Gowdy fabricated redactions on Clinton's email to make it look like she'd outed a spy

So, you have a letter, but no proof. Not only that, one written by Elijah Cummings. Are you expecting us to take this seriously?
Where is the proof that Hillary outed a CIA source? You never saw it, but you swallowed it whole because you wish it were true.

You liberals wish for a lot of things to be true. You're shifting the focus of this thread because you've been outed as a liar.
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Update: Newsweek reviewed the committee's correspondence and confirmed that CIA said no classified information was transmitted in the email, and no redaction was required.
If you heard in this message board or the media that Hillary Clinton outed a CIA source in an email, disregard, as it was just proved to be a lie. the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.


Full letter: http://democrats.benghazi.house.gov...uments/2015_10_18_EEC_to_TG_re_CIA_Source.pdf
Newsweek confirms that the CIA food nothing wrong with the emails. http://www.newsweek.com/another-bad...592?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

More importantly, even if this were true it still doesn't change the fact that she had classified material on her server and outed a CIA agent in the field. The inspection of her server was confirmed done via the New York Times by the Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III early last month:


This is no way acquits Hillary of wrongdoing. Gowdy already has all he needs. She's caught in a web of deception so big it would make Spider Man proud.

The FBI is pissed off now, so they're not going to play lapdogs anymore. It's out of her hands now, literally.
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I think a lot of people are going to be absolutely floored, flummoxed and flabbergasted, when Hillary Clinton blows through this bullshit with ease. Got a plan B ready? I bet they don't.
To contribute more to the insignificance of this "revelation" there's this:

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision

The very fact that Hillary shared documents with Blumenthal violated the law, so says the FBI.

But then again, this source makes Cummings out to be a liar. That source? Was none other than the State Department.

NYT Reporter: State Dept. Redacted Two-Dozen Clinton Emails Despite Her Saying There Was No Classified Information On Them

And, Newsweek, the Democrats, Cummings, and you, should be ashamed of yourselves for contorting the facts of the matter.

"Clinton and her senior staff routinely sent foreign government information among themselves on unsecured networks several times a month, if the State Department's markings are correct. Within the 30 email threads reviewed by Reuters, Clinton herself sent at least 17 emails that contained this sort of information. In at least one case it was to a friend, Sidney Blumenthal, not in government."

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest
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I think a lot of people are going to be absolutely floored, flummoxed and flabbergasted, when Hillary Clinton blows through this bullshit with ease. Got a plan B ready? I bet they don't.

Not even the morning after pill will save her from jailtime. You keep thinking that.
More importantly, even if this were true it still doesn't change the fact that she had classified material on her server and outed a CIA agent in the field. The inspection of her server was confirmed done via the New York Times by the Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III early last month:

This is no way acquits Hillary of wrongdoing. Gowdy already has all he needs. She's caught in a web of deception so big it would make Spider Man proud.

The FBI is pissed off now, so they're not going to play lapdogs anymore. It's out of her hands now, literally.

I hope they can get all the stains off of the couch after all that wanking.

Reality check. They didn't send Scooter and Rove to prison for outing Plame, they aren't going to send Hillary to prison because she had documents on her computer that hundreds of other people also had.
More importantly, even if this were true it still doesn't change the fact that she had classified material on her server and outed a CIA agent in the field. The inspection of her server was confirmed done via the New York Times by the Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III early last month:

This is no way acquits Hillary of wrongdoing. Gowdy already has all he needs. She's caught in a web of deception so big it would make Spider Man proud.

The FBI is pissed off now, so they're not going to play lapdogs anymore. It's out of her hands now, literally.

I hope they can get all the stains off of the couch after all that wanking.

Reality check. They didn't send Scooter and Rove to prison for outing Plame, they aren't going to send Hillary to prison because she had documents on her computer that hundreds of other people also had.

Can you read? Apparently not. For your edification:

To contribute more to the insignificance of this "revelation" there's this:

Source: FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision

The very fact that Hillary shared documents with Blumenthal violated the law, so says the FBI.

But then again, this source makes Cummings out to be a liar. That source? Was none other than the State Department.

NYT Reporter: State Dept. Redacted Two-Dozen Clinton Emails Despite Her Saying There Was No Classified Information On Them

And, Newsweek, the Democrats, Cummings, and you, should be ashamed of yourselves for contorting the facts of the matter.

"Clinton and her senior staff routinely sent foreign government information among themselves on unsecured networks several times a month, if the State Department's markings are correct. Within the 30 email threads reviewed by Reuters, Clinton herself sent at least 17 emails that contained this sort of information. In at least one case it was to a friend, Sidney Blumenthal, not in government."

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

Have a nice morning!
Poor Inbred suck hole Trey Gowdy ...Banjo playing crazed nut bag is sad ....so sad....

Gowdy on criticism of Benghazi committee: 'These have been among the worst weeks of my life'
Source: Politico


House Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, used to get death threats in his previous line of work. But watching his Benghazi investigation get slammed by accusations that it’s a partisan assault on Hillary Clinton is actually much worse, he says.

“I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life,” Gowdy said this weekend during a lengthy interview with POLITICO. “Attacks on your character, attacks on your motives, are 1,000-times worse than anything you can do to anybody physically — at least it is for me.”

Gowdy faces the biggest moment of his political career when he squares off with Clinton this Thursday. But as the chairman prepares for the showdown, he’s facing increasing pressure to salvage his panel’s reputation — and perhaps his own.

Gowdy worked behind closed doors for 18 months in an effort to keep the committee’s work out of the political fray. But his strategy started unraveling after three Republicans suggested the committee was aimed at hurting Clinton in the polls. Democrats pounced, newspaper editorials called for the panel to be disbanded, and now there are calls from commentators of all stripes for Gowdy to reveal what he’s uncovered

Read more: 'These have been among the worst weeks of my life'

I wonder what Kevin McCarthy is going to do for the rest of his life? I mean, after he's blown the cover off the committee now.
he's not on the select committee. WSJ Op-ED: The Real Benghazi Investigation

One pity of the McCarthy comments is that they tainted the committee’s work with politics. The bigger pity is that they are dead wrong. South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy is 18 months into the committee that the House purpose-built to investigate the 2012 terrorist assault in Libya that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. His Benghazi investigation has been a model of seriousness, professionalism and discreetness.

this is a red flag: Hillary Clinton Aide Bryan Pagliano Invokes Fifth Amendment in Email Probe

memory lane: Nancy Pelosi: CIA Lied To Me

i'd like to see subpoened, cutter, wasserman-shultz, axelrod, susan rice and anyone else who conspired to sell the video caused benghazi story, just weeks before the presidential election.

from the kim strassel op ed piece:

The House Select Committee on Benghazi has held three public hearings. Mr. Gowdy allowed Democratic members to choose the first two topics.
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So, you have a letter, but no proof. Not only that, one written by Elijah Cummings. Are you expecting us to take this seriously?
Wasnt Elijah Cummins the rep who staged the fake question so he could give a faux speech to try to discredit the IRS committee? Especially since he was one of the ones leaning on the IRS to shut down right wing groups.
that Elijah Cummings?
Yep. They are all such pieces of shit lying assholes.
I wonder what Kevin McCarthy is going to do for the rest of his life? I mean, after he's blown the cover off the committee now.
McCarthy didn't blow the lid off anything. He pointed out, stupidly I might add, that the investigation caused Hillary's numbers to go down but That was not the reason for the investigation.

Would you have preferred no one investigate why Benghazi happened to prevent further ambassadors from getting killed in the future or should we have just believed a video, which no one ever saw, caused it?

The democrats blew it when they blamed Benghazi on that video. Cuz no one believed that lie.
Someone asked earlier in another post why after 7 investigations the investigation continues. Here's one example WHY:

The 7 Previous investigations did not even look at e-mails, ESPECIALLY Ambassador Stevens' e-mails. I am not saying the other committees were incompetent, but I will say Gowdy is the only former PROSECUTER to head up an investigation so far.

If you want to know what was going on in Benghazi and about the events leading up to 9/11/12, Stevens is the best man to ask. yes, I know he is dead, but he continuously sent e-mails...and STATUS REPORTS in those e-mails...and no one bothered to think at looking at those? REALLY?!

“How did they miss Ambassador Stevens’ emails? None of the seven previous committees bothered to access the emails of our ambassador,” Gowdy said during an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation. “If we want a window into Libya and what was happening in the weeks and months before these four were killed, why would you not look at the ambassador’s emails? He was a prolific e-mailer,”

Besides thousands of pages of Stevens emails, the committee has uncovered more than 50,000 pages of documents related to Benghazi and Libya that Congress has never seen. That includes emails that Clinton sent and received while she was in office. “He notes that there’s an uptick in violence, and he’s asking for more security, Gowdy revealed/”


Some of the questions that have always existed yet un-satisfactorily answered have been:
- WHY hire al Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect Ambassador Stevens?

- WHY ignore the threats of pending attack and the call for the assassination of Stevens on 9/11/12?

- WHY not only IGNORE the 2 previous attacks on his compound leading up to 9/11/12, but WHY reduce the number of US members on his security detail AFTER these attacks?

- WHY not simply get him out of Benghazi and into Tripoli where he would have been safe until 9/11/12 had passed?
Some of the questions that have always existed yet un-satisfactorily answered have been:
- WHY hire al Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect Ambassador Stevens?

- WHY ignore the threats of pending attack and the call for the assassination of Stevens on 9/11/12?

- WHY not only IGNORE the 2 previous attacks on his compound leading up to 9/11/12, but WHY reduce the number of US members on his security detail AFTER these attacks?

- WHY not simply get him out of Benghazi and into Tripoli where he would have been safe until 9/11/12 had passed?

This is where you are a little confused. Stevens WAS safe in Tripoli, which is where the EMBASSY is located.

He made the CHOICE to go to Benghazi on September 11, despite the anniversary, despite the fact there was unrest all over the middle east over the Mohammed Video, despite a lot of warnings that Benghazi was not secure.

But no one really wants to say 'Wow, Ambassador Stevens really showed poor judgement". You know, because he died. Wasn't even killed by a terrorist, he was killed by smoke inhallation because the room he was hiding in filled up with smoke.

So for the last three years, the Repukes have been using his coffin as a soap box, not realizing how truly ghoulish they look doing it.
How Trey Gowdy Went From Being The Hunter To The Hunted On Benghazi
Chinks in that armor are showing just days before Gowdy is set to grill Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton in a high-profile, public hearing. Ramped-up pressure from Democratic members of the panel in addition to GOPers' assertions that the investigation targeted Clinton have made Gowdy appear to be the lone voice still crying out for the “truth” behind the Benghazi attacks
the CIA itself has said it's nobody was outed.

OH LOOK!!!! Suddenly the Left believes what the CIA says!!

this is why nobody takes you morons seriously; just brainwashed supremely hypocritical lemmings regurgitating the Party line because the "phony scandal" wont go away

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