Governor Douche Bag of Illinois Latest Liberal Agenda Push - Ban the Death Penalty

i read this earlier....i dont think its a liberal thing there ghook....the death penalty in the a difficult subject....i oppose how its applied in this country....but these are the lowest of the low....try to figure out an answer to all of it....i am still a big believer in super max jails where they just have no human contact

The death penalty was initially suspended in Illinois by a Republican governor.
Death Penalty Controversy

And he did for very very good reason. He did it in 2000. They worked on it over a DECADE and came up with requiring conclusive DNA evidence to even be on death row. You know the evidence that has been exonerating people!
All the people who want the death penalty abolished will have a completely different view on it if someone rapes and murders their family, than they will want to burn that man at the stake.

there is no room for emotion in law
Why are conservatives, who say that the government is incompetent, put their absolute complete faith in the government to always and every time get it right in the judiciary?
$64,000 question. person wrongly killed by the government is not a "near perfect record." It is a travesty.

One innocent person sentence to natural life is a TRAVESTY, let's just get rid of the entire system. No more jail, how does that sound libtard!

The innocent people that were executed over 20 years ago (about the time the moritorum was enacted, were put to death without a DNA test. Now ALL DEATH ROW INMATES require CONCLUSIVE DNA testing to be on death row!


Let's take two completely separate and mutually exclusive policies, taxes and the death penalty.

Now let's say your new governor raises taxes on you by $1,000 a year. Most conservatives would be outraged, no? Let's also say that the conservatives were right - it was stupid to raise taxes. So four years later, the people elect a conservative who cuts taxes, giving that $1,000 back to you. The government made a mistake and the government reversed that mistake.

Let's say the new governor institutes the death penalty, and the state starts executing murderers. Now, let's also say new evidence arises showing that one of the executed prisoners was innocent. So the government decides to reverse it's policy on the death penalty. But the government cannot take back the death of the innocent man! He's dead. No matter what the government does, no way, no how can it bring back the innocent man. There is no way the government can reverse the mistake. The government can reverse a tax increase, it cannot reverse the death of an innocent man.
the death penalty is the ultimate offense to a small government (real) conservative... the government should have no right to kill its people
i read this earlier....i dont think its a liberal thing there ghook....the death penalty in the a difficult subject....i oppose how its applied in this country....but these are the lowest of the low....try to figure out an answer to all of it....i am still a big believer in super max jails where they just have no human contact

The death penalty was initially suspended in Illinois by a Republican governor.
Death Penalty Controversy

And he did for very very good reason. He did it in 2000. They worked on it over a DECADE and came up with requiring conclusive DNA evidence to even be on death row. You know the evidence that has been exonerating people!

DNA evidence is not full-proof. It will not exonerate all innocent people. If it did, there would never be a need for a trial.
$64,000 question. person wrongly killed by the government is not a "near perfect record." It is a travesty.

One innocent person sentence to natural life is a TRAVESTY, let's just get rid of the entire system. No more jail, how does that sound libtard!

The innocent people that were executed over 20 years ago (about the time the moritorum was enacted, were put to death without a DNA test. Now ALL DEATH ROW INMATES require CONCLUSIVE DNA testing to be on death row!


Let's take two completely separate and mutually exclusive policies, taxes and the death penalty.

Now let's say your new governor raises taxes on you by $1,000 a year. Most conservatives would be outraged, no? Let's also say that the conservatives were right - it was stupid to raise taxes. So four years later, the people elect a conservative who cuts taxes, giving that $1,000 back to you. The government made a mistake and the government reversed that mistake.

Let's say the new governor institutes the death penalty, and the state starts executing murderers. Now, let's also say new evidence arises showing that one of the executed prisoners was innocent. So the government decides to reverse it's policy on the death penalty. But the government cannot take back the death of the innocent man! He's dead. No matter what the government does, no way, no how can it bring back the innocent man. There is no way the government can reverse the mistake. The government can reverse a tax increase, it cannot reverse the death of an innocent man.

I don't think I have ever come out on the extremes on either side. First, I support abortion rights and gay marriage. Second, I go back and forth on where I think government's role in healthcare should be. I don't like our current system and think government MUST maintain a role in it.

Government is necessary in many cases. Law enforcement is one of them. I see the death penalty as an arm of that.

But I will give it to you. You mak a great point!
So you're not arguing for innocent men, you are arguing to save the lives of brutal murders and many times child rapist. Men who would rape you're children and wife infront of you and then put a bullet in each one of your heads and think nothing about it! That is who you are arguing for and trying to protect!

I get why some want to extract revenge on evil people but it is not the basis for a civil society that is flawed in how it makes decisions.

In a free society, it is better to allow a guilty man to walk than to convict an innocent man. The state executing an innocent man is no better than the murderer executing an innocent man.

LOL, nice try. Why not get rid of those "Big Government" court houses and judges. How do those "big government" judges have the right to take away a US citizens god given right to freedom? :cuckoo:

There is nothing - nothing, zero, zip, nada - more powerful than the right to take life. The power to tax is miniscule compared to the power to determine who lives and who dies. There is nothing more Big Government than the death penalty.
I don't think I have ever come out on the extremes on either side. First, I support abortion rights and gay marriage. Second, I go back and forth on where I think government's role in healthcare should be. I don't like our current system and think government MUST maintain a role in it.

Government is necessary in many cases. Law enforcement is one of them. I see the death penalty as an arm of that.

But I will give it to you. You mak a great point!


I'm generally against abortion. And emotionally, I'm am not unhappy to see evil, vile people killed. I, personally, am not against revenge. I just don't think my flaws should be how we organize a civil society.
The death penalty was initially suspended in Illinois by a Republican governor.
Death Penalty Controversy

And he did for very very good reason. He did it in 2000. They worked on it over a DECADE and came up with requiring conclusive DNA evidence to even be on death row. You know the evidence that has been exonerating people!

DNA evidence is not full-proof. It will not exonerate all innocent people. If it did, there would never be a need for a trial.

True, not even truthful eye witness testimony is fool proof. However, the DNA test must be conclusive and the bar is raised even higher.
GHook93 said:
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Go stick another hoe hoe in your mouth you fat whore!


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Are you old enough to remember this GHook?
George Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Homer Ryan (born February 24, 1934, in Maquoketa, Iowa) was the 39th Governor of the U.S. state of Illinois from 1999 until 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party. Ryan became nationally known when he "raised the national debate on capital punishment" by issuing a moratorium on executions in 2000,.

Ryan called for a commission to study the issue, while noting, "I still believe the death penalty is a proper response to heinous crimes... But I believe that it has to be where we don't put innocent people to death[1]

Whats your view of innocent people being executed?
$64,000 question. person wrongly killed by the government is not a "near perfect record." It is a travesty.

One innocent person sentence to natural life is a TRAVESTY, let's just get rid of the entire system. No more jail, how does that sound libtard!

The innocent people that were executed over 20 years ago (about the time the moritorum was enacted, were put to death without a DNA test. Now ALL DEATH ROW INMATES require CONCLUSIVE DNA testing to be on death row!
:lol: What an overly emotional dork you are...where did I say get rid of the entire system?

You love big government...what a phony you are.

So OK fat stuff! Are you really trying to say that a man put to death who was innocent can NOT be equated to a man put in jail for his entire natural life who was innocent. Are both travesties? Aren't both unforunate?

Also fat stuff, you weak argument of tossing my support of death penalty is support of big government is a WEAK red herring!
ghook, you should read up on dna testing. It can prove someone innocent, but it cannot prove guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It is also possible to plant fake dna evidence and it has happened.

I thought you were some kind of attorney???
Governor Douche Bag won this liberal state by less than 1%! Yet me makes it like he won by a LARGE margin! He first REFUSES to cut spending and instead did a ginormous income tax increase (to 5% on the middle and lower class and a 2% increase on small business many who have already left the state) and raised our corporate tax to the highest in the country!

Now he does the dumb of the dumb liberal agenda items and gets rid of the death penalty! Yes Illinois had trouble in the past with SOME innocent men getting executed. HOWEVER, since the moritorum was put on with death penalty cases, there have been reforms. Such as a higher degree of proof to sentence the death penalty and DNA evidence must be provide and CONCLUSIVE in order to carry out the death penalty. The margin of error has been reduced to such a low level that it is as close to perfect as you can come!

Yet douche bag liberal gangster that run the state, just say get rid of it. It will save money? Que? You know what makes death penalty cases expensive. Trying the cases and then trying the appeals. A criminal on the hook for natural life will still get his expensive case tried and still have his appeal cases.

But now we can't execute the worst of the worst killers. Jeffery Dahmer for example! Why keep a monster like that alive? Only a liberal would give a fuck about that animal!

Quinn signs death penalty ban, clears Death Row -

Ending the death penalty IS cutting spending. It costs around 8 - 10 times more for capital punishment, than it does to place the same person in prison for life without parole.

Every state that has done a cost study has come to the same conclusion.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center
I think I was in my Senior year of college at the time! I remember it well. It was one of the BEST decisions he made as governor.

However I also remember Paul Runge one. <Bumped from my previous post> I" cried my eyes out when I heard about the story. The animal beat them, terrorized them, raped the mother in front of the daughter, raped the 10 year old daughter in front of the mother. Then he tossed gasoline on them and BURNED THEM ALIVE! I still get strong feelings recalling that story and I get flashbacks of the news story I heard over a decade ago."

Are you old enough to remember this GHook?
George Ryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Homer Ryan (born February 24, 1934, in Maquoketa, Iowa) was the 39th Governor of the U.S. state of Illinois from 1999 until 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party. Ryan became nationally known when he "raised the national debate on capital punishment" by issuing a moratorium on executions in 2000,.

Ryan called for a commission to study the issue, while noting, "I still believe the death penalty is a proper response to heinous crimes... But I believe that it has to be where we don't put innocent people to death[1]

Whats your view of innocent people being executed?
Governor Douche Bag won this liberal state by less than 1%! Yet me makes it like he won by a LARGE margin! He first REFUSES to cut spending and instead did a ginormous income tax increase (to 5% on the middle and lower class and a 2% increase on small business many who have already left the state) and raised our corporate tax to the highest in the country!

Now he does the dumb of the dumb liberal agenda items and gets rid of the death penalty! Yes Illinois had trouble in the past with SOME innocent men getting executed. HOWEVER, since the moritorum was put on with death penalty cases, there have been reforms. Such as a higher degree of proof to sentence the death penalty and DNA evidence must be provide and CONCLUSIVE in order to carry out the death penalty. The margin of error has been reduced to such a low level that it is as close to perfect as you can come!

Yet douche bag liberal gangster that run the state, just say get rid of it. It will save money? Que? You know what makes death penalty cases expensive. Trying the cases and then trying the appeals. A criminal on the hook for natural life will still get his expensive case tried and still have his appeal cases.

But now we can't execute the worst of the worst killers. Jeffery Dahmer for example! Why keep a monster like that alive? Only a liberal would give a fuck about that animal!

Quinn signs death penalty ban, clears Death Row -

And NJ is more than happy to take business that choose to relocate away from the oppresion
They are advertising on Chicago radio ways daily for it!

Governor Douche Bag won this liberal state by less than 1%! Yet me makes it like he won by a LARGE margin! He first REFUSES to cut spending and instead did a ginormous income tax increase (to 5% on the middle and lower class and a 2% increase on small business many who have already left the state) and raised our corporate tax to the highest in the country!

Now he does the dumb of the dumb liberal agenda items and gets rid of the death penalty! Yes Illinois had trouble in the past with SOME innocent men getting executed. HOWEVER, since the moritorum was put on with death penalty cases, there have been reforms. Such as a higher degree of proof to sentence the death penalty and DNA evidence must be provide and CONCLUSIVE in order to carry out the death penalty. The margin of error has been reduced to such a low level that it is as close to perfect as you can come!

Yet douche bag liberal gangster that run the state, just say get rid of it. It will save money? Que? You know what makes death penalty cases expensive. Trying the cases and then trying the appeals. A criminal on the hook for natural life will still get his expensive case tried and still have his appeal cases.

But now we can't execute the worst of the worst killers. Jeffery Dahmer for example! Why keep a monster like that alive? Only a liberal would give a fuck about that animal!

Quinn signs death penalty ban, clears Death Row -

And NJ is more than happy to take business that choose to relocate away from the oppresion
What could go through a mans mind and give him the idea of raping a woman and a child? is this mentall illness? or just pure evil?
All the people who want the death penalty abolished will have a completely different view on it if someone rapes and murders their family, than they will want to burn that man at the stake.

Try telling that to the Kennedy family and Coretta Scott King.

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