grass feed beef, yea or nay?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
the new rage if grass feed beef.....myself it just reminds me of spending summers on a farm and eating the damn stuff....i am a steak ho.....i like my steak well marbled....melting on my tongue...grass feed dont do that

sometimes food trends are not good trends
I like eating higher up the food chain. I'm not eating grass, so something further down has to.

Iz midwest. Corn fed please.
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Cows were not meant to eat corn.
Corn fed beef is what made eColi what it is today. How many of you know that eColi was a harmless, but unpleasant little bug before the 1980's?
No one?
Not surprised, this is a little secret that the cattle industry wants to make sure you don't know.
Cows need a varied diet of grasses and other plants. Without it - natural bacteria in a cows gut runs rampant - corn does not contain the natural inhibitors that is found in certain grasses.
The industry gets around this by injecting loads of antibiotics in the short life of a beef cow. This process created the antibiotic resistant and deadly eColi.
Corn fed beef also goes bad much quicker than grass fed beef, to get around this they pump nitrogen and saline water into your steak to make it artificially keep the color longer.

Bon Appetite'
grass fed beef sucks...there is a reason people started finishing with grain.....

sometimes foodies are so wrong

I don't think it's the foodies who started that craze.

I think it was the mad cow disease scare. Cow feed usually has connective/nerve tissue (brains, spinal cords, etc) ground up into it, and that's how mad cow disease is spread.

Grass fed beef tends to be a little tougher..or let's say less uniform in texture..than standard beef.

I don't mind, I still like the peace of mind. Though I know in my heart of hearts it's probably all bullshit, and there are at least SOME who say it's exclusively grass fed but are lying...
Around here the farmers use a combination of corn, grass and hay. Very tasty, we buy our meats from local farmers and suppliment it with some deer and turkey during hunting season.
Corn Fed Beef cattle in HUGE cattle farms where over 70% of all beef sold in America comes from.


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the new rage if grass feed beef.....myself it just reminds me of spending summers on a farm and eating the damn stuff....i am a steak ho.....i like my steak well marbled....melting on my tongue...grass feed dont do that

sometimes food trends are not good trends
Grass fed beef is much better than that corn fed stuff. A lot of that corn feed is GMO too which just makes it worse. I'm also convinced that GMO corn is what causes the dreaded "cow farts" that environmentalists believe is destroying the Earth. Cows don't naturally graze in corn fields, they're supposed to graze in grass fields right?

It's my opinion we should switch back to Buffalo and Bison as well. Cows rip up the sod in big chunks as they graze whereas Buffalo and Bison clip the grass off at ground level.
To me there is zero argument between the two.
And taste or texture ranks eminently below the cost of corn feeding cows to the environment, the species and most importantly the 70-80,000 people per year in America alone that die from E-Coli.

Do you know why they use corn to feed cattle? Because you can crowd literally 100,000's of cows into cramped feed lots rather than the expansive acreage needed to feed 100,000 cows.

Here is your corn fed beef:

[ame=]Bovine Boogie at Beef Feedlots Outside of Greeley - YouTube[/ame]
More corn fed beef

[ame=]Concentrated Cattle Feeding Operation in Greeley, Colorado - YouTube[/ame]
I'd like to get off the industrial food habit, but the cost of free range food is just too damned expensive.

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