Governor Jerry Brown fiddles while California runs out of water

Build the plants and everyone will have plenty of water!!! There's a ocean off the coast of California!

Nope. Its just that easy, not that cut and dried, as it were.

Desalinization sounds like an answer but it really isn't.

And, its not as though its just California.
In May 2007, a Federal District Court Judge ruled that increased amounts of water had to be re-allocated towards protecting the Delta smelt – a three-inch fish on the Endangered Species List.

Because of this ruling, in 2009 and 2010 more than 300 billion gallons (or 1 million acre-feet) of water were diverted away from farmers in the Central Valley and into the San Francisco Bay – eventually going out into the Pacific Ocean.

You can bet this will be quietly reversed this year. They have to. It's really bad there. Really bad. And this is where the world gets a lot of its food. Smelt isn't going to solve the CA budget crisis. Food trade will. They'll crunch the numbers and figure it out.
Folks, California is in drought. And will continue to be in drought until this fall. Then the drought will end for the next year or so as the drought in Texas has. Desalinization plants? Yes, but the water will be far too expensive for agriculture. Charge what it costs? Well, yes and no. If you are out of work, and have no income, just another bill you cannot pay. And you cannot live without water. Illegal immigrants the reason for the shortage? Are you truly that brain dead?

Get used to rapid switchs between extreme droughts and flooding. It is the new normal. So we do need to figure out how to store the water from flooding. Of course, that means new regulations for the use of water in areas like Texas and California. Seems the world is an unkind place for ideologues.
At some
Republicans should offer some solutions.
I did offer a solution. Increase the price of water until demand no longer exceeds supply.

This is a very simple solution that works for most commodities, including gasoline, bread, milk and toilet paper.
Good idea. And when people start to die, as they did in Detroit when the water was cut off, they will have deserved it. Btw see you in Church Sunday.
I was reading on the news today about people in Beverly Hills washing down their driveways and sidewalks, sprinklers running every day for an hour, etc.
Until these people are fined, we will run out of water faster than planned. They just don't get it. Or care. They have money. They can just up and move to another state that does have water. The rest of us? We do without, trying to save as much as we can while Hollyweird continues to thumb their noses at something so silly as conserving water.

As I understand it the wealthy are paying trucks to haul water in to meet their needs.
I love the crystal balling they always do ...tipping point...oooops norm.....oooops.......

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Pssst. Ready to water that beautiful lush lawn of yours? The one that's the envy of the entire neighborhood.
If you live in Southern California you'd better wait until after midnight. Preferably on a cloudy, new-moon night during a power outage when it's so dark even night-vision goggles won't give away your position. Otherwise you could wind up the star of the latest drought-shaming video posted on YouTube or Twitter.

California water wasters beware DroughtShaming on the rise -
In May 2007, a Federal District Court Judge ruled that increased amounts of water had to be re-allocated towards protecting the Delta smelt – a three-inch fish on the Endangered Species List.

Because of this ruling, in 2009 and 2010 more than 300 billion gallons (or 1 million acre-feet) of water were diverted away from farmers in the Central Valley and into the San Francisco Bay – eventually going out into the Pacific Ocean.

You can bet this will be quietly reversed this year. They have to. It's really bad there. Really bad. And this is where the world gets a lot of its food. Smelt isn't going to solve the CA budget crisis. Food trade will. They'll crunch the numbers and figure it out.

You expect a lot more from Jerry Brown and the Democrats that run California than I do.
You act like building water storage facilities is a bad idea. What is your solution?

Trillions and trillions and trillions of gallons ...

Yes, its a very bad idea.

Turn ocean water into fresh water and pour it into those storage tanks!!! That s the solution.

Very expensive and the pollution isn't worth it.

Use less.

That's really the only possible answer. If we don't do it willingly, we will be forced to.
what is the pollution from desalinization?
and, maybe if the liberals in California would have considered the impact that all of their disease carrying illegals would end up have on public resources, this would not be as bad as it is.
What would really be nice is if all of the non-liberals left California, took their money and jobs with them and left the state as a 100% liberal sanctuary.
I wonder how long it would take before total collapse came.
Greetings From Jerry Brown s Planet California -

The stupid liberals who voted for Jerry Brown deserve what they get.

But not every person in California is a liberal, and they will suffer too.

The farmers of Central Valley don't have enough political power, so all the water is being diverted to the big cities where liberals live.

Could an entire state die for lack of water?

It seems that Governor Moonbeam is determined to find out.
Tell us more about our drought. You live here in California, right?
Greetings From Jerry Brown s Planet California -

The stupid liberals who voted for Jerry Brown deserve what they get.

But not every person in California is a liberal, and they will suffer too.

The farmers of Central Valley don't have enough political power, so all the water is being diverted to the big cities where liberals live.

Could an entire state die for lack of water?

It seems that Governor Moonbeam is determined to find out.

80% of California water is consumed by agriculture in the Central Valley.
Increasing the price of water so that demand no longer exceeds supply would solve all of California's water problems.

But that simple idea will never be tried, because liberals hate free markets and prefer a socialistic solution.

You realize that would screw those poor Central Valley farmers much more than anyone else, right?

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