Green New Deal

You've post this a couple times so I decided to research it. It certainly appears it could effect climate change. However, future warming from the rise in greenhouse gases far outweigh any solar effects. There is another problem with the idea that this solar trend is responsible for climate change. We have limited correlation between temperature rises and the solar trend. Since 2003 there doesn't seem to be much interest.
Changing Sun, Changing Climate

I'm getting ready to go to bed so perhaps I'll look at your link tomorrow. But I think if we are all honest about this climate change thing, it's to admit none of know enough about it to make a determination one way or another. I personally believe the earth has a cleansing system we are totally unaware of. After all, how did the earth cleanse itself from volcanic eruptions, forest fires, cow farts?

Are we causing the climate to change? I don't know because we don't have enough evidence to prove it. I do find it doubtful. But if we are, how much are you willing to sacrifice to stop it? Are you willing to go without heat in your home? Give up personal transportation? Do without advanced communications like this internet, cable television, cell phones?

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your

CO2 currently makes up .039% of the atmosphere, it has been at that same level since we started measuring it, and was at that same level thousands of years before the industrial revolution according to ice cores and fossil data.

CO2 is not a pollutant, it is a gas that is necessary for all life on earth.
You've post this a couple times so I decided to research it. It certainly appears it could effect climate change. However, future warming from the rise in greenhouse gases far outweigh any solar effects. There is another problem with the idea that this solar trend is responsible for climate change. We have limited correlation between temperature rises and the solar trend. Since 2003 there doesn't seem to be much interest.
Changing Sun, Changing Climate

I'm getting ready to go to bed so perhaps I'll look at your link tomorrow. But I think if we are all honest about this climate change thing, it's to admit none of know enough about it to make a determination one way or another. I personally believe the earth has a cleansing system we are totally unaware of. After all, how did the earth cleanse itself from volcanic eruptions, forest fires, cow farts?

Are we causing the climate to change? I don't know because we don't have enough evidence to prove it. I do find it doubtful. But if we are, how much are you willing to sacrifice to stop it? Are you willing to go without heat in your home? Give up personal transportation? Do without advanced communications like this internet, cable television, cell phones?

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your think there are different C02's or something?

Whether you want to measure temperatures or climate the last 100 years or the last 1,000 years, it's like measuring two minutes of the day to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the week.

Our normal temperature here in Cleveland today is 36 degrees. We hit 28 yesterday, 32 today, and tomorrow it's only going up to 26. Is that indicative that our planet is cooling? No. 36 is an average and any deviation of that is perfectly normal. It could be 15 today and 45 by Friday, and that's still normal.

So if the earth is heating for a couple hundred years, it's not abnormal. In 500 years from now, it could be cooling. Nobody knows what the average temperature of our 4.5 billion year old planet is because it's has always been changing during that time.
Eye scans or fingerprints might work to secure the voter..
So you want the government to have your fingerprints & eyescans?

I thought you hated big government?
Your post is a little off-topic, but do you want the illegal voters to vote or not, RealDave? I don't think they should be voting in our country. They're going to vote Democrat until further notice. But we digress. This thread is about the Green New Deal, and I think it's a very bad idea because not only is it based on pseudo science, it is impractical and will bankrupt the Medicare sentence just as noticed in this speaker's view:

I am replying to a post. So why don;t you bitch at the person that posted it?

What part of no significant voter fraud that a photo ID would stop don't you get. Are you just stupid?

one illegal vote is too many. California has issued drivers licenses and voter registration cards to millions of people here illegally. They have IDs and voted in 2016. Why do you want illegals voting in our elections? why do you want citizens of other countries voting in our elections? Do you think US citizens should be allowed to vote in Mexico? your entire argument on this is STUPID.
Eye scans or fingerprints might work to secure the voter..
So you want the government to have your fingerprints & eyescans?

I thought you hated big government?
Your post is a little off-topic, but do you want the illegal voters to vote or not, RealDave? I don't think they should be voting in our country. They're going to vote Democrat until further notice. But we digress. This thread is about the Green New Deal, and I think it's a very bad idea because not only is it based on pseudo science, it is impractical and will bankrupt the Medicare sentence just as noticed in this speaker's view:

I am replying to a post. So why don;t you bitch at the person that posted it?

What part of no significant voter fraud that a photo ID would stop don't you get. Are you just stupid?

one illegal vote is too many. California has issued drivers licenses and voter registration cards to millions of people here illegally. They have IDs and voted in 2016. Why do you want illegals voting in our elections? why do you want citizens of other countries voting in our elections? Do you think US citizens should be allowed to vote in Mexico? your entire argument on this is STUPID.

And let's not forget Motor Voter that they started a few years back.
We shall see. Well, I want be around but the human race will. Even when the seas rises several feet and global temperatures continue to rise, it will be claimed it's natural since it happened a few hundred million years ago.

Here'e the thing, your cave man religion prophesied that the seas would have already wiped out New York and Los Angeles.

1. Sea Levels Are Rising At An Alarming Rate
In his movie Gore predicted that sea levels could rise six meters (20 feet) with the melting of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets.

Now, we know that the South Pole is gaining more ice than it’s losing. Also a great amount of the losing is due to underground heat. As for Greenland, its melting cycle doesn’t seem to have changed much. In fact, it seems to be quite regular. And sea level has been increasing… at a steady level since we started recording them.

But if the rising sea level is so catastrophic, why has Gore bought a beachfront mansion?}

8 Highly Inconvenient Facts for Al Gore 10 Years After His Infamous Movie

See, in the 10,000 years of your primitive religion, your shamans have not stopped one single volcano from erupting, regardless of how many virgin daughters were sacrificed to be raped and murdered by the shaman. The pope of your cult, Algore the prevaricator, knows that he likes living in a 10,000 square foot house with a staff of servants. He knows that he likes jetting around the globe in his private jet. He knows that the rubes who are dumb enough to buy into slightly modified volcano god con will sacrifice whatever he tells them to appease Gaia or whatever stone age deity he and his fellow shaman push.
You've post this a couple times so I decided to research it. It certainly appears it could effect climate change. However, future warming from the rise in greenhouse gases far outweigh any solar effects. There is another problem with the idea that this solar trend is responsible for climate change. We have limited correlation between temperature rises and the solar trend. Since 2003 there doesn't seem to be much interest.
Changing Sun, Changing Climate

I'm getting ready to go to bed so perhaps I'll look at your link tomorrow. But I think if we are all honest about this climate change thing, it's to admit none of know enough about it to make a determination one way or another. I personally believe the earth has a cleansing system we are totally unaware of. After all, how did the earth cleanse itself from volcanic eruptions, forest fires, cow farts?

Are we causing the climate to change? I don't know because we don't have enough evidence to prove it. I do find it doubtful. But if we are, how much are you willing to sacrifice to stop it? Are you willing to go without heat in your home? Give up personal transportation? Do without advanced communications like this internet, cable television, cell phones?

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your think there are different C02's or something?

Whether you want to measure temperatures or climate the last 100 years or the last 1,000 years, it's like measuring two minutes of the day to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the week.

Our normal temperature here in Cleveland today is 36 degrees. We hit 28 yesterday, 32 today, and tomorrow it's only going up to 26. Is that indicative that our planet is cooling? No. 36 is an average and any deviation of that is perfectly normal. It could be 15 today and 45 by Friday, and that's still normal.

So if the earth is heating for a couple hundred years, it's not abnormal. In 500 years from now, it could be cooling. Nobody knows what the average temperature of our 4.5 billion year old planet is because it's has always been changing during that time.
For the 800,000 years we have records of, average global CO2 levels fluctuated between about 170 ppm and 280 ppm. Once humans started to burn fossil fuels in the industrial era, things changed rapidly.

Only in the industrial era has the number risen above 300 ppm. The concentration first crept above 400 ppm in 2013, and continues to climb.

Scientists debate the last time CO2 levels were this high. It might have happened during the Pliocene era, between 2 and 4.6 million years ago, when sea levels were at least 60 to 80 feet higher than today. It may have been in the Miocene, 10 to 14 million years ago, when seas were more than 100 feet higher than now.

In our 800,000-year record, it took about 1,000 years for CO2 levels to increase by 35 ppm. We're currently averaging an increase of more than 2 ppm per year, meaning that we could hit an average of 500 ppm within the next 45 years, if not sooner.
The question is not if sea levels are rising. The question is do we have any control over it.

IF the cave man religion actually had control over sea levels, they really would have risen to validate the AGW cult predictions, That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.
If you're going to make nonsense claims...and want to be taken seriously (hard to do when science does not agree with you) you ought to provide quotes and links.
The question is not if sea levels are rising. The question is do we have any control over it.

IF the cave man religion actually had control over sea levels, they really would have risen to validate the AGW cult predictions, That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.
If you're going to make nonsense claims...and want to be taken seriously (hard to do when science does not agree with you) you ought to provide quotes and links.

I provide a great deal of links.

Look, I think you are one of the least intelligent trolls on the board. You have no idea what science is. You are a moron following a cave man religion who thinks that reciting dogma will make you appear wise.
I'm getting ready to go to bed so perhaps I'll look at your link tomorrow. But I think if we are all honest about this climate change thing, it's to admit none of know enough about it to make a determination one way or another. I personally believe the earth has a cleansing system we are totally unaware of. After all, how did the earth cleanse itself from volcanic eruptions, forest fires, cow farts?

Are we causing the climate to change? I don't know because we don't have enough evidence to prove it. I do find it doubtful. But if we are, how much are you willing to sacrifice to stop it? Are you willing to go without heat in your home? Give up personal transportation? Do without advanced communications like this internet, cable television, cell phones?

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your think there are different C02's or something?

Whether you want to measure temperatures or climate the last 100 years or the last 1,000 years, it's like measuring two minutes of the day to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the week.

Our normal temperature here in Cleveland today is 36 degrees. We hit 28 yesterday, 32 today, and tomorrow it's only going up to 26. Is that indicative that our planet is cooling? No. 36 is an average and any deviation of that is perfectly normal. It could be 15 today and 45 by Friday, and that's still normal.

So if the earth is heating for a couple hundred years, it's not abnormal. In 500 years from now, it could be cooling. Nobody knows what the average temperature of our 4.5 billion year old planet is because it's has always been changing during that time.
For the 800,000 years we have records of, average global CO2 levels fluctuated between about 170 ppm and 280 ppm. Once humans started to burn fossil fuels in the industrial era, things changed rapidly.

Only in the industrial era has the number risen above 300 ppm. The concentration first crept above 400 ppm in 2013, and continues to climb.

Scientists debate the last time CO2 levels were this high. It might have happened during the Pliocene era, between 2 and 4.6 million years ago, when sea levels were at least 60 to 80 feet higher than today. It may have been in the Miocene, 10 to 14 million years ago, when seas were more than 100 feet higher than now.

In our 800,000-year record, it took about 1,000 years for CO2 levels to increase by 35 ppm. We're currently averaging an increase of more than 2 ppm per year, meaning that we could hit an average of 500 ppm within the next 45 years, if not sooner.

which humans were burning fossil fuels 2 to 14 millions years ago? you just defeated your entire argument and don't even realize it. LOL.
which humans were burning fossil fuels 2 to 14 millions years ago? you just defeated your entire argument and don't even realize it. LOL. mean you actually think there can only be one cause of CO2 increase ever?

You're that fucking stupid?
which humans were burning fossil fuels 2 to 14 millions years ago? you just defeated your entire argument and don't even realize it. LOL. mean you actually think there can only be one cause of CO2 increase ever?

You're that fucking stupid?

Wait, you actually think the earth would kill itself with it's own emission? You really are a bright one son.
That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

I provide a great deal of links. so


{Gore, Schwarzenegger, and the IPCC made their mark through their dramatic predictions of catastrophic sea level rise due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming. Gore once predicted that sea levels would rise by twenty feet over the century. Last year, Schwarzenegger unveiled a map showing world sea levels rising by 1.5 meters over the next century. In 2001, the IPCC predicted that sea level would rise by three feet over the next century. Their past predictions and the accurate satellite measurements are shown in the chart below:}


About those global sea level predictions: Never mind

Reciting mantras from your cave man religion does not make you wise; quite the opposite.
That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

Is sea level rising?

So sea levels are in FACT admit that.

Tell us genius...what is the effect of sea levels rising ?

Your claim seems to be that the disaster is happening at a slower rate than "some" have said.NOT that the disaster isn't happening.

When sea levels rise rapidly, as they have been doing, even a small increase can have devastating effects on coastal habitats. As seawater reaches farther inland, it can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer and agricultural soil contamination, and lost habitat for fish, birds, and plan.When large storms hit land, higher sea levels mean bigger, more powerful storm surges that can strip away everything in their path.

Sea Level Rise
The question is not if sea levels are rising. The question is do we have any control over it.

IF the cave man religion actually had control over sea levels, they really would have risen to validate the AGW cult predictions, That sea levels have not in fact risen at anywhere near the rate predicted is a crises for the cult.

Even though they are rising, there is no evidence to prove man has anything to do with it. God may have very well made this planet with an expiration date. We simply do not know, and it's fruitless to waste trillions of dollars trying to find out.
I'm getting ready to go to bed so perhaps I'll look at your link tomorrow. But I think if we are all honest about this climate change thing, it's to admit none of know enough about it to make a determination one way or another. I personally believe the earth has a cleansing system we are totally unaware of. After all, how did the earth cleanse itself from volcanic eruptions, forest fires, cow farts?

Are we causing the climate to change? I don't know because we don't have enough evidence to prove it. I do find it doubtful. But if we are, how much are you willing to sacrifice to stop it? Are you willing to go without heat in your home? Give up personal transportation? Do without advanced communications like this internet, cable television, cell phones?

Your problem is that you think you know more than the scientists.

1) We know temperatures are rising ad rising faster than what we know about natural warming.

2) We know the heightened carbon content is the major factor.

3) We know heightened CO2 increases the greenhouse effect & that raises temperature.

4) The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere stems from emissions.

5) Therefore, anyone with a fucking brain knows the solution is to reduce emissions.

6) It takes the Earth decades to natural remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere. This is why we need to act now to prevent higher temp increases in 50-70 years.

7) Our current climate includes things like volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.

We can heat our homes without creating emissions
We can drive electric/hybrid vehicles
What does communications have to do with anything?

The solution is is reduce emissions to the point where the carbon levels are reduced & maintained at lower levels.

The longer we wait, the worse the temperature rise will be.

Instead of working towards this, a bunch of really ignorant people elect a President & Congress that is bought by the fossil fuel industry to fight efforts because the burning of fossil fuels is the biggest contributor to high CO2 levels. These people have duped the right into condemning their own offspring to a more difficult life. How stupid is that?

I cut my carbon footprint in half. My just as warm in winter, cooler than yours in the summer, and I drive just as far as I always did.

You are lying & ignorant when you claim you actually might have to sacrifice something for your Children.

No matter what figures you find, there is no way to prove man is responsible. Every single human being emits CO2. There is just no way around it. We have over 7 billion people on this planet and growing. 7 billion little C02 producers. What do we do about those? What happens when it goes to 8 or 9 billion?

What changed in the past 100 years that would increase the CO2? Industrial revolution?

Yes more people but it isn't our CO2 it is the CO2 generated by our transportation, HVAC, factories, etc.

I'll wait for your think there are different C02's or something?

Whether you want to measure temperatures or climate the last 100 years or the last 1,000 years, it's like measuring two minutes of the day to determine what the weather will be like for the rest of the week.

Our normal temperature here in Cleveland today is 36 degrees. We hit 28 yesterday, 32 today, and tomorrow it's only going up to 26. Is that indicative that our planet is cooling? No. 36 is an average and any deviation of that is perfectly normal. It could be 15 today and 45 by Friday, and that's still normal.

So if the earth is heating for a couple hundred years, it's not abnormal. In 500 years from now, it could be cooling. Nobody knows what the average temperature of our 4.5 billion year old planet is because it's has always been changing during that time.
For the 800,000 years we have records of, average global CO2 levels fluctuated between about 170 ppm and 280 ppm. Once humans started to burn fossil fuels in the industrial era, things changed rapidly.

Only in the industrial era has the number risen above 300 ppm. The concentration first crept above 400 ppm in 2013, and continues to climb.

Scientists debate the last time CO2 levels were this high. It might have happened during the Pliocene era, between 2 and 4.6 million years ago, when sea levels were at least 60 to 80 feet higher than today. It may have been in the Miocene, 10 to 14 million years ago, when seas were more than 100 feet higher than now.

In our 800,000-year record, it took about 1,000 years for CO2 levels to increase by 35 ppm. We're currently averaging an increase of more than 2 ppm per year, meaning that we could hit an average of 500 ppm within the next 45 years, if not sooner.

800,000 years ago we have records? We couldn't even communicate with each other yet. First you say it's mans fault, and then in the same breath, say that this has happened several times before long before the first car or factory. In other words, it wasn't because of us.

Our C02 levels have been decreasing the last couple of decades in this country, and things are worse now than ever? Don't you see a problem with that?

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