"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

The government has been tracking our cell phones for nearly two decades. It took Klaus Schwab over 15 years to learn that?

It took Fucker Carlson 20 years to learn it?
A cell phone is a human, news to me.
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

Why in the hell would they want to know where billions of people are 24/7? I can see tracking certain individuals. But the masses? Why?

Because they're absolutely fucking evil overlords and need to be purged from the human race
The tracking of people happened many many decades ago. For Americans Social Security cards was a start. Credit Cards came into existence as a tracking agenda. Bring it up to today. Everything we do including on this site is tracked. The last thing is our personal bodies being tagged is the end game. Off the grid is possible without it but it means we need to eliminate all ways of technology built in with globalist designs.

Social Security card came like this at first:

Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

He's a little late revealing what has been going on for a couple of decades now.
This is the greatest ever thread on this board EVER !

Do any of you clowns actually think about the reality when you spin these fantasies ?
At least we know which dumbass would be the first in line.

You should ask the Uighers if they think government should have these types of powers.
At least we know which dumbass would be the first in line.

You should ask the Uighers if they think government should have these types of powers.
Your answer makes no sense. Bad things have always happened , Even before we got chipped through the vax.
You people are talking bollox and I will tell you why. Mankind is not sophisticated enough to pull off such a stunt.
I'm not saying it will happen, but it could.

RFID scanners are common place and used from hotel key cards, to tap credit cards, to smart watches, to stores that RFID I'd tag products and it just charges to your account when you walk out with them.

Making them small enough is the only challenge yet. Course they can inject tags in pets already that are scannable.

The only major hurdle left is getting people to accept them. But all that takes is enough fear or anger. They need to generate something big enough they can scare people enough or make them mad enough to do it.

Just like masks and vaccines, all you have to do is scare 20% of a population and you can get atleast half of the population to agree.

Or they need to anger people enough to blindly agree to something, like the Patriot act did.

With the right motivation people will agree to things against their own best interest.
Your answer makes no sense. Bad things have always happened , Even before we got chipped through the vax.
You people are talking bollox and I will tell you why. Mankind is not sophisticated enough to pull off such a stunt.
You really are a dumbass. Bad things have always happened, so making it even easier really isn't a big deal. 100 years ago people couldn't communicate instantaneously across the globe, they weren't sophisticated enough. Then again, you Limey morons are just one political disaster away from getting on your knees to the royals, so submission to government is in your blood.
Do you have a phone number to call?
You're not my type you drug addled queer. Try Tommy, he might be desperate enough for the likes of you.

If you are implying having a phone number means you can be tracked, you are wrong, you can simply not carry a phone, use burner phones, or take out the battery. An implanted chip is a different matter entirely.
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

With all things chipped including the people who willingly took the jab they are connected with those chips; phone to person, their car, their equipment, their appliances and so forth. It can all be targeted at any time for shut down.
You really are a dumbass. Bad things have always happened, so making it even easier really isn't a big deal. 100 years ago people couldn't communicate instantaneously across the globe, they weren't sophisticated enough. Then again, you Limey morons are just one political disaster away from getting on your knees to the royals, so submission to government is in your blood.
You are wearing a tin foil hat and I am the dumbass ? OK.
Explain how this is being done. Where is the facility and who is responsible ? How are they keeping it quiet ? Why are they doing it ? Why should anyone be interested in you ?
You are wearing a tin foil hat and I am the dumbass ? OK.
Explain how this is being done. Where is the facility and who is responsible ? How are they keeping it quiet ? Why are they doing it ? Why should anyone be interested in you ?
I never said they have the technology now, the point is to ensure they never do. You are a dumbass.
Straight from the horse's mouth. Klaus Schwab is founder of the private billionaire’s and world leaders’ club the World Economic Forum (WEF,) which meets in Davos, Switzerland every year to discuss visions of the future

From his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Schwab is a mentor to Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, CA governor Gavin Newsom, and Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg to mention a few, through his Young Global Leaders Program.

The vaccine passport system being pushed on the world is part of how the eilte wants to "monitor" and "track' us. It's about control and power over all of us, not health.

Below: Bill Gates arriving at 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland


"Great Reset" Klaus Schwab: People Will be "Tracked" and "Monitored" with RF Tags

If you carry a Smart Device you are tracked.
You are wearing a tin foil hat and I am the dumbass ? OK.
Explain how this is being done. Where is the facility and who is responsible ? How are they keeping it quiet ? Why are they doing it ? Why should anyone be interested in you ?

We must be over the target because the shills are going nuts.

Ask the Chinese government. Makes it much easier when some smart-aleck at the Apple factory, where working conditions are so bad workers are jumping out windows, starts organizing for improvements.

With digital ID contact tracing they know who he is talking to, who he has ever been with in the past, where he goes, dig up his emails and all his phone calls, then fire him, freeze his bank accounts, restrict his movements, all at the flick of a switch. No courts no muss nor fuss. They can just leave him to starve at home as an example for everyone thinking the same thing.

They want everyplace to be like China.

Suicide catch nets at Apple factory in China.

It would be great if someone on here knew that RF ID tags have a maximum range of detection of less than 40 feet. That's not much of a threat to my freedom.
Once digital currency and scoring is in place who gets to say what you can buy and how much of whatever it is you are buying? What if the control freaks determine you've had enough steak for the month because they claim raising cattle is a negative to the environment? Will politicians and their lackeys be exempt from all that like they are for the vax?


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