sanders knows all this, and depends on the stupidity of his constituency to remain in "power."

The issue isn't those employed making good money. The issue is those NOT employed wanted good money also. You know "shareholder value".
It seems from comments coming from countries with socialized medicine that every system has its sweet spots and every system has its minor communities where the system fails it or virtually so. Most reasonably healthy Canadians are quite happy with their healthcare system, and Canadians who live in large cities as well. Get away from those cities (e.g., rural Alberta), and obtaining necessary care becomes problematic if you have anything that is the least bit unusual.

No government can provide excellent performance at anything. Human nature doesn't work that way. If you can never be fired or meaningfully disciplined for less-than-excellent performance, the standard drops to one of mediocrity.

Initiatives to implement socialized medicine (under a variety of names) in the U.S. will die in the womb unless there is a corresponding "payroll tax" to pay for them - otherwise they would be patently unconstitutional. But the U.S. has the added problem of a massive healthcare infrastructure that would have to be placated in any such shift, with nobody suffering any significant harms. Specifically, that means that the hundreds of thousands of people who work in the field of private health insurance would continue to have jobs, paying at least as much as they do now, under any replacement healthcare regime.

The levels of fraud, waste, and abuse would be stunning.

And don't kid yourself. Bernie Sanders knows all this, and depends on the stupidity of his constituency to remain in "power."
And I would add that "reasonably healthy" people in most EVERY healthcare system are usually at least somewhat happy with it because they don't have to deal with it. They don't fear dying while they wait for treatment, and they don't have to navigate the bureaucracy to get approval for routine things.
And I would add that "reasonably healthy" people in most EVERY healthcare system are usually at least somewhat happy with it because they don't have to deal with it. They don't fear dying while they wait for treatment, and they don't have to navigate the bureaucracy to get approval for routine things.

Or wonder how they are going to afford it.
Change in every area means that a new paradigm is necessary , not just desirable . Here in the UK the Sheeple are in love with the idea of Free Health Care for all . They have never understood that it would only seem to work for a limited time . Now they have no idea how to solve the problems that their inability to plan ahead have got them .
On average, every 3 days another country celebrates its independence from Britain.
How big was the white man's burden!...

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