"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags
The technology has been here for awhile. What they haven't been able to do is make it all mandatory.
Only software is able to utilize these huge amount of data. Therefor only certain people will officially be tracked, if any.
Not everything thought up by some powerful people will be done, anyway. What we are talking about is just a private opinion of a private person.
Only software is able to utilize these huge amount of data. Therefor only certain people will officially be tracked, if any.
Not everything thought up by some powerful people will be done, anyway. What we are talking about is just a private opinion of a private person.

5G is about being able to move these huge amounts of data. No gamers are crying that their playstations are too slow.

This is not just any private person. He gets almost every billionaire on the planet into one room every year, where they can hatch up all manner of mischief on the human race. If the last two years hasn't convinced you that they want every human being - who is not one of them - tagged and controlled, nothing will. The fact that he speaks so highly of the Chinese government tells you where he is coming from. He likes that they know how to handle a population, without this freedom and democracy bullcrap.
5G is about being able to move these huge amounts of data. No gamers are crying that their playstations are too slow.

This is not just any private person. He gets almost every billionaire on the planet into one room every year, where they can hatch up all manner of mischief on the human race. If the last two years hasn't convinced you that they want every human being - who is not one of them - tagged and controlled, nothing will. The fact that he speaks so highly of the Chinese government tells you where he is coming from. He likes that they know how to handle a population, without this freedom and democracy bullcrap.
2G is perfectly fine to do the job. You don´t need huge amounts in terms of actual file sizes. I guess, one can store your whereabouts of one month in a file of a few kilobytes. 2G can do that. The created data base will be huge indeed and can only be used to search for certain persons.
The current pandemic is very likely not linked to conspiracies or something like that. Politicians just have duties and must weigh up, which options bear the lesser risk. This might lead to failures when powerful lobbies are influencing the politics but do you really see a QR-Dystopia coming?
Only software is able to utilize these huge amount of data. Therefor only certain people will officially be tracked, if any.
Not everything thought up by some powerful people will be done, anyway. What we are talking about is just a private opinion of a private person.
They would be able to track persons of interest at any given time. That could be anyone. If you take the Canadian trucker protest as an example, it might take time to identify all the participants, but once that was done they could find and arrest them later with such technology. Not an ability any government or corporation should have. Everything starts somewhere, and this sounds like a litmus test to gage acceptance by other elites.
The government has been tracking our cell phones for nearly two decades. It took Klaus Schwab over 15 years to learn that?

It took Fucker Carlson 20 years to learn it?
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

Here we Go again. More co s piracy theories and hate. Grow up.
It's a shame they don't put a microchip in you so we know where the ratbags are.
It probably wouldn't live in idiots you.
They would be able to track persons of interest at any given time. That could be anyone. If you take the Canadian trucker protest as an example, it might take time to identify all the participants, but once that was done they could find and arrest them later with such technology. Not an ability any government or corporation should have. Everything starts somewhere, and this sounds like a litmus test to gage acceptance by other elites.
They can do it now. Who is not on his route, is in the freedom convoy.
That amount of surveillance makes no sense.
They can do it now. Who is not on his route, is in the freedom convoy.
That amount of surveillance makes no sense.
Look at that January thing. The government spent a fortune tracking people down across the country. With this they wouldn't miss anyone. Government doesn't need a reason to increase their power, nor do they turn down opportunities to do so.
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

Devil's Advocate here: What if everyone getting the COVID vaccine or its boosters, have been injected with some nano-tracking tech, so that it doesn't matter whether you have your phone with you or not, they will know where you are 24/7?!
Why in the hell would they want to know where billions of people are 24/7? I can see tracking certain individuals. But the masses? Why?
Those certain individuals change, best to track everyone just in case. That's what control is all about. Nor is this just about tracking, they will have access to all sorts of information. They seem to be interested in medical records. Much easier to find organ donors for the elite if you only need to search a database.
The government has been tracking our cell phones for nearly two decades. It took Klaus Schwab over 15 years to learn that?

It took Fucker Carlson 20 years to learn it?
The tracking of people happened many many decades ago. For Americans Social Security cards was a start. Credit Cards came into existence as a tracking agenda. Bring it up to today. Everything we do including on this site is tracked. The last thing is our personal bodies being tagged is the end game. Off the grid is possible without it but it means we need to eliminate all ways of technology built in with globalist designs.
This is the greatest ever thread on this board EVER !

Do any of you clowns actually think about the reality when you spin these fantasies ?
The goal, as it has ALWAYS been is a one world economic system.

All things will follow the 'reset' of debs, markets, and currencies.

The old way is broken and must be reset.

The US between wars, bailouts, and out of control social spending is by some estimates $90T in the red.

Asia is the wave of the future (belt and road initiative), and the rich old guard see this.

They see the forming of new ties and the decoupling (currencies/markets/communication) from traditional routes of asset circulation.

So, a new deal will be struck and ASA RESULT of that new deal all other things will follow in kind.

IOW...they are noty meeting to find ways to 'track' you.

They are meeting to find new ways to control everything.
Look at that January thing. The government spent a fortune tracking people down across the country. With this they wouldn't miss anyone. Government doesn't need a reason to increase their power, nor do they turn down opportunities to do so.
Yeah, the 6th January is special.

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