Governor DeSantis with a warning to unlawful 'protestors'.

"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

So just to be clear, you are saying anyone who endorsed Biden as Biden is responsible for that. For example, the Communist Party who endorsed Biden and didn't run a candidate. That makes Biden a Marxist. You are saying that?

Any racist, Nazi, KKK member or anyone else who endorsed Biden. I list them, you condemn Biden for it. You're willing to do that?

Of course not, piece of shit. This is yet another double standard for you. Trump can't control who endorses him. We switch to Biden and you suddenly get that, Whitie

You start with the phrase "So just to be clear" and then follow with that mangled nonsense? Get back to the troll farm, Yuri. You need further instruction.

Yes, Whitie of course. My asking if you'd hold Biden to the same standard you hold Trump to is "mangled nonsense." You can't even read it.

My God, racist. Government schools. Don't you want better for your children than the shit government education you got?

I’m quite happy with my gub-ment education.
Appears your home skoolin’ failed ;)

Yes, you're happy with government teaching you to worship them. Of course you are, you're a sheep. That isn't news
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Now you're talking Whitie's language. KKK member Robert Byrd. That's Whitie's domain
He didn't outlaw protesting, you just made that up.
I didn't say he did.

It's not me who's stupid, here.

Of course you said that they made protesting illegal. That was literally your reply, the one I responded to.

You are a Democrat, you just lie and lie and lie. You make Trump look like a Vulcan. I mean most of his "lies" were you ... lying about what he said. Dishonesty is the Democrat way of life. That and your flaming racism
Rump is not welcome on Vulcan :D

View attachment 487962

Can you imagine what Vulcans think of someone like you then if they feel that way about Trump? They always tell the truth, you always lie. Trump is in the middle
Is that supposed to be a joke?

What part didn't you understand? Let's review some whopers.

Inauguration: Trump said more people watched his inauguration AROUND THE WORLD than any other president
Democrats: Claimed to have a magic camera that takes pictures of not only the people at an event but everyone watching on TV and the Internet AROUND THE WORLD
The liar? Democrats. You have yet to produce any evidence of your magic camera

Democrats: Trump said Mexicans are racists
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said immigrants are animals
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said people should inject bleach
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied. Trump in fact gave no instructions for Americans to do anything, he was talking about medical research

Trump said we export wheat to Japan
Democrats: Democrats said he lied
The liar? Democrats. We do export wheat and a variety of other agriculture to Japan

Lies in these examples?
Trump - 0
Democrats - 5

Bring up more of your favorites. Again, Democrats lie every time. Trump, sometimes. He is a politician
How can you possibly believe that garbage? You know it's not true.
He didn't outlaw protesting, you just made that up.
I didn't say he did.

It's not me who's stupid, here.

Of course you said that they made protesting illegal. That was literally your reply, the one I responded to.

You are a Democrat, you just lie and lie and lie. You make Trump look like a Vulcan. I mean most of his "lies" were you ... lying about what he said. Dishonesty is the Democrat way of life. That and your flaming racism
Rump is not welcome on Vulcan :D

View attachment 487962

Can you imagine what Vulcans think of someone like you then if they feel that way about Trump? They always tell the truth, you always lie. Trump is in the middle
Is that supposed to be a joke?

What part didn't you understand? Let's review some whopers.

Inauguration: Trump said more people watched his inauguration AROUND THE WORLD than any other president
Democrats: Claimed to have a magic camera that takes pictures of not only the people at an event but everyone watching on TV and the Internet AROUND THE WORLD
The liar? Democrats. You have yet to produce any evidence of your magic camera

Democrats: Trump said Mexicans are racists
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said immigrants are animals
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said people should inject bleach
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied. Trump in fact gave no instructions for Americans to do anything, he was talking about medical research

Trump said we export wheat to Japan
Democrats: Democrats said he lied
The liar? Democrats. We do export wheat and a variety of other agriculture to Japan

Lies in these examples?
Trump - 0
Democrats - 5

Bring up more of your favorites. Again, Democrats lie every time. Trump, sometimes. He is a politician
How can you possibly believe that garbage? You know it's not true.

Of course it is, they were all Democrats misquoting Trump. Misquote = lie. You're the party that lies all the time about everything, Creep.

Note you couldn't produce any of the quotes for the five specific Democrat lies I cited.

Trump didn't say any of those things. You LIED. It's what Democrats do, you lie about everything all the time
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

you know the saying, one can lead a horse to water but......

But the horse (you) will remain a fuckin idiot?

I can drink the water, I learned to do that a long long time ago when I went to school. they taught, I listened.

Did Mom call the class to order each AM with Trump Taps? :lol:

Taps is played at night, not in the morning. If you're going to pretend you have a dig, don't make it something that is laughable itself.

For Trump and all his anarchist supporters, they need to be playing "Retreat" and for him and them, no better time to blow it, than 5:30 AM.
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

you know the saying, one can lead a horse to water but......

But the horse (you) will remain a fuckin idiot?

I can drink the water, I learned to do that a long long time ago when I went to school. they taught, I listened.

Did Mom call the class to order each AM with Trump Taps? :lol:

Taps is played at night, not in the morning. If you're going to pretend you have a dig, don't make it something that is laughable itself.

For Trump and all his anarchist supporters, they need to be playing "Retreat" and for him and them, no better time to blow it, than 5:30 AM.

Your support for Antifa/BLM shows that you advocate for anarchy. BTW, I guess you know all about blowing--was 5:00 AM good for you--then you could run for the showers when they played reveille.
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, dig him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:
Last edited:
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

you know the saying, one can lead a horse to water but......

But the horse (you) will remain a fuckin idiot?

I can drink the water, I learned to do that a long long time ago when I went to school. they taught, I listened.

Did Mom call the class to order each AM with Trump Taps? :lol:

Taps is played at night, not in the morning. If you're going to pretend you have a dig, don't make it something that is laughable itself.

For Trump and all his anarchist supporters, they need to be playing "Retreat" and for him and them, no better time to blow it, than 5:30 AM.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. I started out my career as Cavalry and studied it most of my adult life.
Fk you very much. :ahole-1:
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

Strange you prefer those who do that. That’s not logical
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO

NO. I support President Joseph Biden, Jr as my President. Wish the best for his running mate Vice-President Kamala Davi Harris (from that misguide California state), but do not support Black Lives Matter (sometimes referring to it as black lies matter, because they think black lives only matter when some dumb ass does something stupid, dealing with a cop, but they don't give a damn with blacks are shooting up a barbeque, wedding, funeral, wake, birthday party or having a random drive-by for the heck of it. Don't think much of Antifa either, though they don't get to Tennessee much, as they are not particularly welcome here.
You got any more random dumb assed assumption, yours typically making an ass out of you, but not me. You need to go play with somebody else or I'll be one less person that has to read you scree.
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO

NO. I support President Joseph Biden, Jr as my President. Wish the best for his running mate Vice-President Kamala Davi Harris (from that misguide California state), but do not support Black Lives Matter (sometimes referring to it as black lies matter, because they think black lives only matter when some dumb ass does something stupid, dealing with a cop, but they don't give a damn with blacks are shooting up a barbeque, wedding, funeral, wake, birthday party or having a random drive-by for the heck of it. Don't think much of Antifa either, though they don't get to Tennessee much, as they are not particularly welcome here.
You got any more random dumb assed assumption, yours typically making an ass out of you, but not me. You need to go play with somebody else or I'll be one less person that has to read you scree.

Breaks my heart you lying moron. You know where the button is, hit it. You said it all when you said that you support a demented POS and a racist liar for leaders of the country. You are a traitorous moron who is partially responsible for the downfall of this country. Do you work for Xi too?
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO

NO. I support President Joseph Biden, Jr as my President. Wish the best for his running mate Vice-President Kamala Davi Harris (from that misguide California state), but do not support Black Lives Matter (sometimes referring to it as black lies matter, because they think black lives only matter when some dumb ass does something stupid, dealing with a cop, but they don't give a damn with blacks are shooting up a barbeque, wedding, funeral, wake, birthday party or having a random drive-by for the heck of it. Don't think much of Antifa either, though they don't get to Tennessee much, as they are not particularly welcome here.
You got any more random dumb assed assumption, yours typically making an ass out of you, but not me. You need to go play with somebody else or I'll be one less person that has to read you scree.

Breaks my heart you lying moron. You know where the button is, hit it. You said it all when you said that you support a demented POS and a racist liar for leaders of the country. You are a traitorous moron who is partially responsible for the downfall of this country. Do you work for Xi too?

Bye moron. Time to take somebody our of Ignore as you are far more deserving. White 6, OUT.
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO

NO. I support President Joseph Biden, Jr as my President. Wish the best for his running mate Vice-President Kamala Davi Harris (from that misguide California state), but do not support Black Lives Matter (sometimes referring to it as black lies matter, because they think black lives only matter when some dumb ass does something stupid, dealing with a cop, but they don't give a damn with blacks are shooting up a barbeque, wedding, funeral, wake, birthday party or having a random drive-by for the heck of it. Don't think much of Antifa either, though they don't get to Tennessee much, as they are not particularly welcome here.
You got any more random dumb assed assumption, yours typically making an ass out of you, but not me. You need to go play with somebody else or I'll be one less person that has to read you scree.

Breaks my heart you lying moron. You know where the button is, hit it. You said it all when you said that you support a demented POS and a racist liar for leaders of the country. You are a traitorous moron who is partially responsible for the downfall of this country. Do you work for Xi too?

Bye moron. Time to take somebody our of Ignore as you are far more deserving. White 6, OUT.

Vaya con Dios.
He didn't outlaw protesting, you just made that up.
I didn't say he did.

It's not me who's stupid, here.

Of course you said that they made protesting illegal. That was literally your reply, the one I responded to.

You are a Democrat, you just lie and lie and lie. You make Trump look like a Vulcan. I mean most of his "lies" were you ... lying about what he said. Dishonesty is the Democrat way of life. That and your flaming racism
Rump is not welcome on Vulcan :D

View attachment 487962

Can you imagine what Vulcans think of someone like you then if they feel that way about Trump? They always tell the truth, you always lie. Trump is in the middle
Is that supposed to be a joke?

What part didn't you understand? Let's review some whopers.

Inauguration: Trump said more people watched his inauguration AROUND THE WORLD than any other president
Democrats: Claimed to have a magic camera that takes pictures of not only the people at an event but everyone watching on TV and the Internet AROUND THE WORLD
The liar? Democrats. You have yet to produce any evidence of your magic camera

Democrats: Trump said Mexicans are racists
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said immigrants are animals
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied

Democrats: Trump said people should inject bleach
The liar? Democrats. Trump never said that, Democrats made it up, you lied. Trump in fact gave no instructions for Americans to do anything, he was talking about medical research

Trump said we export wheat to Japan
Democrats: Democrats said he lied
The liar? Democrats. We do export wheat and a variety of other agriculture to Japan

Lies in these examples?
Trump - 0
Democrats - 5

Bring up more of your favorites. Again, Democrats lie every time. Trump, sometimes. He is a politician
How can you possibly believe that garbage? You know it's not true.

Of course it is, they were all Democrats misquoting Trump. Misquote = lie. You're the party that lies all the time about everything, Creep.

Note you couldn't produce any of the quotes for the five specific Democrat lies I cited.

Trump didn't say any of those things. You LIED. It's what Democrats do, you lie about everything all the time
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

Haven't supported tearing down any statues or renaming any bases. I support remembering our history. Some of those bases have been like a home away from home, to me. If you know somebody that wants to get rid of a statue of General Nathan Bedford Forrest (most brilliant cavalry officer that ever sat a saddle, and still studied today), I got a spot inside my privacy walls, on the pool side or under the Oak, that would be perfect for it and it would be well protected in this "stand your ground" state, I live in. Fk you very much. :ahole-1:

And still you support Biden, Kameltoe, BLM/Antifa anarchists. Why am I not surprised. LMAO

NO. I support President Joseph Biden, Jr as my President. Wish the best for his running mate Vice-President Kamala Davi Harris (from that misguide California state), but do not support Black Lives Matter (sometimes referring to it as black lies matter, because they think black lives only matter when some dumb ass does something stupid, dealing with a cop, but they don't give a damn with blacks are shooting up a barbeque, wedding, funeral, wake, birthday party or having a random drive-by for the heck of it. Don't think much of Antifa either, though they don't get to Tennessee much, as they are not particularly welcome here.
You got any more random dumb assed assumption, yours typically making an ass out of you, but not me. You need to go play with somebody else or I'll be one less person that has to read you scree.

Then you lied and you do support changing history. Dudette, can’t have your cake and eat it too! You ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

you know the saying, one can lead a horse to water but......

But the horse (you) will remain a fuckin idiot?

I can drink the water, I learned to do that a long long time ago when I went to school. they taught, I listened.

Did Mom call the class to order each AM with Trump Taps? :lol:

Taps is played at night, not in the morning. If you're going to pretend you have a dig, don't make it something that is laughable itself.

For Trump and all his anarchist supporters, they need to be playing "Retreat" and for him and them, no better time to blow it, than 5:30 AM.

Now Trump's an "anarchist." Your picture is just going to be in the dictionary as the definition for stupid, Whitie
"Don't mess with Florida. "

On Wednesday morning, Governor Ron DeSantis was on the east coast to formally announce the state legislature passed $1,000 bonuses for every sworn law enforcement officer, EMT, firefighter, and paramedic in the state.

"Some want to defund the police," Governor DeSantis said at the Satellite Beach Police Department. "We're funding the police and then some."

This guy should run for POTUS---I'd vote for him.

Could never vote for him. He is a trump supporter. None of them can be trusted in the highest office if we expect to keep democratically elected representative government. They just tried to overthrow and he supports that wing of what is left of that party, even if he does support his state's law enforcement and first responders.

You could never vote for someone who isn't a leftist. Who would guess that? I mean other than anyone who's read your endless leftist drivel

The Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. They should focus on finding a candidate who is intelligent and decent.

You Democrats should focus on giving your advice to people who want your approval, instead of bothering those of us who wouldn't piss on your insane notions of "intelligent and decent."

Hey, while you're gassing on about "intelligence", tell us again how DeSantis is "dumb" because YOU don't understand English without a vocabulary primer.

What YOU should focus on is whether “conservatives” should continue to follow Dear Leader directly into hell.

The only people talking about Trump still are you obsessed morons who apparently are unable and unwilling to move on. You're like Groundhog Day all over again.

I'll give you a thrill, what the hell. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ...

Your lame posts have never thrilled me assclown. ;)

You didn't credit bodecea for knowing that Nazi starts with an N. That was just mean.

DaSantas rocks! He's a fantastic governor. We love the guy here in Florida

Uh Huh :lol:

I remember that one, great commercial. Thanks!

And that's a great sig. Those who can make you believe absurdities - Can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire.

You worship Democrats, who are liars. And then you believe everything they say.

Did you learn anything from that?

Did U learn anything from the Rump FUBAR?
PS: Sorry you lost the election ;)

I did. Trump exposed you leftist morons as the dumbest fucking people on the planet. For example, read your post

Rump played to poorly educated white bigots.
Sorry he’ll forever be a twice-impeached one termer.

Get your racism crap out of here, Grand Wizard. The Democrat party is the party of the KKK. Gotta keep those negroes in line voting Democrat or let them know they are your property and what you do with your property when it defies you

A Saturday outing at Dr Loves. Just sending a message to the Negro property to stay in line ...

You are not fooling anyone loon ;)


:crybaby: 'B....b.....but TRUMP'....

Can't you TDS-suffering bitches ever obey USMB rules and stick to a thread topic without trying to hijack it and make it about Trump because the actual thread topic and discussion comments offend your fragile asses?

'The KKK endorsed Trump'.... STFU, troll:

View attachment 488351 View attachment 488352

David Duke endorsed trump.
View attachment 488356

Sen. Robert Byrd, KKK MEMBER. Maybe we should cancel him, eh?

Well, in case you haven't heard, he's been dead for like 10 years and beside that he was the Representative from West Virginia, not from Tennessee. I don't care. Go ahead. Cancel him. Heck, go to Arlington, Va, did him up and cancel him to his face, for all I care.:icon_sjung:

Wow, hypocritical democrats, who want to cancel heroes from over 150 years ago by tearing down their statues or renaming bases, don't have a problem eating their own when their hypocrisy is called out. AMAZING. not.

And they were Democrats fighting for slavery just like the White guy and his Democrat party are doing today. If a black thinks he's free to think for himself and leave the Democrat party, Whitie will let him know he's mistaken. Blacks are Democrat party property, or so they believe. Just like they were during slaver, Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation, lynching and segregation. Democrats have never recognized the end of black slavery to Democrats and they still don't

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