Green energy, solar and wind are can't happen fast enough.

The goal isn't to produce more, reliable, cheaper, efficient energy....the goal of the left is to limit access to energy to give them more control over the life choices we have....

Hopefully the scam of green energy will collapse at an accelerated rate...

They are fabulously successful in Saudi Arabia.
The goal isn't to produce more, reliable, cheaper, efficient energy....the goal of the left is to limit access to energy to give them more control over the life choices we have....
Where has access to energy been limited and in those locations, what control over our life choices was given to whom? Texas, for instance, has the most wind of any state and is number 2 for solar. If anywhere, it would be in Texas that access to energy would be limited and control of the p[ublic's life choices would be given to "the left". Can you show us some actual physical evidence supporting your claims?
Hopefully the scam of green energy will collapse at an accelerated rate...
Hopefully, after you have demonstrated the actual validity of your accusations.
The goal isn't to produce more, reliable, cheaper, efficient energy....the goal of the left is to limit access to energy to give them more control over the life choices we have....

Hopefully the scam of green energy will collapse at an accelerated rate...

Hilarious and fuckup stupid.
The goal isn't to produce more, reliable, cheaper, efficient energy....the goal of the left is to limit access to energy to give them more control over the life choices we have....

Hopefully the scam of green energy will collapse at an accelerated rate...

Types of Energy Ranked by Cost Per Megawatt Hour - Solar Power Guide - Infographic
Hilarious and fuckup stupid.
2aguy has a valid point even if it does not apply to common libs on the street who dont what know the elites in their party are up to

And maybe not even all of the elites. Just the ones who are go along, get along types
2aguy has a valid point even if it does not apply to common libs on the street who dont know the elites in their party are up to

And maybe not even all of the elites who are go along, get along types
What valid point is that?
The problem these enviroNAZI whackjobs have is they think there is some pristine "standard" the globe needs to be in. That can ONLY be achieved through G-d's new creation after the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. In any event, the whole "global warming" BS is just that. Grade A USDA approved bull-fucking-shit!
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From further down in the article/link you pulled this chart from;

Bank of America (2023)​

In 2023 Bank of America conducted a LCOE study in which it postulated that existing LCOE estimates for renewables do not account for fossil fuel or battery backup and therefore levelized full system cost of electricity (LFSCOE) would be a more reasonable metric to compare sources in terms of providing 24/7 consumer electricity.[91]

(Texas, US)
(Germany, EU)
Note that the central and right columns reflect realistic costs.
This information and links supporting my contention have been posted here repeatedly. And since I post significantly more links to more objective supporting resources than any other poster in this forum, your accusation is simple bullshit.

It is the blades that are difficult to recyle. The main gears are solid metal and completely recyclable.

Feel free to nitpick and fantasize costs all you want but be aware that it is quite obvious you are intentionally ignoring the elephant in the room: fuel costs. The bottom line is that solar and wind are cheaper per kWh than any fossil fuel power source and the cost of those fuels is never going to go down.

Which is quickly made up by the production of power with zero GHG emissions.

Jesus, dude, can we say S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G.

The US government provided over $10 billion to the oil industry in 2022.

Then you should be pleased because wind and solar dramatically reduce carbon emissions and cost less per kWh.

I love nuclear power. Bring it on.

You're not going to express your concern at the amount of GHGs produced in rocket exhaust to get all that into orbit?

I agree.

But some lunches are a whole lot cheaper than others. Wind and solar are cheaper than fossil fuel in every regard.
As always, you over-rate the effect of GHG - Green House Gases. The key isn't the quality of 'heat' they retain but the quantity. At one part (carbon dioxide and methane) per 2,500 parts of everything else: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, etc. it has yet to be proven that the one part transfers equal amount of heat it retains to the other 2,499 parts.

In other words, still no proof that using basic chemistry and physics can one molecule at 71 degrees change the other 2,499 from 70 degrees to 71 degrees.

$10 billion to "oil" (petroleum?) is nowhere near the amounts siphoned off from government to the green energy industries.

Considering there was thought forty years ago that we'd have some orbital solar power in operation by now, but haven't, and 'rocket' efficiency has improved, and GHG depends alot on fuel types; there is nothing yet to be concerned about. Likely there will be improvements and efficiencies in rocket propulsion when/if such a program is ever implemented. Also, the most efficient and affordable process includes extensive use of colonies on the moon to mine and manufacture much of the material and components which will launch from the Moon.

Your manipulated figures might show cheaper, but more realistic ones don't. Especially when factoring that when the Sun don't shine(night) and wind don't blow, your solar and wind sources produce nothing. also they don't take place of "fossil fuel", more correctly carbon resources, in providing raw material for about 98% of man-made materials.
here's a picture of a windmill off the South Fork of Long Island with blades the size of a football field.

And that is nothing like what I was responding to. So I have absolutely no idea what that has to do with anything. We might as well have been talking about different breeds of dogs, and you come up and post a picture of a chicken.

And let's revisit this in about a decade, shall we? A large electric station 35 miles off shore? In a corrosive salt water environment which every few years gets massive storms.
$10 billion to "oil" (petroleum?) is nowhere near the amounts siphoned off from government to the green energy industries.

That is something that has actually grown exponentially in recent years. From $7 billion in 2015 to around $16 billion per year in 2022.

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