Great News, 2 million jews saved


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Majdanek was the first major concentration camp liberated by the victorious Allies. Upon capture by the Soviet Union, original propaganda claimed that 2 million were murdered in a “factory of death” which included seven homicidal gas chambers.

However, Majdanek was captured largely intact and a large amount of documentation and physical evidence helps to acquit the Germans of the “Gas Chambers disguised as shower rooms” blood libel.

The original, outrageously inflated propaganda death toll has precipitously dropped, and 5 of the 7 originally alleged “homicidal gas chambers” have been admitted to never have served as homicidal gas chambers.

“The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth” demolishes the Holocaust exterminationist “Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms” propaganda hoax and shows how Majdanek is a microcosm of the larger Holocaust Hoax.

Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax

Once thought to be the site of death for 2 million jews Majdanek has now been revealed to have been the death site of 42,000 poor souls, while their deaths are lamentable, Jews should rejoice at the savior of the other 1,958,000 who didnt die, there. will they give thanks, or complain that more should have died?
Dual-Citizen Natalie Portman Questions Centrality Of Fake Jewish “Holocaust” Narrative

Natalie Portman, the famous Israeli-American dual citizen and popular Hollywood actress, has just committed the ultimate crime: she has openly stated that the Jewish “Holocaust” story “should not be used to evoke fear and paranoia, but rather it should make Jews empathetic to others who have also experienced hatred,” according to the Jewish online newspaper The Algemeiner.

Apparently, Portman did not get the memo, which explained the Jewish strategy of fraudulently and insidiously instilling, reinforcing, and perpetuating the fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative in order to advance Jewish ethnic interests. Rational, honest observers of Jewish identity politics clearly recognize that the false “Holocaust” narrative is used primarily to fraudulently instill a strong sense of Jewish identity and “persecuted people” status amongst the organized Jewish community, while at the same time demonizing and pathologizing White ethnic identity and socio-political/cultural/financial interests.

Readers of this site are fully aware of the fact that the alleged Jewish “Holocaust” narrative of WWII isan entirely fabricated and false historical narrative concocted by Jewish propagandists and their puppet Allied governments (the U.S., U.K., and Soviet Union, primarily) that was manufactured prior to and during WWII, which has since been institutionalized thanks to the Nuremberg Trials and a fully complicit (and Jewish controlled) mass media.

What Portman apparently doesn’t understand is that the fake Jewish “Holocaust,” which she clearly believes is a factual historical event (of course it isn’t), is the most powerful and sacred weapon of the organized Jewish community and state of Israel. The fake “Holocaust” narrative is central to the international Jewish conspiracy of globalism, plutocracy, oligarchy, and multiculturalism – the total destruction of all nation states, racial and ethnic identities, and civilization itself in favor of a Jewish utopia of mindless, deracinated slaves ruled over by Jewish tyrants.
Dual-citizen Natalie Portman questions centrality of fake Jewish “Holocaust” narrative | The Realist Report

Stand by for holocaust lies in perpetuity.

now they cooked up a scam alleging that holocaust "trauma" can be passed through genes to anyone who ever had a relative that (allegedly) was held, read or even heard about the holohoax...

Study of Holocaust survivors finds trauma passed on to children's genes

Genetic changes stemming from the trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors are capable of being passed on to their children, the clearest sign yet that one person’s life experience can affect subsequent generations.

The conclusion from a research team at New York’s Mount Sinai hospital led by Rachel Yehuda stems from the genetic study of 32 Jewish men and women who had either been interned in a Nazi concentration camp, witnessed or experienced torture or who had had to hide during the second world war.

They also analysed the genes of their children, who are known to have increased likelihood of stress disorders, and compared the results with Jewish families who were living outside of Europe during the war. “The gene changes in the children could only be attributed to Holocaust exposure in the parents,” said Yehuda.
Maybe if the Germans had used more zyklon b on the cloths of the infested jews there would of been less deaths to diseases
Anne and her sister, Margot, were both given official death dates of March 31, 1945, by Dutch authorities after the end of World War II. The Frank sisters died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but the exact dates of their deaths are unknown

What were they doing at Bergen-Belsen?
Pretty much the same as Palestinian children held in preventive detention in israel
Anne and her sister, Margot, were both given official death dates of March 31, 1945, by Dutch authorities after the end of World War II. The Frank sisters died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but the exact dates of their deaths are unknown

Lord knows, Anne Frank was probably an invention as well. I mean were there any Frank sisters. We don't know, because of so many lies that have been found out. When someone lies so much , its hard to believe anything they say.
Anne and her sister, Margot, were both given official death dates of March 31, 1945, by Dutch authorities after the end of World War II. The Frank sisters died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but the exact dates of their deaths are unknown

What were they doing at Bergen-Belsen?
Pretty much the same as Palestinian children held in preventive detention in israel

Do you have pics of millions of dead Palestinian children piled up after being gassed to death by the Israelis?

Show me Israel doing this to all the Palestinian children they have rounded up...
Anne and her sister, Margot, were both given official death dates of March 31, 1945, by Dutch authorities after the end of World War II. The Frank sisters died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, but the exact dates of their deaths are unknown

What were they doing at Bergen-Belsen?
Pretty much the same as Palestinian children held in preventive detention in israel

Do you have pics of millions of dead Palestinian children piled up after being gassed to death by the Israelis?

Show me Israel doing this to all the Palestinian children they have rounded up...

All that shows is dead bodies, and most looked like they starved to death.
Anti Semites and holocaust deniers should be ignored, the evidence is overwhelming

No its not, its sickening how you think semites refer to jews and wwii is about jews. Neither is. The ones who made out like bandits on WWII is the Jews and you can take that one to the bank.
Anti Semites and holocaust deniers should be ignored, the evidence is overwhelming

No its not, its sickening how you think semites refer to jews and wwii is about jews. Neither is. The ones who made out like bandits on WWII is the Jews and you can take that one to the bank.

Save it, Eva. You're on here everyday with your ant Semite filth, it's a disease, seek help
Anti Semites and holocaust deniers should be ignored, the evidence is overwhelming

No its not, its sickening how you think semites refer to jews and wwii is about jews. Neither is. The ones who made out like bandits on WWII is the Jews and you can take that one to the bank.

Save it, Eva. You're on here everyday with your ant Semite filth, it's a disease, seek help

There you go again, using anti semite, when the real one is you. You have a disease, its called Zionism. Good luck with a cure, one must have the ability to dismiss propaganda and lies.
Anti Semites and holocaust deniers should be ignored, the evidence is overwhelming

No its not, its sickening how you think semites refer to jews and wwii is about jews. Neither is. The ones who made out like bandits on WWII is the Jews and you can take that one to the bank.

Save it, Eva. You're on here everyday with your ant Semite filth, it's a disease, seek help

There you go again, using anti semite, when the real one is you. You have a disease, its called Zionism. Good luck with a cure, one must have the ability to dismiss propaganda and lies.

Yeah right you daffy old crow. You're sick in the head. Now scram, people like you give me the creeps

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