Green New Deal

Not too sure about that. They still use them repeatedly. I think they really don't know. When they lose elections, just blame it on the Republicans for cheating and not their worn out strategies. It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf.

Republicans do cheat. Photo ID laws. Voter suppression. Gerrymandering. Russian collusion. If you assfucks don;t want to be accused of cheating, QUIT YOUR FUCKING CHEATING.

"Republicans do cheat . . . because I want to believe it! Beating Democrats is cheating!"

Photo ID laws don't suppress voting. Gerrymandering is legal, AND practiced by both sides. Russian collusion is a fairy tale you made up to protect yourself from having to admit that your candidate was warmed-over shit. QUIT YOUR FUCKING LYING.

Study: Voter ID Laws Don’t Stop People Voting
When you demand a photo ID knowing that10-12% of eligible voters do not have one, you are suppressing the vote.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

That & your party cheaters.

Gerrymandering is legal so legalized cheating is OK? Wow, what a piece of shit you are.

Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?

"Never mind your evidence. THIS is true because I say it is!"

When you say 10-12% of eligible voters don't have ID and won't vote because they don't have ID, you're saying that your voters are helpless, ignorant dumbasses. So I'm sure they appreciate you "helping" them like that.

Now, since I know you didn't even look at the link because you're going to believe what you believe and fuck any facts, I'll help you out.

"To determine this, the professors took advantage of different timing of the implementation of voter ID laws in different states to construct a "difference-in-differences" analysis, looking at how voters behave in states that do and do not have strict voter ID laws, before and after those laws were implemented. They used data from the progressive data service Catalist, "a U.S. company that provides data and data-related services to progressive organizations and has a long history of collaborating with academics."

The data from Catalist contained both demographic information—age, sex, race, and party affiliation—as well as information on whether or not a surveyed person was actually registered. This means that the paper’s authors could test whether or not voter ID not only stopped registered voters from voting, but discouraged unregistered voters from registering.

"Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any subgroup defined by age, gender, race, or party affiliation," the paper's authors found.

"Most importantly," they write, strict ID laws "do not decrease the participation of ethnic minorities relative to whites. The laws' overall effects remain close to zero and non-significant whether the election is a midterm or presidential election, and whether the laws are the more restrictive type that stipulate photo IDs.""

As for your claim that voters are helpless naifs who don't have and can't get ID, I dare you to prove to me that 10-12% of legally eligible voters are walking around the streets with absolutely no ID and no way to easily acquire it.

Furthermore, by definition, something that is legal cannot be cheating. The two are mutually exclusive. The fact that you can keep shouting, "Cheating! Cheating!!" over and over does not make it fact. Wow, what a delusional piece of shit you are.

"Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?" Like I said, you define "cheating" as "anything other than Dems winning." I feel absolutely no need to answer for, and certainly not to defend, the fact that you didn't get what you want.
If strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout then it seems obvious that the widespread voter fraud at the polls claimed by conservatives is so much bull shit. So why do we need strict id laws if people are following the law?

I've always been rather dubious of claims of voter fraud. It's really not that much fun standing in line at a poll waiting to vote. I never heard of anybody selling their vote. I don't think I have ever know anyone who ever thought there vote would make a difference. Even thou the chances are being caught illegally voting are small, I can't image a significant number of people taking the chance. There is nothing to be gained.

Sorry, I'm not really seeing the connection between "If ID laws don't suppress voting" and "that means there's no voter fraud."
AOC's Plan Summed Up:

Preliminary cost estimates are in, $7 Trillion. As with all government programs that estimate, no doubt, will double or triple.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is calling for a Green New Deal as the 'moonshot' of our generation. Here's everything we know about it so far.
Look at calis new attempt at a train to the vally to cut fuel use and transport costs so far over 14 billion in cost and 12 years so far lol .
we should insist on the "SimCity" demo, first.
Republicans do cheat. Photo ID laws. Voter suppression. Gerrymandering. Russian collusion. If you assfucks don;t want to be accused of cheating, QUIT YOUR FUCKING CHEATING.

"Republicans do cheat . . . because I want to believe it! Beating Democrats is cheating!"

Photo ID laws don't suppress voting. Gerrymandering is legal, AND practiced by both sides. Russian collusion is a fairy tale you made up to protect yourself from having to admit that your candidate was warmed-over shit. QUIT YOUR FUCKING LYING.

Study: Voter ID Laws Don’t Stop People Voting
When you demand a photo ID knowing that10-12% of eligible voters do not have one, you are suppressing the vote.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

That & your party cheaters.

Gerrymandering is legal so legalized cheating is OK? Wow, what a piece of shit you are.

Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?

"Never mind your evidence. THIS is true because I say it is!"

When you say 10-12% of eligible voters don't have ID and won't vote because they don't have ID, you're saying that your voters are helpless, ignorant dumbasses. So I'm sure they appreciate you "helping" them like that.

Now, since I know you didn't even look at the link because you're going to believe what you believe and fuck any facts, I'll help you out.

"To determine this, the professors took advantage of different timing of the implementation of voter ID laws in different states to construct a "difference-in-differences" analysis, looking at how voters behave in states that do and do not have strict voter ID laws, before and after those laws were implemented. They used data from the progressive data service Catalist, "a U.S. company that provides data and data-related services to progressive organizations and has a long history of collaborating with academics."

The data from Catalist contained both demographic information—age, sex, race, and party affiliation—as well as information on whether or not a surveyed person was actually registered. This means that the paper’s authors could test whether or not voter ID not only stopped registered voters from voting, but discouraged unregistered voters from registering.

"Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any subgroup defined by age, gender, race, or party affiliation," the paper's authors found.

"Most importantly," they write, strict ID laws "do not decrease the participation of ethnic minorities relative to whites. The laws' overall effects remain close to zero and non-significant whether the election is a midterm or presidential election, and whether the laws are the more restrictive type that stipulate photo IDs.""

As for your claim that voters are helpless naifs who don't have and can't get ID, I dare you to prove to me that 10-12% of legally eligible voters are walking around the streets with absolutely no ID and no way to easily acquire it.

Furthermore, by definition, something that is legal cannot be cheating. The two are mutually exclusive. The fact that you can keep shouting, "Cheating! Cheating!!" over and over does not make it fact. Wow, what a delusional piece of shit you are.

"Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?" Like I said, you define "cheating" as "anything other than Dems winning." I feel absolutely no need to answer for, and certainly not to defend, the fact that you didn't get what you want.
If strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout then it seems obvious that the widespread voter fraud at the polls claimed by conservatives is so much bull shit. So why do we need strict id laws if people are following the law?

I've always been rather dubious of claims of voter fraud. It's really not that much fun standing in line at a poll waiting to vote. I never heard of anybody selling their vote. I don't think I have ever know anyone who ever thought there vote would make a difference. Even thou the chances are being caught illegally voting are small, I can't image a significant number of people taking the chance. There is nothing to be gained.

Sorry, I'm not really seeing the connection between "If ID laws don't suppress voting" and "that means there's no voter fraud."
The better correlation to draw is the fact that the left has claimed the GOP pushed for more voter suppression last election than they ever have and suppressed millions of voters - all while the nation had the largest turnout ever for those supposed 'suppressed' individuals.

If anything, registration and voting records show that those laws are not suppressing anything.
Who knows.

Vegan means you don't eat anything from a mammal or fish if I understand it correctly and I find that stupid and more of a statement on politics thn on reality

The truth is that we live on a very meat rich diet that may have been useful thousands of years ago but is not healthy now.

Meat takes an enormous amount of resource to produce and is simply mot healthy. More than a small amount of it leads to cancer and diabetes and heart attacks. That's simply the fact.

We have an LOBBY that promotes their product that is making us sick.

You wanna be stupid and fat and sick...that's on you

The real way for modern people to eat is basically vegetarian with a sprinkling of meat...but the beef lobby would freak at that reality
stupidity looks up to you with great admiration.
Let's say for a second that Global Warming Science is UNDISPUTABLE FACT (which it is certainly NOT) to some degree (not to the degree AOC says it is, claiming the world will end in 12 years if we do not act now - we already heard that '12 Year' BS from Gore, and we're all still here....), But Let's just SAY it is 'true'...

THAT still does not change the FACT that the 'Green New Deal' AOC just embarrassingly rolled out is embarrassing as hell, a piece of crap, and one of the worst pieces of 'legislation' ever still does NOT change the fact that AOC admitted her plan is 1) Unrealistic, 2) 'unachievable' (Newsom / Ca just proved part of that), 3) Based on Non-existent technology, & 4) the cost is fiscally unaffordable - 'even if we took every dollar from every wealthy American and every resource from every prosperous company in the US'.
Yea that 12 years to the end of the world from cortez then unless we spend 60 or so trillion in 10 years green deal really tells you the truth unless your a moron like her
Climate Change is affecting the world FASTER than previously thought.

Yea...keep dragging your feet
Booker is vegan and wants to force everyone to give up meat..

No..he does not.

That is HIS choice. I don't agree with it but then the world is ABOUT freedom of

Leach, you are rather stupid;

{Presidential candidate Cory Booker wants government to increase the cost of meat to encourage veganism.}

Scratch that, you're dumb as a fucking brick....

Hey fuck yourself in the face

Now that we've gotten that out of the way

Please provide PROOF that Booker wants to do that
Here ya go Lush.

Some moron on youtube is your response?

That's lame even by your rather lame standards

You believe in agw so you lose any debate on climate
Not too sure about that. They still use them repeatedly. I think they really don't know. When they lose elections, just blame it on the Republicans for cheating and not their worn out strategies. It's like the Boy who Cried Wolf.

Republicans do cheat. Photo ID laws. Voter suppression. Gerrymandering. Russian collusion. If you assfucks don;t want to be accused of cheating, QUIT YOUR FUCKING CHEATING.

"Republicans do cheat . . . because I want to believe it! Beating Democrats is cheating!"

Photo ID laws don't suppress voting. Gerrymandering is legal, AND practiced by both sides. Russian collusion is a fairy tale you made up to protect yourself from having to admit that your candidate was warmed-over shit. QUIT YOUR FUCKING LYING.

Study: Voter ID Laws Don’t Stop People Voting
When you demand a photo ID knowing that10-12% of eligible voters do not have one, you are suppressing the vote.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

That & your party cheaters.

Gerrymandering is legal so legalized cheating is OK? Wow, what a piece of shit you are.

Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?

"Never mind your evidence. THIS is true because I say it is!"

When you say 10-12% of eligible voters don't have ID and won't vote because they don't have ID, you're saying that your voters are helpless, ignorant dumbasses. So I'm sure they appreciate you "helping" them like that.

Now, since I know you didn't even look at the link because you're going to believe what you believe and fuck any facts, I'll help you out.

"To determine this, the professors took advantage of different timing of the implementation of voter ID laws in different states to construct a "difference-in-differences" analysis, looking at how voters behave in states that do and do not have strict voter ID laws, before and after those laws were implemented. They used data from the progressive data service Catalist, "a U.S. company that provides data and data-related services to progressive organizations and has a long history of collaborating with academics."

The data from Catalist contained both demographic information—age, sex, race, and party affiliation—as well as information on whether or not a surveyed person was actually registered. This means that the paper’s authors could test whether or not voter ID not only stopped registered voters from voting, but discouraged unregistered voters from registering.

"Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any subgroup defined by age, gender, race, or party affiliation," the paper's authors found.

"Most importantly," they write, strict ID laws "do not decrease the participation of ethnic minorities relative to whites. The laws' overall effects remain close to zero and non-significant whether the election is a midterm or presidential election, and whether the laws are the more restrictive type that stipulate photo IDs.""

As for your claim that voters are helpless naifs who don't have and can't get ID, I dare you to prove to me that 10-12% of legally eligible voters are walking around the streets with absolutely no ID and no way to easily acquire it.

Furthermore, by definition, something that is legal cannot be cheating. The two are mutually exclusive. The fact that you can keep shouting, "Cheating! Cheating!!" over and over does not make it fact. Wow, what a delusional piece of shit you are.

"Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?" Like I said, you define "cheating" as "anything other than Dems winning." I feel absolutely no need to answer for, and certainly not to defend, the fact that you didn't get what you want.
If strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout then it seems obvious that the widespread voter fraud at the polls claimed by conservatives is so much bull shit. So why do we need strict id laws if people are following the law?

I've always been rather dubious of claims of voter fraud. It's really not that much fun standing in line at a poll waiting to vote. I never heard of anybody selling their vote. I don't think I have ever know anyone who ever thought there vote would make a difference. Even thou the chances are being caught illegally voting are small, I can't image a significant number of people taking the chance. There is nothing to be gained.

Voter fraud is difficult to detect on an individual basis, however there have been elections where more votes were cast than those registered to vote in particular areas of our country.

Let's say there is a highway where people are driving like maniacs, so the police go there to set up speed control. Upon seeing the price car, people slow down. Does that mean there were no speeders?

You can't say we don't have a voter problem based on how many we catch.
It will be interesting on how many Dem Senators up for reelection next year will vote for this whack job resolution. My crystal ball says very few; only ones in states where a Republican has no shot at winning.
How many Republicans will vote to condemn future generations to the effects of unfettered global warming.

If it was really happening, most of them would vote to take action. But its not happening, its a hoax, and you have been duped like the mindless sheep that you are.

How did the acts of man change the climate millions of years ago? It was changing big time in the previous ice ages and then warming periods.

If you leftists are so worried about man made pollution why aren't you attacking China, the worst polluter on the planet?

Its lunacy and you fools are being led by lunatics like algore and AOC. the party of Truman and Kennedy has become the party of idiots and frauds.
It is happening now. We are experiencing effects from rising temperatures & it will only get worse,.

If you think it isn't, then you are one very stupid person.

There is a decades delay in taking action to alleviating the effects.

The only idiots are you & your horde of Truimpettes.

No id say the realidiots are those who think cortez is right the earth is going to end in 12 years but by giving her power and trillions of american dollars she can save it .
Knock off a few billion people might have a slight effect but nature is nature moron

You assfucks are dumber than shit. We need to act quickly to prevent a disaster down the road.

I understand your point of view. You haste your children & grandchildren & don't give a rat's ass what their future will be like.


What specifically do you want humanity to do? Give us a list or STFU about it.

How specifically will the items on your list stop or reverse climate change? Give us details or STFU.

How do you plan to make China and India comply? Be specific on how that will be done.

Next, tell us why solar activity, the earths slight wobble on its axis, and ocean currents have no affect on climate.

Final questions: all of your "fixes" are going to relate to reducing pollution, so why isn't that enough? Why cant you libs concentrate on pollution? Why do you need the unproven link between pollution and climate?

Possible answer: because that's the only way we can control the activity of human beings, by mandating every aspect of their lives.
How many Republicans will vote to condemn future generations to the effects of unfettered global warming.

If it was really happening, most of them would vote to take action. But its not happening, its a hoax, and you have been duped like the mindless sheep that you are.

How did the acts of man change the climate millions of years ago? It was changing big time in the previous ice ages and then warming periods.

If you leftists are so worried about man made pollution why aren't you attacking China, the worst polluter on the planet?

Its lunacy and you fools are being led by lunatics like algore and AOC. the party of Truman and Kennedy has become the party of idiots and frauds.
It is happening now. We are experiencing effects from rising temperatures & it will only get worse,.

If you think it isn't, then you are one very stupid person.

There is a decades delay in taking action to alleviating the effects.

The only idiots are you & your horde of Truimpettes.

No id say the realidiots are those who think cortez is right the earth is going to end in 12 years but by giving her power and trillions of american dollars she can save it .
Knock off a few billion people might have a slight effect but nature is nature moron

You assfucks are dumber than shit. We need to act quickly to prevent a disaster down the road.

I understand your point of view. You haste your children & grandchildren & don't give a rat's ass what their future will be like.
I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.

some truth in your post, but the bottom line is that man made climate change is NOT happening, man is polluting in many places, but that pollution is not changing the climate.

the climate of planet earth is controlled by solar activity, the earth's tilt on its axis (which wobbles a few degrees annually) and ocean currents. We are not causing it, cannot stop it, cannot reverse it, and need to learn to adapt to it as in happens.
If it was really happening, most of them would vote to take action. But its not happening, its a hoax, and you have been duped like the mindless sheep that you are.

How did the acts of man change the climate millions of years ago? It was changing big time in the previous ice ages and then warming periods.

If you leftists are so worried about man made pollution why aren't you attacking China, the worst polluter on the planet?

Its lunacy and you fools are being led by lunatics like algore and AOC. the party of Truman and Kennedy has become the party of idiots and frauds.
It is happening now. We are experiencing effects from rising temperatures & it will only get worse,.

If you think it isn't, then you are one very stupid person.

There is a decades delay in taking action to alleviating the effects.

The only idiots are you & your horde of Truimpettes.

No id say the realidiots are those who think cortez is right the earth is going to end in 12 years but by giving her power and trillions of american dollars she can save it .
Knock off a few billion people might have a slight effect but nature is nature moron

You assfucks are dumber than shit. We need to act quickly to prevent a disaster down the road.

I understand your point of view. You haste your children & grandchildren & don't give a rat's ass what their future will be like.
I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.

some truth in your post, but the bottom line is that man made climate change is NOT happening, man is polluting in many places, but that pollution is not changing the climate.

the climate of planet earth is controlled by solar activity, the earth's tilt on its axis (which wobbles a few degrees annually) and ocean currents. We are not causing it, cannot stop it, cannot reverse it, and need to learn to adapt to it as in happens.

I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.

The main thing is that people are smarter than you Marxists think they are. Most people grasp that the only constant to the climate of earth over the last 4.7 billion years has been change. Despite the arrogance of the drooling retard followers of the Cave Man religion, humans have not a fucking thing to do with the climate. You pathetic trolls are trying to sell your faith that you can appease your goddess and alter what are natural cycles far beyond our grasp.
Both your statements are your opinion. There is no verse in Bible that says the earth was created for man. This is a favorite argument Christians use to defend their right to rape the land, pollute the air and turn our waters into cesspools.

Of course this planet was created for man. Why would God make a planet where we are the dominant animal capable of doing the things we can do if it was not for us? From a religious point of view, we are the only occupants with souls. Animals don't have souls. From a religious point of view, we are here to be tested and then judged for the next life.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Having dominion means to rule over or have dominance over. That does not mean God created the earth for man to ravage. The earth belongs to God not man.
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." (Psalm 24:1)

Yes, the earth does belong to God and not man. So why do you insist man controls it and not God?
Oh My God. Now you promote the stupid idea that God created the Earth & puny man can;t change it?

Not if God doesn't want it changed. There are things we can do, but we cannot destroy this planet.
The hell we can't and we came damn close to doing so in the mid 20th century. Maybe God was on side but the means to destroy it was in our hands.
If it was really happening, most of them would vote to take action. But its not happening, its a hoax, and you have been duped like the mindless sheep that you are.

How did the acts of man change the climate millions of years ago? It was changing big time in the previous ice ages and then warming periods.

If you leftists are so worried about man made pollution why aren't you attacking China, the worst polluter on the planet?

Its lunacy and you fools are being led by lunatics like algore and AOC. the party of Truman and Kennedy has become the party of idiots and frauds.
It is happening now. We are experiencing effects from rising temperatures & it will only get worse,.

If you think it isn't, then you are one very stupid person.

There is a decades delay in taking action to alleviating the effects.

The only idiots are you & your horde of Truimpettes.

No id say the realidiots are those who think cortez is right the earth is going to end in 12 years but by giving her power and trillions of american dollars she can save it .
Knock off a few billion people might have a slight effect but nature is nature moron

You assfucks are dumber than shit. We need to act quickly to prevent a disaster down the road.

I understand your point of view. You haste your children & grandchildren & don't give a rat's ass what their future will be like.
I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.
Omy thou of little information I live in central coastal florida and the sea has not been raising the sea food is fine to eat except when red tide blooms take place. I know we fish .
Now climate change is real and caused mainly by nature. The north pole was tropical at one time and florida was covered in ice.
Spending money isnt the issue but the 7.7 billion people using elec water and air every day..

Now just think cortez s thinks she can fix it all for 7 trilliion break out your pen and pad and see how much that is per person in the world about a 1000 dollars per person . well that wouldnt come close to fix8ng the usa more like 70 trillion just in the usa . pull that out of your tax base in 10 years taxes would triple and it would be wasted inefective. But why try as cortez said the earth will be destroyed in 12 years unless of course she saves it.
In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
Is sea level rising?
I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.

The main thing is that people are smarter than you Marxists think they are. Most people grasp that the only constant to the climate of earth over the last 4.7 billion years has been change. Despite the arrogance of the drooling retard followers of the Cave Man religion, humans have not a fucking thing to do with the climate. You pathetic trolls are trying to sell your faith that you can appease your goddess and alter what are natural cycles far beyond our grasp.
We shall see. Well, I want be around but the human race will. Even when the seas rises several feet and global temperatures continue to rise, it will be claimed it's natural since it happened a few hundred million years ago.
Of course this planet was created for man. Why would God make a planet where we are the dominant animal capable of doing the things we can do if it was not for us? From a religious point of view, we are the only occupants with souls. Animals don't have souls. From a religious point of view, we are here to be tested and then judged for the next life.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Having dominion means to rule over or have dominance over. That does not mean God created the earth for man to ravage. The earth belongs to God not man.
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." (Psalm 24:1)

Yes, the earth does belong to God and not man. So why do you insist man controls it and not God?
Oh My God. Now you promote the stupid idea that God created the Earth & puny man can;t change it?

Not if God doesn't want it changed. There are things we can do, but we cannot destroy this planet.
The hell we can't and we came damn close to doing so in the mid 20th century. Maybe God was on side but the means to destroy it was in our hands.

No, you can destroy the people, but not the planet. Even if we killed every living thing here, in enough time and God's will, life will slowly be restored. In fact, some claim that's already happened. We were once so advanced in the past that we did destroy mankind, but mankind came back and began to multiply again.
It is happening now. We are experiencing effects from rising temperatures & it will only get worse,.

If you think it isn't, then you are one very stupid person.

There is a decades delay in taking action to alleviating the effects.

The only idiots are you & your horde of Truimpettes.

No id say the realidiots are those who think cortez is right the earth is going to end in 12 years but by giving her power and trillions of american dollars she can save it .
Knock off a few billion people might have a slight effect but nature is nature moron

You assfucks are dumber than shit. We need to act quickly to prevent a disaster down the road.

I understand your point of view. You haste your children & grandchildren & don't give a rat's ass what their future will be like.
I think you pretty well summed it up. Most people are not particular concern about what happens after they are dead and gone, at least not concerned enough to pay more taxes or suffer any real inconveniences. I think this is the real problem in getting support for stopping climate change. If people today saw rising waters on our coasts, having to leave their home in the southwest because they can't stand the heat, shortages of seafood because the fish are dying, etc. support for stopping climate change would be huge, but a bit late.
Omy thou of little information I live in central coastal florida and the sea has not been raising the sea food is fine to eat except when red tide blooms take place. I know we fish .
Now climate change is real and caused mainly by nature. The north pole was tropical at one time and florida was covered in ice.
Spending money isnt the issue but the 7.7 billion people using elec water and air every day..

Now just think cortez s thinks she can fix it all for 7 trilliion break out your pen and pad and see how much that is per person in the world about a 1000 dollars per person . well that wouldnt come close to fix8ng the usa more like 70 trillion just in the usa . pull that out of your tax base in 10 years taxes would triple and it would be wasted inefective. But why try as cortez said the earth will be destroyed in 12 years unless of course she saves it.
In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
Is sea level rising?

The question is not if sea levels are rising. The question is do we have any control over it.
Republicans do cheat. Photo ID laws. Voter suppression. Gerrymandering. Russian collusion. If you assfucks don;t want to be accused of cheating, QUIT YOUR FUCKING CHEATING.

"Republicans do cheat . . . because I want to believe it! Beating Democrats is cheating!"

Photo ID laws don't suppress voting. Gerrymandering is legal, AND practiced by both sides. Russian collusion is a fairy tale you made up to protect yourself from having to admit that your candidate was warmed-over shit. QUIT YOUR FUCKING LYING.

Study: Voter ID Laws Don’t Stop People Voting
When you demand a photo ID knowing that10-12% of eligible voters do not have one, you are suppressing the vote.

There are no statistics that show significant voter fraud that a photo ID would prevent.

That & your party cheaters.

Gerrymandering is legal so legalized cheating is OK? Wow, what a piece of shit you are.

Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?

"Never mind your evidence. THIS is true because I say it is!"

When you say 10-12% of eligible voters don't have ID and won't vote because they don't have ID, you're saying that your voters are helpless, ignorant dumbasses. So I'm sure they appreciate you "helping" them like that.

Now, since I know you didn't even look at the link because you're going to believe what you believe and fuck any facts, I'll help you out.

"To determine this, the professors took advantage of different timing of the implementation of voter ID laws in different states to construct a "difference-in-differences" analysis, looking at how voters behave in states that do and do not have strict voter ID laws, before and after those laws were implemented. They used data from the progressive data service Catalist, "a U.S. company that provides data and data-related services to progressive organizations and has a long history of collaborating with academics."

The data from Catalist contained both demographic information—age, sex, race, and party affiliation—as well as information on whether or not a surveyed person was actually registered. This means that the paper’s authors could test whether or not voter ID not only stopped registered voters from voting, but discouraged unregistered voters from registering.

"Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout, overall or for any subgroup defined by age, gender, race, or party affiliation," the paper's authors found.

"Most importantly," they write, strict ID laws "do not decrease the participation of ethnic minorities relative to whites. The laws' overall effects remain close to zero and non-significant whether the election is a midterm or presidential election, and whether the laws are the more restrictive type that stipulate photo IDs.""

As for your claim that voters are helpless naifs who don't have and can't get ID, I dare you to prove to me that 10-12% of legally eligible voters are walking around the streets with absolutely no ID and no way to easily acquire it.

Furthermore, by definition, something that is legal cannot be cheating. The two are mutually exclusive. The fact that you can keep shouting, "Cheating! Cheating!!" over and over does not make it fact. Wow, what a delusional piece of shit you are.

"Explain how a State like PA that has basic equal R vs D divide has twice as many R's as D's in the House?" Like I said, you define "cheating" as "anything other than Dems winning." I feel absolutely no need to answer for, and certainly not to defend, the fact that you didn't get what you want.
If strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout then it seems obvious that the widespread voter fraud at the polls claimed by conservatives is so much bull shit. So why do we need strict id laws if people are following the law?

I've always been rather dubious of claims of voter fraud. It's really not that much fun standing in line at a poll waiting to vote. I never heard of anybody selling their vote. I don't think I have ever know anyone who ever thought there vote would make a difference. Even thou the chances are being caught illegally voting are small, I can't image a significant number of people taking the chance. There is nothing to be gained.

Sorry, I'm not really seeing the connection between "If ID laws don't suppress voting" and "that means there's no voter fraud."
Maybe I misunderstood the study but the conclusion was Strict ID laws have no significant negative effect on registration or turnout. If there were significant voter fraud such as illegal immigrants voting, as has been claimed then you would certainly expect higher turnout where there was little or no validation of ids and less turnout where there was strict id checking. The study show no significant difference.
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