Greatest Playoff Record by QB

Bart Starr called all the plays and didn't have an offensive coordinator send them in. His passing accuracy and leadership ability was off the charts. He was like the head coach of the offense.

All QBs from that era called their own plays. Doesn’t mean they were better at it than an Offensive Coordinator…..they weren’t.
QBs today are leaders and must constantly change plays on the fly against complex Defenses.

Bart Starr had an offense to run, it was called the Packer Sweep. All plays were derived from that sweep. Jim Taylor was the key to that offense. Starr would run variations where he would pull up to pass against a run Defense
He has a sub 60 career completion percentage and threw almost as many interceptions as TD's. If you're CP is less than 60% you're not a starter today. He averaged 16 passes a game. Justin Fields/Baker Mayfield's completion percentage is the comp to Bart Starr. (though theirs is a tick higher).
His success as a QB is undeniable. These other QBs you mention couldn't carry his jock.
If you want to dishonestly compare eras, that’s on you. You’re ignoring the benefit of decades of training techniques, supplements, knowledge, health, full time focus… which explains all of your listed reasons for your claim. To just rip people out of time and compare them out of context is just a boring, uncompelling exercise for me. It’s pointless to do.. it’s like a feminist squawking about the “wage gap” as proof of systemic sexism. Yes, it exists, but for many many rational, reasonable, expected reasons. Men work more hours, in higher paying professions, are less agreeable, etc. You’re ignoring those, and only looking at one aspect of a complex issue. It’s irrational to do that.
I dont care how long Bart Starr trained it doenst change his size, speed or arm strength enough to make up the gap.
Are you really this stupid or just trolling?
I explained why

Now, you explain how a slow, undersized NFL team from the 50s and 60s would beat a top ranked HS team that is bigger, stronger, faster and more athletic.
I explained why

Now, you explain how a slow, undersized NFL team from the 50s and 60s would beat a top ranked HS team that is bigger, stronger, faster and more athletic.
Please quit trolling this thread.
Please quit trolling this thread.
In other words you cant.

OL at places like IMG are 6'6" 275. Strong as fuck, agile and fast.

They would get blown off the ball.
Starr is the all time leader.


won five championships in a span of seven seasons.

why did the winnng stop? Brady was fortunate to play for a lot more years than most QB's. Like Larry Bird this Starr guy probably got hurt and couldn't do it anymore.

But damn close. I didn't know he won 5 out of 7. That's pretty damn good. Certainly he's in the talks. Better than Joe Montana right?

So now it's

More teams mean talent is diluted. Do the math.
There's far more available talent. Do you really think the amount of people playing football in 1960 remotely compares to today? It was a hobby then. Guys did it as a second job. I dont know that a single player in the NFL in 1960 would make a modern day roster.
Please quit trolling this thread.
You are the one trolling and displaying your complete lack of knowledge on the subject.
I saw Bart Starr play and did not consider him to be the best QB of his era, let alone the greatest of all time.
There's far more available talent. Do you really think the amount of people playing football in 1960 remotely compares to today? It was a hobby then. Guys did it as a second job. I dont know that a single player in the NFL in 1960 would make a modern day roster.

The US population today is twice the size it was in the 50s and 60s.
Also, Football was not the most popular sport. Baseball drew the top athletes and top pay.

Some NFL stars of the day were gifted athletes. Jim Brown, Bob Hayes, Deacon Jones, Dick Butkus, Gayle Sayers could compete with todays league.
But the average NFL player was not that good compared to what a top HS player can do today
You are the one trolling and displaying your complete lack of knowledge on the subject.
I saw Bart Starr play and did not consider him to be the best QB of his era, let alone the greatest of all time.
My dad did see Starr play and considers him, Brady and Unitas as the three greatest QBs ever. He calls them field generals.
There's far more available talent. Do you really think the amount of people playing football in 1960 remotely compares to today? It was a hobby then. Guys did it as a second job. I dont know that a single player in the NFL in 1960 would make a modern day roster.

Another thing that is different in the NFL today from the 50s and 60s is the money.
The NFL back then didn’t have the big TV revenue and profit sharing. Big city teams had the money to pay top players, many NFL teams barely got by.
Starr, Brady and Unitas were all lower round draft picks.
I dont care how long Bart Starr trained it doenst change his size, speed or arm strength enough to make up the gap.
Tell that to Drew Brees.

Short, average mobility, relatively weak arm, HOF.

Vince Young:
Tall, athletic, cannon arm.. failed out of the league
Bart Starr is a lot like Tom Brady in that he was not the most gifted QB of his era.
But both executed their teams offense flawlessly and won
Bart Starr is a lot like Tom Brady in that he was not the most gifted QB of his era.
But both executed their teams offense flawlessly and won
Brady was a tale of 2 careers… his early years, during his first 3 SB’s, he was not an elite QB by any measure, but his greatest strength was ball control and not making mistakes while helming an above-average offense with an elite defense and what we now know we’re cheating tactics to spy on other teams practices. As a Peyton Manning supporter, it was always frustrating to hear people even then try to say Brady was “better” because he had 3 rings. Rings are a team accolade, and Brady had far better defenses while putting up less numbers than Manning, but the team had success based on factors outside of a QBs control. Manning was (and is IMO) the more dangerous QB. If Peyton consistently had top 10 defenses like Brady did throughout his career, he’d have far more rings IMO.
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