Governor Palin To Jeb Bush: They're Called 'Illegal Immigrants For A Reason'.

What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

Illegals are not allowed to vote legally. Legal immigrants don't want them here, as a rule. Ever hear of the group "You don't speak for me?" Hispanic immigrants that want the illegals sent home. They are tired of competing with them.

Oh, and illegals, like Americans, come in all races and ethnicity. We even have a large number of illegal Irish, I want them sent home too and I'm descended from Irish Americans.
Illegals are not allowed to vote legally. Legal immigrants don't want them here, as a rule. Ever hear of the group "You don't speak for me?" Hispanic immigrants that want the illegals sent home. They are tired of competing with them.

Oh, and illegals, like Americans, come in all races and ethnicity. We even have a large number of illegal Irish, I want them sent home too and I'm descended from Irish Americans.

not illegals.... HISPANICS.

you do know HISPANICS vote, right?
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence......

The minorities only collect 31% of the government benefits that are handed out. It's the white majority that collects 69% of the handouts. Need to cut off all those teenage white girls that got knocked up and turned down abortions and all those old folks whose kids won't take care of them.

I'm all for cutting welfare to everyone except the disabled, and that includes corporations.
I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence......

The minorities only collect 31% of the government benefits that are handed out. It's the white majority that collects 69% of the handouts. Need to cut off all those teenage white girls that got knocked up and turned down abortions and all those old folks whose kids won't take care of them.

I'm all for cutting welfare to everyone except the disabled, and that includes corporations.

smart thing to do when there are more than four applicants for every job. (I actually think it's six)

you go girl.
Illegals are not allowed to vote legally. Legal immigrants don't want them here, as a rule. Ever hear of the group "You don't speak for me?" Hispanic immigrants that want the illegals sent home. They are tired of competing with them.

Oh, and illegals, like Americans, come in all races and ethnicity. We even have a large number of illegal Irish, I want them sent home too and I'm descended from Irish Americans.

not illegals.... HISPANICS.

you do know HISPANICS vote, right?

Americans...they are American citizens. Why do you think they shouldn't be included with the rest of us? Do you honestly believe they all will vote against someone who wants to enforce our immigration laws? Did you miss the part about "You Don't Speak for Me?"
A lot of the "Conservative" Big Donors want a continuation of the status quo because they are exploiting illegals in one way or another and profiting from their continuing presence.

At the grass roots level, there is very little conflict. The "Conservative Plan" is as obvious as can be:

(1) do the best job you can at sealing the border (which is a work in process)

(2) Get serious about deporting those who have over-stayed their welcome (not talking about the campesinos who crossed the Rio Grande, but the former students and whatnot who just refused to leave).

(3) penalize employers who employ illegals (already in place, but not well enforced)

(4) terminate all cash benefits for anyone not here legally

(5) set up a rational guest worker program so that where there is truly an unskilled labor shortage, sponsor employers can bring in temporary guest workers to do what needs doing.

(6) Correct the error in the interpretation of the Constitution that created the "anchor baby" phenomenon.

(7) Make it clear and formal that "line jumpers" will NEVER be granted citizenship. Even if they manage to stay here, they will always be outlaws.

One thing that is clear is that these weasels in Congress who keep talking about "comprehensive immigration reform" are just chomping at the bit to produce a 2,000 page nightmare of a law that nobody will understand before it's passed. Things like this should be addressed in bit-sized chunks, so that everyone involved can understand exactly what is going on when they sign on to this series of laws. Most of these measures would be approved by a vast majority of the population, even Democrats.

Isn't it ironic that Dems are so keen to pass an increase in the minimum wage law, but they are so reluctant to do anything about the illegals who are suppressing wages on farms and in the service industries. If "Americans won't do that work," and if the illegals are taken out of the picture, maybe the employers will have to pay more money to get people to do the work.

What a concept.
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

so he deports a hundred and a hundred more come in?...but i guess he can say he is deporting them....and dont think Latinos are so stupid that they buy the bullshit that the Democrats tell them...they are considered the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....
From the Gospel according to St. Ronnie:

"When the Labor Department is forced to relent and let these visitors do this work it is of course all legal. But it makes one wonder about the illegal alien fuss. Are great numbers of our unemployed really victims of the illegal alien invasion or are those illegal tourists actually doing work our own people won't do? One thing is certain in this hungry world; no regulation or law should be allowed if it results in crops rotting in the field for lack of harvesters."

"I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally."

What Reagan said about undocumented immigrants

the man lived in a State where Illegals were always around.....the attitude towards them tends to be a little different....
What's the Conservative plan on immigration? Mass deportations? You got it! Obama is the Deporter-in-Chief. Do you want to build an impenetrable barricade across our southern border? Tell us how to pay for it? If you don't want to pay for the benefits American citizens enjoy, where's the cash for fences and barbed wire and electronic surveillance?

Are Republicans interested in winning elections? Tell us how pissing off the second largest demographic group among voters in 2016 will help your cause?

It seems to me that Conservatives are fond of puffing themselves up with a lot of hot air, offering NO workable solutions and walling off the Hispanic vote for generations to come.

I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.

yea good luck with that Steve.....and a question for are you going to deport them deep into Boat?....
And she's right. Bush needs to get off the bandwagon supporting amnesty for these criminals here in this country illegally. Palin has the right idea in militarizing the border.

Palin to Jeb on 'Act of Love' Remarks: They're 'Called Illegal Immigrants for a Reason'

"Governor" Palin. That in itself is a joke. Why don't you try "Media Whore" Palin for some accuracy? She's spent waaaaay more time looking for a camera to smile into than she has as governor.
I'll tell ya how we pay for it. Cut off welfare money to minorities and use those funds to construct a huge fence like they have in Israel. Impliment President Eisenhowers old goverment program 'Operation Wetback' and round these illegal bastards up and deport them deep into Mexico by boat.
What about welfare money distributed to the largest demographic: Caucasians? What about the welfare money distributed to corporations and large farms? Why just money given to minorities? You are tipping your racist hand.

corporations and large farms do not get welfare money. Are you really that stupid?
Note the word "Distributed"? Tell you something about the mind and ideology of the poster?
Governor Palin To Jeb Bush: They're Called 'Illegal Immigrants For A Reason'.
Yes, they’re called ‘illegal immigrants’ by ignorant, hateful rightists such as Palin, ignorant of the Constitution and its case law, and in contempt of the rule of law and due process, where in the United States one is innocent until proved guilty of a crime in a court of law – including those undocumented (Plyler v. Doe (1982)).

An immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been convicted of that crime.
Governor Palin To Jeb Bush: They're Called 'Illegal Immigrants For A Reason'.
Yes, they’re called ‘illegal immigrants’ by ignorant, hateful rightists such as Palin, ignorant of the Constitution and its case law, and in contempt of the rule of law and due process, where in the United States one is innocent until proved guilty of a crime in a court of law – including those undocumented (Plyler v. Doe (1982)).

An immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been convicted of that crime.

Nope. They're illegal as soon as they step across our border illegally and fail to go through the naturalization process.
If someone is here illegally then they are here illegally....
How does that make me a racist if I call them illegal aliens?
Governor Palin To Jeb Bush: They're Called 'Illegal Immigrants For A Reason'.
Yes, they’re called ‘illegal immigrants’ by ignorant, hateful rightists such as Palin, ignorant of the Constitution and its case law, and in contempt of the rule of law and due process, where in the United States one is innocent until proved guilty of a crime in a court of law – including those undocumented (Plyler v. Doe (1982)).

An immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been convicted of that crime.

as soon as he/she crosses the border without letting anyone know and stays here.....they are an Illegal .....if you see someone shoplift something and leave the store ...just because they were not caught by the store security....does that mean said person did not shoplift?......and you are an Attorney?....

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