CDZ Great Week 4 GOP, Meanwhile Manafort Still Rots in Solitary Confinement Over Fake Ledger


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
FBI, warned early and often that Manafort file might be fake, used it anyway

When the final chapter of the Russia collusion caper is written, it is likely two seminal documents the FBI used to justify investigating Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign will turn out to be bunk.

And the behavior of FBI agents and federal prosecutors who promoted that faulty evidence may disturb us more than we now know....

The second document, known as the “black cash ledger,” remarkably has escaped the same scrutiny, even though its emergence in Ukraine in the summer of 2016 forced Paul Manafort to resign as Trump's campaign chairman and eventually face U.S. indictment.

In search warrant affidavits, the FBI portrayed the ledger as one reason it resurrected a criminal case against Manafort that was dropped in 2014 and needed search warrants in 2017 for bank records to prove he worked for the Russian-backed Party of Regions in Ukraine.

There’s just one problem: The FBI’s public reliance on the ledger came months after the feds were warned repeatedly that the document couldn’t be trusted and likely was a fake, according to documents and more than a dozen interviews with knowledgeable sources.​

And break up the FBI ASAP as well.

It has allowed itself to become a tool of tyrants.
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
Republicans think white collar crime should be legal as just another technique in capitalism
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
Yes, dude, because it was BASED ON FAKE EVIDENCE. The so called black ledger was used to re-open his case and obtain the warrants that supposedly gave them more evidence to bring him to trial. Poison fruit from the poison tree, and all that.

So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?
Meanwhile Charlie Rangel, Tim Geithner, and Al Sharpton are still free to spend time with friends and family.
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
He was only investigated because trump kicked your ass.
He should be freeed.. and given Sanctuary in a town with armed men
Meanwhile Charlie Rangel, Tim Geithner, and Al Sharpton are still free to spend time with friends and family.
It is just disgusting how Republicans get the whole book and bench thrown at them while Democrats skate on every freaking crime they commit and the press goes to bat for them to.
Federal investigation of Tony Podesta, Vin Weber ends without charges

Federal prosecutors have ended an investigation into Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta and former Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., in a case connected to lobbying for Ukraine and Paul Manafort without filing criminal charges, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell NBC News.

The investigation by the Southern District of New York, which focused on whether several prominent Washington lobbyists violated foreign lobbying rules, grew out of special counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry into the finances of Manafort, a former Trump campaign chairman who is now serving a 7.5 year sentence in federal prison.

Manafort had organized a public relations campaign for a nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, which promoted Ukraine's image in the West from 2012 to 2014. Podesta's Democratic-leaning lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, was one of many firms that worked on the campaign, including Weber's firm, Mercury Public Affairs.

NBC News was the first to report in 2017 that Podesta and his firm had been ensnared in Mueller’s probe because of their work on the campaign.​

BTW, Epstein did not kill himself either.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
Yes, dude, because it was BASED ON FAKE EVIDENCE. The so called black ledger was used to re-open his case and obtain the warrants that supposedly gave them more evidence to bring him to trial. Poison fruit from the poison tree, and all that.

So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?
Augustine_, you Lefties are going to get your karma that you have coming.

Dont get so comfortable that you laugh at the victims of leftist witch hunts.
So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?
Sorry but that sounds very hypocritical coming from the Right. Trump admitted he tried to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. Did he ever provide ANY evidence that a crime had been committed to warrant an investigation?
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
He was only investigated because trump kicked your ass.
In June 2018, additional charges were filed against Manafort for obstruction of justice and witness tampering that are alleged to have occurred while he was under house arrest,and he was ordered to jail. That was Trump's DOJ in action.
So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?
Sorry but that sounds very hypocritical coming from the Right. Trump admitted he tried to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. Did he ever provide ANY evidence that a crime had been committed to warrant an investigation?
So we have Paul Manafort who is sitting in solitary confinement on bogus charges based on a faked up ledger that is known by the DOJ to be fake, but you think that is comparable to Trump asking the Ukraine to do due diligence and investigate the well known corrupt Ukrainian company and why it hired Hunter Biden when it is obviouslyy a protection racket?

roflma, Carville is right, you guys have lost your damned minds.

BTW, I am not 'right' I am a Centrist.

And the Obama holdovers in the DOJ are the ones doing this, not Trump appointees or new hires.
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
Manafort is a convicted felon. Manafort is not currently in solitary confinement.

Stupid thread.
So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?
Sorry but that sounds very hypocritical coming from the Right. Trump admitted he tried to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. Did he ever provide ANY evidence that a crime had been committed to warrant an investigation?
So we have Paul Manafort who is sitting in solitary confinement on bogus charges based on a faked up ledger that is known by the DOJ to be fake, but you think that is comparable to Trump asking the Ukraine to do due diligence and investigate the well known corrupt Ukrainian company and why it hired Hunter Biden when it is obviouslyy a protection racket?

roflma, Carville is right, you guys have lost your damned minds.

BTW, I am not 'right' I am a Centrist.

And the Obama holdovers in the DOJ are the ones doing this, not Trump appointees or new hires.
You can dispute if the law was followed but the charges are real, as was his confession. What does "well known corrupt Ukrainian company" mean? Rumor or evidence?

Those Obama holdovers in the DOJ work directly for Trump through his AG.
Paul Manafort was an expert political advisor, and his chief talent was for keeping score of how many people still support your guy. This is not a simple thing as any whip can tell you. People will lie to you, mislead you or try to use a poker face to hide their true intent. Manafort was good at fishing out these hidden motives and making very accurate counts as to who would or would not remain true to his client.

That is why Trump hired Manafort to track his delegate count leading up to the 2016 Republican convention. He was not a Trumpster, he was a hired gun, which makes his loyalty to his client even more remarkable. He is the epitome of a fading generation of urbanite American who regard loyalty as more important than wealth or even their own personal freedom.

It is great that Trump had all these wins this past week, but Manafort still rots in jail for the crime of supporting Trump, and the GOP needs to correct this ASAP.

New Revelation: Mueller Team Learned in April 2018 That "Black Ledger" Which Triggered the Russia Collusion Investigation Was Fake

To gain a better understanding of the significance of the infamous Ukrainian “black ledger,” it’s helpful to know the backstory. And no one does a better job of this than Fox News’ contributor and investigator Dan Bongino in his book “Spygate.”

A pro-Western Ukrainian-American lawyer and activist named Alexandra Chalupa stands at the center of the collusion story. She hated then-political consultant/lobbyist Paul Manafort for his role in the re-election of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2010 and his subsequent work for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine.

Immediately after Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016, “allegations of Trump-Russia collusion started to gain steam” and much of this narrative was driven by Alexandra Chalupa.

Chalupa had worked as a consultant for the DNC and for Democratic politicians including several Clinton campaign officials. Between 2004 and 2016, she had earned $412,000 from the DNC, but left to focus on researching or rather “destroying” Manafort. Chalupa had “watched him since 2014.” According to Dan Bongino:

The moment Manafort joined the Trump team, Chalupa alerted the DNC of the “threat” of Russian influence. Chalupa’s sister, Andrea, spread the word on a Ukrainian television show calling Manafort’s hiring a “huge deal” and describing him as the “puppet master of some of the most vile dictators around the world.” His hiring, she said sent a “very, very, very, very, very serious warning bell going off.” This fear was rooted in the belief that Manafort was the mastermind behind Yanukovych’s corruption. (Bongino: Spygate)

Still, Manafort continued to hang on until August 19th when the New York Times reported that:

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Bureau found a black ledger in a bank vault abandoned by Yanukovych showing $12 million in cash payments earmarked for Manafort by Yanukovych’s political party. “Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also include election officials. In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovych’s inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles.” (Bongino: Spygate)

Manafort had no choice but to resign from the campaign. The identity of the leaker remains a mystery. But, considering the news was damaging to Manafort and Trump and helpful to the Hillary campaign, and that Alexandra Chalupa had devoted herself full-time to the business of destroying Manafort, I suppose we can guess who was behind it.​

Free Manafort NOW. This grotesque injustice should not be tolerated in a free country.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
He was only investigated because trump kicked your ass.
In June 2018, additional charges were filed against Manafort for obstruction of justice and witness tampering that are alleged to have occurred while he was under house arrest,and he was ordered to jail. That was Trump's DOJ in action.
Why do talk about trump as if he’s a king lol

manfort Would be on a beach right now if was a Dem.. you corrupt sob
Manafort plead guilty but you want him released. And you call me corrupt??? When is Trump going to start draining the swamp?
Manafort plead guilty but you want him released. And you call me corrupt??? When is Trump going to start draining the swamp?

Manafort was coerced into a guilty plea, which is no admission, and the tainted evidence makes EVERYTHING that followed from it tainted and unusable in a normal court that isnt run by Democrat partisan hacks with DOJ careerists driving the whole thing.

The biggest nest of corruption in the world bar none is within the DoJ.
He was convicted on five counts of tax fraud, one of the four counts of failing to disclose his foreign bank accounts, and two counts of bank fraud. This is your 'victim'?
Yes, dude, because it was BASED ON FAKE EVIDENCE. The so called black ledger was used to re-open his case and obtain the warrants that supposedly gave them more evidence to bring him to trial. Poison fruit from the poison tree, and all that.

So you lefties are full Stalinist now, excusing prosecutorial fraud?

So you don't deny that your hero Manafort broke the law and committed bank fraud- and have no problem with the fact that Manafort did break the law and commit bank fraud- you just think this specific guy was screwed over by the Justice system.
Y'all know this is the Clean Debate Forum, right?
Keep to the guidelines of this forum.
Manafort is scum. He is a list and scoundrel. He IS the swamp. You expect people to feel bad for him? Surely you jest. He has alot of money so he's in good shape.

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