The Stench of Political Death Surrounds the trump Campaign

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" Who we are: PoliticusUSA is a digital publishing site offering independent, center-left news, commentary, and opinion without fear or favor focused on democracy and human rights. We are corporate-free. PoliticusUSA is minority owned and operated by Jason Easley, who was born with cerebral palsy, and Sarah Jones. "

Red highlight above is my doing.
As usual OP hasn't a clue on reality.

I love it when members of the Trump cult say that someone doesn’t “have a clue on reality”, without a hint of irony.
Which part is projection?

Go ahead and prove me wrong.

I'll wait.
"Political Death Surrounds the trump Campaign"

Dude, your leader's campaign just admitted he can't handle a 20 minute stump speech and they are going to have to cut it to three talking points.
"Political Death Surrounds the trump Campaign"

Dude, your leader's campaign just admitted he can't handle a 20 minute stump speech and they are going to have to cut it to three talking points.
Can you show us that?

President Biden will be reelected by a huge margin.

It's in the bag.

So Dems should now get on with their lives.

Don't waste your hard-earned dollars contributing to the Biden campaign. It's already in the bag!!!

President Biden would want you to use your money to donate to the downtrodden instead.

And if you're too busy to fill out and mail in a ballot, don't worry. It's already in the bag!!!
As long as Democrats don't get complacent

Do you not understand what that means?
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
Trump spends his time out of court on the golf course or at Mara Lago with the sycophants rather than campaigning.

No matter what the "grab some eyeballs" polls say Trump's own polls are telling him the truth.

He's losing by 8+ points in the polls.
He'll lose by 12M+ popular votes and 120+ EC votes in November.

Why waste time and money campaigning.
Keep grifting the MAGADUMIANS for all they got.
Sell those sneakers, bibles, photo cards
Pump and dump DJT
Let the surrogates go hold their pay to play "rallies" and conventions.
Use the campaign donations money for personal expenses.
don't pay the lawyers. Fuck the lawyers, they deserve it.

Play out the string and try to stay out of prison as long as possible.

Sound about right?
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
The stench of actual dead people surrounds the democrat candidates.
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
Libs have stabbed, shot, poisoned and run over trump enough that he should be dead by now

But he’s not
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
The fleecing of Magadonia will continue. So many gave Bannon and his cronies $$$ for bricks in a wall. Mexico was not only supposed to pay for the wall, but they were going to use American made brick.
The candidate spends most of his time ranting about his criminal trials. The campaign is struggling to raise money from voters, and there is no swing state operation, as the Trump campaign reeks of political death.

The writing is on the wall folks. As long as Democrats don't get complacent and fail to turn out this is in the bag.

They have no ground game, the funds are going to lawyers, and speaking of funds the donors are not showing up this time (possibly they've give all they had to give), they are in a state of collapse.
are you sure thats not the shit on your finger from wiping your ass??
.. what poll are you talking about? Can you provide a link?
Internal Trump polls.
No link

Use your own senses...

8M NEW voters under 25 have been minted since 2020.
Know anyone under 30?
They ever anwer a call when they don't know who's calling?
Hell, most of the time they won't answer when they KNOW who's calling.
These 8M generally break 75-25 DEM
Few if any of these voters are being polled.

Add polling trends that show Trump declining while Biden is climbing.

Yu can doubt this if you will but the smart money says Biden by a bunch.


If Trump thought he could win would he not be campaigning rather than playing golf and having his ego stroked at Mara Lago?

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