Great Socialist Jobs Victories V. Tiny Tent Red Tide Ebbing Already In WA


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The October jobs report, thanks to the Great Socialist Stimulus, is relatively positive compared to what the Tiny Tent GOP has in mind. More than 150,000 private sector jobs were created!

Employment Situation Summary

The Washington Senate Race confirms the anti-Red Tide Trend under way!

Anyone notices that agenda two of the GOP tiny minority, not even a full 1/3 of the elected national government, wants to end all jobs creation, in America, and all paying customers, in all stores, in all of America!

Now it's in the jobs reports.

The taking away of the Obama-Democratic Party increase of MediCare benefits, mandatory at GOP, will be in the January reports, after the Giant Socialist jobs increases of November and December!

The Ebbing of the Red Tide of all the dead plankton is under way!

The Liberals in California are commencing the budget-balancing process already!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit of Chumash Nation of Malibu: Finds New Wealth of Many Nations, Even--Not White Eyes, Presbyterian!)
The October jobs report, thanks to the Great Socialist Stimulus, is relatively positive compared to what the Tiny Tent GOP has in mind. More than 150,000 private sector jobs were created!

Employment Situation Summary

The Washington Senate Race confirms the anti-Red Tide Trend under way!

Anyone notices that agenda two of the GOP tiny minority, not even a full 1/3 of the elected national government, wants to end all jobs creation, in America, and all paying customers, in all stores, in all of America!

Now it's in the jobs reports.

The taking away of the Obama-Democratic Party increase of MediCare benefits, mandatory at GOP, will be in the January reports, after the Giant Socialist jobs increases of November and December!

The Ebbing of the Red Tide of all the dead plankton is under way!

The Liberals in California are commencing the budget-balancing process already!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit of Chumash Nation of Malibu: Finds New Wealth of Many Nations, Even--Not White Eyes, Presbyterian!)

WOW. Nice to know that by 2012 America will be in great shape and all those Red States don't mean a thing. Jeeze.

Don't think I would take any bets though.
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The October jobs report, thanks to the Great Socialist Stimulus, is relatively positive compared to what the Tiny Tent GOP has in mind. More than 150,000 private sector jobs were created!

Employment Situation Summary

The Washington Senate Race confirms the anti-Red Tide Trend under way!

Anyone notices that agenda two of the GOP tiny minority, not even a full 1/3 of the elected national government, wants to end all jobs creation, in America, and all paying customers, in all stores, in all of America!

Now it's in the jobs reports.

The taking away of the Obama-Democratic Party increase of MediCare benefits, mandatory at GOP, will be in the January reports, after the Giant Socialist jobs increases of November and December!

The Ebbing of the Red Tide of all the dead plankton is under way!

The Liberals in California are commencing the budget-balancing process already!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit of Chumash Nation of Malibu: Finds New Wealth of Many Nations, Even--Not White Eyes, Presbyterian!)

oh wow....a whole 150,000......vs the 14 million still unemployed....not counting the 2+million unemployed who are not counted in the unemployed...

if anything, the Rossi vs Murray race confirms an ebbing of the BLUE tide.....Murray only won because of the liberal politburo solidly entrenched in populous King County (Seattle area).....Rossi won the majority in the rest of the state...

ah yes, now that the cow photos and state rock are safe, liberals in California will now solve their budget will be fun to watch ole Moonbean pull 15 Billion out of his ass...
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The October jobs report, thanks to the Great Socialist Stimulus, is relatively positive compared to what the Tiny Tent GOP has in mind. More than 150,000 private sector jobs were created!

Employment Situation Summary

The Washington Senate Race confirms the anti-Red Tide Trend under way!

Anyone notices that agenda two of the GOP tiny minority, not even a full 1/3 of the elected national government, wants to end all jobs creation, in America, and all paying customers, in all stores, in all of America!

Now it's in the jobs reports.

The taking away of the Obama-Democratic Party increase of MediCare benefits, mandatory at GOP, will be in the January reports, after the Giant Socialist jobs increases of November and December!

The Ebbing of the Red Tide of all the dead plankton is under way!

The Liberals in California are commencing the budget-balancing process already!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Great Spirit of Chumash Nation of Malibu: Finds New Wealth of Many Nations, Even--Not White Eyes, Presbyterian!)

Don't hold your breath waiting for those CA libs to get their budget balanced. One second thought...
One Anomaly of the Ascendancy of the Dead Plankton on Tuesday: Is that now the Tea Party actually has a major chance to practice what it preaches at the State government levels. Limited Government, Limited Spending, Limited Payrolls, Fire all the Teachers, and their favorite, apparently: Close Down All The Mental Hospitals, Just Like Governor Ronald Reagan, famously did!

The people who famously caused the downturn are not just the Wall Street clumsies with the mortgages. The people who slowed down the Recovery--which they helpled cause--are the state and local government employees, and most especially, the teachers.

These are an educated people!

It costs about $60,000.00 on average to create a public sector job, versus $40,000.00 to create a private sector job. Where did the Ivy League, entrenched in the White House(?), (underneath an undisclosed location--and not a golf course, or vacation spa(?)), send all the money? They sent all the money to preserve the status quo at the state and local levels of the government--including the teachers who at base are the cause of the downturn, completely!

Business owners are even publically acknowledging that the United States is an educated people--and post Abraham Lincoln. Like their counterparts in the Ivy League, when tested they cannot do arithmetic, even!! That is so. It runs across parties and factions!

In the Ivy League, if three jobs can be created: Then preserving two is actually a whole lot better(?)! They actually, right in front of nations, and everybody! Now there are a bunch of state and local employees, and public teachers, who likely think only they have entitlements to employment in America!

Recall that the Ivy Legue does not teach the law, which raises incomes the fixed percentages--in statute and in contracts both. The rich get richer, but the poor and the middle get left behind, further and further over time. End of mortgage payments in favor of the escalting costs of all the other payments, slowlly forgone as time goes along.

Called the "Soviet Model" of incomes raises--actually, never so-called: It tends to be in practice worldwide, for example in places Like Israel-Palestine, and their famous economy.

The Holy Father also has a German heritage(?), just like Speaker-Apparent Boehner!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(More Apparent is that the Bankers in The Colonies, of the Ivy League: Seem to prefer the economic model apparent in Haiti and in East Africa: And also post their Abraham Lincoln!)

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