Graham Calls on Sotomayor to Apologize for 'Wise Latina' Statement

Apologize! Apologize for what? Speaking her mind? Last I checked this was still America, land of the free, you birdbrain right wing fascists censors should look at that buffoon Scalia and some of the stupidity that comes out his mouth. He without sin cast the first stone, actually for you dimwits throwing stones is all you got because you sure as hell failed when power was in the hands of your anointed ones.

"We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

so then of course you disagreed with making Imus apologize and for his losing his job? Yes?
Lindsey Graham? You mean the guy who worked so hard to get McCain elected even though he knew how incompetent he is.

did you ever think that just maybe he felt Obama was also incompetent?... and somewhat Green behind the ears......not a good analogy....
Apologize! Apologize for what? Speaking her mind? Last I checked this was still America, land of the free, you birdbrain right wing fascists censors should look at that buffoon Scalia and some of the stupidity that comes out his mouth. He without sin cast the first stone, actually for you dimwits throwing stones is all you got because you sure as hell failed when power was in the hands of your anointed ones.

"We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still." John Stuart Mill, On Liberty

so then of course you disagreed with making Imus apologize and for his losing his job? Yes?

Willow ....Midcant would be telling you right know how bigoted you are, if this women was white and was referring to black or Mexican men, the same way she is refering to white men....... imagine Midcant's shock when you say.... "shes just speaking her mind"..... the guy would have a shit hemorrhage....

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