The Stench of Political Death Surrounds the trump Campaign

Nothing in that link suggests that.
Other than

"Still, the effort appears to be a work in progress. At an infrastructure event in North Carolina on Thursday, Biden often deviated from the script in the teleprompter to add some political flourishes and spoke for more than 20 minutes."

"“There’s a strategic advantage at this point in the race to boiling down your message to the three or four most salient, compelling arguments for why President Biden should be re-elected,” said TJ Ducklo, the Biden campaign’s senior adviser for communications. “That will often translate to the stump [speech] being whittled down to its sharpest, most dynamic form. That’s what you’re seeing.”
I love it when members of the Trump cult say that someone doesn’t “have a clue on reality”, without a hint of irony.
We understand the difference and value of Wealth Creation over Wealth Taking(redistribution).
Your Leftist DemocRAT cult has given as your past three POTUSes only Wealth Takers and Fakers.

You'll find irony when looking in your mirror.
Unfortunately, not.

This would be true if the people elected presidents – but they don’t.

Presidents are elected via a system both undemocratic and antimajoritarian – contrary to the will of the people.
Sadly, Trump IS the will of the people. Thanks Obama!
Would you care to show where I'm wrong or are you just gonna shot all over the thread as usual?

And just how would they do that ?

By showing you meaningless polls.

You can't prove you are right.

I love what you left wingers do.......

Hi, I am Creptius the asshole. I am going to make a claim that I can't back up or substantiate (and I rarely try).

Now, prove my stupid unsupported, dumbassed claim wrong. [folds arms and thinks he's actually got a functioning brain]
What is being done to rectify the problems pointed out by the article?
“There is no sign of life,” said Kim Owens, a Republican operative and public relations professional in Arizona. “Especially in a state that Trump lost so closely last time, you’d expect to have more of a presence. I would think, ‘Let’s step it up.’ I think it’s a terrible mistake.”

I live in Arizona and am part of my legislative district. Kim Owens sounds like a McStain lover.

There is plenty happening here.

The biggest problem is the state organization itself.
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
Sadly, Trump IS the will of the people. Thanks Obama!
The problem is the aberration that is the Imperial Presidency.

It was the original intent of the Framers that the president would be a minor and relatively unimportant officer of the Federal government – co-equal to the other two branches, but less co-equal.

As a minor and unimportant officer, who occupied the WH was of little consequence, where it was appropriate for the states to elect a president rather than the people.

Today that’s no longer the case – with the rise of the Imperial Presidency and unitary executive dogma, presidents have become all-powerful despots uncheck by the courts, Congress, or the Constitution, ruling by fiat, often contrary to the will of the people.

As such, the EC can act to facilitate the tyranny of minority rule.

Amazon product ASIN 0618420010
The problem is the aberration that is the Imperial Presidency.

It was the original intent of the Framers that the president would be a minor and relatively unimportant officer of the Federal government – co-equal to the other two branches, but less co-equal.

As a minor and unimportant officer, who occupied the WH was of little consequence, where it was appropriate for the states to elect a president rather than the people.

Today that’s no longer the case – with the rise of the Imperial Presidency and unitary executive dogma, presidents have become all-powerful despots uncheck by the courts, Congress, or the Constitution, ruling by fiat, often contrary to the will of the people.

As such, the EC can act to facilitate the tyranny of minority rule.

Amazon product ASIN 0618420010
ALL branches are supposed to be equal, dumbass. Your hero, the obummer openly violated the COTUS, which he actually admitted to, when he enacted DACA with the stroke of a pen. You want your "imperialism, look no further than him.
What's co-equal?

Is that like somewhat pregnant?
Define political suicide - Can bad news Trump get any worse. Yes it can.

Former President Donald Trump recently made a controversial proposal to a gathering of oil executives and lobbyists at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida: Favorable policy in exchange for $1 billion in campaign cash. Now, it looks as if the U.S. Senate may launch an official inquiry into the ex-president.

Trump just does not care anymore or has a real problem with losing. He knows that his empire is collapse around his misguided ambition to become the president. again. So the real Trump shows his true colors , it is not surprising as someone who explained his real goal in The art of a deal.

5. Use your leverage
"The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and then you're dead."

Seems he cannot even follow his own advise but yes he is dead.

Can anyone say "Another investigation"

Other than

"Still, the effort appears to be a work in progress. At an infrastructure event in North Carolina on Thursday, Biden often deviated from the script in the teleprompter to add some political flourishes and spoke for more than 20 minutes."

"“There’s a strategic advantage at this point in the race to boiling down your message to the three or four most salient, compelling arguments for why President Biden should be re-elected,” said TJ Ducklo, the Biden campaign’s senior adviser for communications. “That will often translate to the stump [speech] being whittled down to its sharpest, most dynamic form. That’s what you’re seeing.”
That doesn't say what you claim it does. Why do you keep trying this? The article does not say they are keeping Joe Biden speeches short because of anything they are concerned about him doing or saying.

It's not there.

you are reading in things that are not in the text.
That doesn't say what you claim it does. Why do you keep trying this? The article does not say they are keeping Joe Biden speeches short because of anything they are concerned about him doing or saying.

It's not there.

you are reading in things that are not in the text.
OK, I'll bite. What do you think is the reason they are cutting his stump speech to 3 points, less than 20 minutes and nothing off script? Show some honesty.
One of those ten a penny , pocket money paid Trolls .

Not the brightest but he sticks at his job .

Yes he is that.

But the condition is the gravely sound you hear in a joint because there is some kind of gas present.

In that regard his name fits him perfectly. He's just about all gas.

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