Governor Palin To Jeb Bush: They're Called 'Illegal Immigrants For A Reason'.

Militarize the border right after we grant the ones that have been working in this country for over 10 years. I believe they have paid their debt.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.
And she's right. Bush needs to get off the bandwagon supporting amnesty for these criminals here in this country illegally. Palin has the right idea in militarizing the border.

Palin to Jeb on 'Act of Love' Remarks: They're 'Called Illegal Immigrants for a Reason'

Like father ... like son. Dad and bro didn't do a frigging thing to seal the border so I see no reason why any other RINO would give two hoots about it.

The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

Vote Rand Paul.
I doubt anyone on the 2016 Presidential ticket will ask her to run...
From the Gospel according to St. Ronnie:

"When the Labor Department is forced to relent and let these visitors do this work it is of course all legal. But it makes one wonder about the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion or are those illegal tourists actually doing work our own people won't do? One thing is certain in this hungry world; no regulation or law should be allowed if it results in crops rotting in the field for lack of harvesters."

"I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

What Reagan said about undocumented immigrants
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.
From the Gospel according to St. Ronnie:

"When the Labor Department is forced to relent and let these visitors do this work it is of course all legal. But it makes one wonder about the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion or are those illegal tourists actually doing work our own people won't do? One thing is certain in this hungry world; no regulation or law should be allowed if it results in crops rotting in the field for lack of harvesters."

"I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

What Reagan said about undocumented immigrants

What Reagan said is what most conservatives believe. But we need a structured orderly process for those here illegally that will EVENTUALLY make them citizens, But they should not be allowed to jump in line in front of those who are following the law.

Illegal is illegal no matter who is doing it. Breaking the law should not be rewarded. Becoming a citizen should be a long difficult process for anyone here illegally, but the process should be available to them and they should be given some sort of visa as long as they have done whatever is necessary to begin the process.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.

the fence has been authorized and funded, obama refuses to build it.
Militarize the border right after we grant the ones that have been working in this country for over 10 years. I believe they have paid their debt.

WTF? How? Their first act on U.S. soil was to break our laws.. they send their money back home, they clog up our emergency rooms.... what, just because they managed to suck off our system for ten years and fly under the radar they should be rewarded?

That is exactly what you are saying.. come here break our laws and if you get away with it for ten years, we'll make you an instant citizen.. oh, and yeah, screw all the people that do it the right way.

Fuck that shit.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.

I like the idea of putting them on a plane and making them parachute when over the southern part of Mexico..
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.
What about welfare money distributed to the largest demographic: Caucasians? What about the welfare money distributed to corporations and large farms? Why just money given to minorities? You are tipping your racist hand.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence......

The minorities only collect 31% of the government benefits that are handed out. It's the white majority that collects 69% of the handouts. Need to cut off all those teenage white girls that got knocked up and turned down abortions and all those old folks whose kids won't take care of them.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.
What about welfare money distributed to the largest demographic: Caucasians? What about the welfare money distributed to corporations and large farms? Why just money given to minorities? You are tipping your racist hand.

corporations and large farms do not get welfare money. Are you really that stupid?
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence......

The minorities only collect 31% of the government benefits that are handed out. It's the white majority that collects 69% of the handouts. Need to cut off all those teenage white girls that got knocked up and turned down abortions and all those old folks whose kids won't take care of them.

PROPORTIONALLY; which is the ONLY number that matters; Black and Hispanic people get welfare WAY more than White people.

you are simply a loser who enjoys lying to himself
I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.
What about welfare money distributed to the largest demographic: Caucasians? What about the welfare money distributed to corporations and large farms? Why just money given to minorities? You are tipping your racist hand.

corporations and large farms do not get welfare money. Are you really that stupid?

of couse the idiot liberal doesnt realize how racist and stupid he is. his rant assumes that minorities dont own any corporations; or that for some reason minority-owned firms dont get corporate welfare.

idiots and hypocrites
Militarize the border right after we grant the ones that have been working in this country for over 10 years. I believe they have paid their debt.

I don't. I know many LEGAL immigrants who obeyed all the laws to get here. I also know several people who've not been allowed to come here and didn't break our laws to get here. My family friends who fled Hungary when the communists took over ended up living their lives in Canada because this country wouldn't take them. Now why on earth do you think someone who came here illegally and probably stole someone's ID/social security number to work deserves to be let off for his/her crime just because he/she got away with it for 10 years? Why do you think they should have more rights than my friends?

Have you got any idea what you have to go through when you retire if someone has stolen your social security number? That is not a victimless crime.

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