Greatest Playoff Record by QB

Passer rating is great for fantasy football but does not win championships
Each QB has to play within their offensive scheme and win with it. That is all that matters
Aka QBs with good defenses take credit for wins even if they get outplayed at their position
Much of what elevates Brady from Good to Legendary is the fact that he's simply been around forever. It doesn't surprise me a bit that statistics that are proportional drop him down significantly from #1.
Much of what elevates Brady from Good to Legendary is the fact that he's simply been around forever. It doesn't surprise me a bit that statistics that are proportional drop him down significantly from #1.

What elevates Brady to GOAT is seven NFL championships
Almost one every three years of his career

He also appeared in ten Super Bowls
Almost every other year

Most players are lucky if they appear in one Super Bowl in their career (Marino)
That makes Starr more impressive as the talent would be more condensed while with Brady 32 teams are watered down.
That assumes that the amount of talent is the same now as then which it isnt.

You all do realize that the worst team in today's NFL would likely mop the floor with an all star team from that era right? They would probably have to call the game for lack of players when today's players injured all those guys. The top 25 teams in college football probably would. And yes we can play with the old rules.
Much of what elevates Brady from Good to Legendary is the fact that he's simply been around forever. It doesn't surprise me a bit that statistics that are proportional drop him down significantly from #1.

Brady had 3 HoF careers inside his career. By that I mean you could split his career into three sections and give his stats to 3 individuals and they would all go to the HoF.
That assumes that the amount of talent is the same now as then which it isnt.

You all do realize that the worst team in today's NFL would likely mop the floor with an all star team from that era right? They would probably have to call the game for lack of players when today's players injured all those guys. The top 25 teams in college football probably would. And yes we can play with the old rules.
Well that’s a dishonest comparison to compare modern players who have high tech, high knowledge, modern training and supplements etc… to bygone eras.

If todays players played back then, they wouldn’t be the players they are now, because all they did was in-season practice, drills, and possibly minimal scouting. No year around focus, No health regimen, No supplements, no plyometrics and detailed weight lifting, the most basic plays with minimal passing theory explored, very simplistic schemes.

Meanwhile, if Bart Starr had access to what players have today, he’d more than likely excel and be an all star, HOF player.

You have to do that.. otherwise it’s just a dumb comparison. It’s like comparing how good of a warrior a Roman gladiator with a sword is to a US Navy seal with a high tech rifle, and crapping all over the gladiator because he got shot and died “easily”. Take the rifle from the Navy Seal, along with modern fighting techniques, health knowledge, and let’s compare them equally. Or, train the gladiator in modern combat skills, give him a rifle and health regimen and weight lifting schedule
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Prior to Kraft and the Patriots buying the results, I would have said Joe Montana; probably have to go with Brady
Well that’s a dishonest comparison to compare modern players who have high tech, high knowledge, modern training and supplements etc… to bygone eras.

They are just bigger, faster and stronger. That's the reality. QB's of today are the same size or bigger than linemen then.

If todays players played back then, they wouldn’t be the players they are now, because all they did was in-season practice, drills, and possibly minimal scouting. No year around focus, No health regimen, No supplements, no plyometrics and detailed weight lifting, the most basic plays with minimal passing theory explored, very simplistic schemes.

That's just another way of saying the players of today are better athletes who play a much more complex version of the game played back then. Or in other words a team in today's NFL would wreck any team from that era. It wouldnt even be a game.

Meanwhile, if Bart Starr had access to what players have today, he’d more than likely excel and be an all star, HOF player.

No he really wouldnt have. He would have still been an undersized, slow, weak armed QB in today's NFL.

You have to do that.. otherwise it’s just a dumb comparison. It’s like comparing how good of a warrior a Roman gladiator with a sword is to a US Navy seal with a high tech rifle, and crapping all over the gladiator because he got shot and died “easily”. Take the rifle from the Navy Seal, along with modern fighting techniques, health knowledge, and let’s compare them equally. Or, train the gladiator in modern combat skills, give him a rifle and health regimen and weight lifting schedule

Players today play with the same pads, and football Bart Starr did. They play on the same sized field. The players are just better at it now than when Bart Starr played. It's not like QB's have jet powered shoes or are firing the football out of a gun. Bart Starr couldnt do what Patrick Mahomes can do. He coudnt do what Lamar Jackson can do. He couldnt do what Herbert can do. He couldt do what Jalen Hurts can do. Oh and Mahomes, Hurts, Jackson, and Herbert are doing it against far superior talent than Starr.
Im not sure you're wrong. IMG Academy or one of the big time schools out of Texas or California probably could.

It is not a frivolous claim.
Football comes down to size, speed and athletic ability.

As was pointed out earlier, Linemen back then were 230-240 lbs. HS Linemen push 300 lbs and are beasts in the weight room

In terms of speed, jumping ability and athletic prowess, Top HS players exceed what average NFL players back then could do.

I think a ranked HS team today would beat an NFL team from the 50s and 60s
Well that’s a dishonest comparison to compare modern players who have high tech, high knowledge, modern training and supplements etc… to bygone eras.

If todays players played back then, they wouldn’t be the players they are now, because all they did was in-season practice, drills, and possibly minimal scouting. No year around focus, No health regimen, No supplements, no plyometrics and detailed weight lifting, the most basic plays with minimal passing theory explored, very simplistic schemes.

Meanwhile, if Bart Starr had access to what players have today, he’d more than likely excel and be an all star, HOF player.

You have to do that.. otherwise it’s just a dumb comparison. It’s like comparing how good of a warrior a Roman gladiator with a sword is to a US Navy seal with a high tech rifle, and crapping all over the gladiator because he got shot and died “easily”. Take the rifle from the Navy Seal, along with modern fighting techniques, health knowledge, and let’s compare them equally. Or, train the gladiator in modern combat skills, give him a rifle and health regimen and weight lifting schedule
Bart Starr called all the plays and didn't have an offensive coordinator send them in. His passing accuracy and leadership ability was off the charts. He was like the head coach of the offense.
They are just bigger, faster and stronger. That's the reality. QB's of today are the same size or bigger than linemen then.

That's just another way of saying the players of today are better athletes who play a much more complex version of the game played back then. Or in other words a team in today's NFL would wreck any team from that era. It wouldnt even be a game.

No he really wouldnt have. He would have still been an undersized, slow, weak armed QB in today's NFL.

Players today play with the same pads, and football Bart Starr did. They play on the same sized field. The players are just better at it now than when Bart Starr played. It's not like QB's have jet powered shoes or are firing the football out of a gun. Bart Starr couldnt do what Patrick Mahomes can do. He coudnt do what Lamar Jackson can do. He couldnt do what Herbert can do. He couldt do what Jalen Hurts can do. Oh and Mahomes, Hurts, Jackson, and Herbert are doing it against far superior talent than Starr.
If you want to dishonestly compare eras, that’s on you. You’re ignoring the benefit of decades of training techniques, supplements, knowledge, health, full time focus… which explains all of your listed reasons for your claim. To just rip people out of time and compare them out of context is just a boring, uncompelling exercise for me. It’s pointless to do.. it’s like a feminist squawking about the “wage gap” as proof of systemic sexism. Yes, it exists, but for many many rational, reasonable, expected reasons. Men work more hours, in higher paying professions, are less agreeable, etc. You’re ignoring those, and only looking at one aspect of a complex issue. It’s irrational to do that.
They are just bigger, faster and stronger. That's the reality. QB's of today are the same size or bigger than linemen then.
Mahomes, Hurts, Jackson, and Herbert are doing it against far superior talent than Starr.
Today's NFL is watered down because of expansion. Free agency has prevented teams from sustaining superiority for a long period of time.
Bart Starr called all the plays and didn't have an offensive coordinator send them in. His passing accuracy and leadership ability was off the charts. He was like the head coach of the offense.

He has a sub 60 career completion percentage and threw almost as many interceptions as TD's. If you're CP is less than 60% you're not a starter today. He averaged 16 passes a game. Justin Fields/Baker Mayfield's completion percentage is the comp to Bart Starr. (though theirs is a tick higher).

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